S3 Complaints Big is Not Better


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Apr 23, 2012
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I have owned and used ALL these devices...
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
One X on ATT
Galaxy Nexus
Galaxy Note Tmobile
Galaxy S3 Tmobile

I am not a fanboy of either Apple or Android, though I much prefer the flexibility, play well with others attitude and abundance of custom ROMs of Android OS (starting from Ice Scream Sandwich and now Jellybean) to iOS which I find too rigid and restricting.

However, this is not a post on the OS, (although I wish Google could just invest a little more in the graphic design aspect and really put out a more consistent and polished branded look and feel to their OS.)

Now I have had my S3 on AOKP or CM10 custom Jellybean ROM for a few months which might be the longest continuous period I've ever used one of these phones, and overall, I like Jellybean a lot (not a fan of either Touchwiz or Sense UI), but the phone still felt a lot better in my hand when it was the size of the Galaxy Nexus, but the nexus felt so cheap.

But as much as I try to convince myself, or to hold it at different angles or delicately balancing it on 3 fingers, resting on the inside edge of my pinky and using my thumb to try to stretch to the other edge of the screen, I just can't use it really really comfortably with one hand! and how many times it has slipped out from my hand because of this.

I'm just hoping the S4 or the next Nexus is height wise similar, but width wise thinner than the S3!!! argh!! Here's a thought, develop the technology to be able to stretch the display to the very edge of the phone, that way you can keep the phone to a comfortable size for 1 handed use, and maximize the screen size!


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Apr 16, 2011
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Just curious... Did you actually try holding the S3 in your hand before you purchased it? I can't use my S3 one-handed either but I never wanted to so it didn't matter to me.


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Oct 2, 2012
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Big IS better. ;D

I have tiny hands and I'm satisfied with the screen size. I can use it with one hand, unless typing or gaming.


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Jul 23, 2010
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maybe get bigger hands? seriously though maybe you should have tested out the phone before getting it if the size was an issue for you... ;-)


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Sep 6, 2011
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To the original poster... if you don't like the size of the SGS3... go buy another phone!

I love the screen size of the SGS3...but there are many different options in the Android world. I'm sure you can find yourself a decent 4" phone.


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Jul 22, 2011
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Not tryna bash ppl for airing there views but it seems of late whether ppl are "fan boys" or wateva they call themselves today ppl are coming on the forum to complain about the S3, I dunno maybe no one else sees the tester phones in the store to TRY it out before you purchase it, ok maybe I blame the store, there should be a big red TRY ME sticker above them...OMG there's nothing perfect in this world this phone comes pretty darn close, either you like it or you dont, dont spend your money then b*tch about you're at least $400 poorer for it...End rant..


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Jun 24, 2012
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Sorry to the OP, but bigger is always better, since when has it ever been the opposite? Secondly, I use my SIII one handed all the time. It's not as user friendly one handed as say an iPhone, but it works. Also thinking about getting the Note II, but I might just wait.


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Oct 5, 2012
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At the beginning, I also thought that the S3 is way too big for my hand (and I have small hands, mind you). But when I actually went into a store and do a hands-on, it felt perfect, plus it's pretty light. There's no backing down to smaller screen size now. But.. like many others said, just get another phone if you don't like the size, I don't see what's the problem here. And it would be very useful to do hands-on before buying so you the phone actually feels comfortable in your hand.


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Oct 19, 2012
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This is a topic near and dear to me. I think the size issue is a personal thing, both on how big your hands are and how (or if) you need to use the phone single handled. For example, the poster who said they use it single handed unless typing. To me that is a show stopper since I need to be able to type while holding the phone single handed. I actually can use the phone single handed, typing and all. However, I can't do it while walking which is the critical time for me. If I am standing still, I could always put down what is in my other hand.

If I have a complaint, and I do, it's that in order to get the most powerful and full featured phones, you have no choice but to go with a large screen. For me a 4.3" screen would be ideal. However, I can't get the best processor, battery, PPI screen on the smaller phones. Also if I have any hope of having the phone being upgraded to JB, I have to go with a company's top of the line phone. Those are never offered with smaller screens. Look at the S3mini. Compared the SIII the specs suck.


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Aug 13, 2012
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To the original poster: Sorry if some of the responces here seem a little harsh. I too have bought things after testing them and finding them to be what I wanted, only to later, after much more real world use, found that they were not what I thought they would be. So now you are left with a.) living with what you have now, or b.) paying the piper and getting a different phone.

As for me, I love the size of this phone, but do find it hard to handle sometimes because it is thin - not because it's big. Perhaps you could put a case on it that increases its thickness and tactile feel in your hand?


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Oct 12, 2011
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I found the naked S3 hard to handle too. It felt slippery, partially due to it's size, partly because of the materials used to make it. My resolution was to add a case that had a bit of grip to it. There is a world of difference by doing so. And for $9 shipped, maybe one of the best additions I've made to my S3.



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Apr 17, 2012
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This is a topic I hate seeing...

If the phone doesn't function or has issues software wise that Samsung could have programmed better by all means complain. That is legit as hell to complain about in my opinion... But size? No. As everyone said try a demo model before buying to see if you like how it feels. I like how the Galaxy Note 2 sounds and how the screen is big but I don't think I'd like the size.. It wouldn't fit comfortably in my pocket.. But let's say I was considering it.. I'd go hold it in the store to test it out and hold it since I know the screen is big. Not assume then be like dang I hate it... Same with the s3 you knew it was 4.7 inches.. If you weren't sure test before you buy. Don't buy and then be like wait its big... You tricked me! Even though that is not the case because specs were out even before release.

Never understood this complaint.. People don't buy many other things without trying them first but I guess phones are different somehow? :banghead:

Sent from my Sprint S3 using AC forums


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2011
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This is a topic I hate seeing...

If the phone doesn't function or has issues software wise that Samsung could have programmed better by all means complain. That is legit as hell to complain about in my opinion... But size? No. As everyone said try a demo model before buying to see if you like how it feels. I like how the Galaxy Note 2 sounds and how the screen is big but I don't think I'd like the size.. It wouldn't fit comfortably in my pocket.. But let's say I was considering it.. I'd go hold it in the store to test it out and hold it since I know the screen is big. Not assume then be like dang I hate it... Same with the s3 you knew it was 4.7 inches.. If you weren't sure test before you buy. Don't buy and then be like wait its big... You tricked me! Even though that is not the case because specs were out even before release.

Never understood this complaint.. People don't buy many other things without trying them first but I guess phones are different somehow? :banghead:

That sounds good but, the reality is that not everyone has that opportunity. We were given a printed list of phones we could choose from, and not much time to make that decision. I'm happy with my decision but the hands on option would have been nice.


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Jun 24, 2011
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I have no issues using mine with one hand then again I have huge hands. So far to date the S3 is by far the best Smartphone that I have owned. I have had an Evo 3D, Evo, HOX, Palm Pre- and so on. Its just a great device IMO! I also am no fan boy however I don't mind TW. Like anything else it could be better!


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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That sounds good but, the reality is that not everyone has that opportunity. We were given a printed list of phones we could choose from, and not much time to make that decision. I'm happy with my decision but the hands on option would have been nice.

Not sure what you are talking about by being given a list unless your saying your company bought it for you. If that's the case... Then it was a free phone so get another one that you like? :confused:

Sent from my Sprint S3 using AC forums


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Oct 12, 2011
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Not sure what you are talking about by being given a list unless your saying your company bought it for you. If that's the case... Then it was a free phone so get another one that you like? :confused:

Right, company issued. And I like the phone I have, why would I get another and then have to carry two? :confused:


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Jul 1, 2012
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I don't have the biggest hands but I use an otter box commuter on my S3 and use it one handed alot. I think its just the right size.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Android Central Forums


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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Right, company issued. And I like the phone I have, why would I get another and then have to carry two? :confused:

Obviously I meant if you didn't like and you didn't get to hold it like you said... So if your instance was like this guys and he didn't get to hold it that's what I was implying that to..

Sent from my Sprint S3 using AC forums


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2012
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you must have really small hands..i have no problem reaching every part of the GSIII screen holding it in one hand

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