S6 - A SDMicro Card away from near perfection


Dec 3, 2013
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HI Guys,

I am one of the old IT people who had smart phones before anyone else did and used Palm, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, and then switched to Android and preferred Samsung.

As a former S3/S5 and current S6 Owner, I am dumbfounded why Sammy did not just allow a removable metal back cover and a port for the SD Micro just like they have at the top for the SIM card,

I like the edge even more than the S3. Yes there are some minor bugs at least for me but once I disabled all the VZW bloatware, and got the phone configured the way I want it, I absolutely love the light smaller feel and with a nice cover that doesn't add bulk, it feels nicer to have a better grip on the back of the phone.

I really think the edge display is fantastic.. Yes we need more apps for it and they will come. I would like to be able to have it light up and say If Lost, please call Dean @ xxx-xxx-xxxxx. I am waiting for an app that gives unlimited control to panels. The much lower energy usage of the edge panels is much better than paying $$$$ for a watch that doesn't last as long as my phone with moderate heavy use.
The bottom line is that the S6 Edge with Micro SD Card and changeable battery would make this the best phone every made IMO. It still is the best phone made IMO but it should have lapped the competition.


Apr 30, 2015
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I believe we might see a micro sd card slot in the S7/Edge, but I think Samsung and removable batteries are gone. I believe the slot will be at the top since there's plenty of room up there. You can also buy a micro sdcard micro usb adapter to solve the problem.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2014
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Samsung said the SD card had battery draw, pulling life from the battery.
And the faster processor would not work with the present SD card system & it would slow the speed of the phone down


Dec 3, 2013
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Sorry but I believe Samsung is blowing smoke on the slowing the whole system down. My wife has a Sony Z3 while a little bigger, that is a phone that is made of heavy duty parts, has extremely good speed, is waterproof yet still handles having the SDMicro Slot.

I understand the battery being non replaceable extends the life of the battery but I think having a removable metal back with a replaceable battery is a better way since you can take a 2nd battery with you.

I don't want to go back to the days of when I had an IPAQ and I would take a battery recharger with me that was nothing but a case filled with rechargeable triple A batteries that I could use to "re juice" the PDA. I know they have smaller one time devices designed to recharge cell phones but it is not the ideal solution.

Maybe there will be QI ports everywhere in five years but putting a device down on a wireless charger is still not as easy as replacing the battery and having another 18 hours.

Samsung charging $100 more for 32GB to 64GB and 64GB to 128GB? Come on now, if I wanted to be raped, I could buy a Apple Watch. Oh, need an IPhone 5 or better to use it though? :)


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