Should I Turn Off Fast Charging?


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Nov 22, 2011
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And guess who's coming across as a jerk in your post.

Just for kicks, heard about all the hoverboard fires lately caused by the li-ion batteries? Most were started while charging.

That's a silly comparison , your comparing the hover boards that had almost no certifications where many that failed were made in quick Chinese factories?

Here are the reasons why so many hoverboards are catching fire - CNET

I have had my note 4 and used fast charging for almost 2 years without an issue. I dont see many threads of peoples batteries blowing up or dead. Most phone manufactures are and have been using some type of fast charging for years and they are increasing it with technology. Like I said, if you want to wait 12 hours for a charge go a head, but dont sit there and worry people over your fears.

Remember, fear leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side. :cool:


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Oct 29, 2014
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I have read alot about fast charging, regular charging, wireless charging, and so on. I think Samsung gives you the option to turn on or off Fast Charging and Fast Wireless Charging based on what your needs are. Technology has come a long ways, and people still use the old ways of doing things whether its right or wrong. Samsung gave you the option that if you are a power user you can Fast charge your phone to get you going sooner. With this technology i believe it does not harm the total life of the battery much and you probably will not notice unless you abuse the battery. Fast Charging does cause more stress and heat to the battery which is its enemy. This is why Samsung put a fan in its wireless Fast charger. I am not sure if it helps but it surely doesn't hurt. This is activated only when you Fast Charge, so more heat must be evident when charging this way.
For those who are not power users and charge your phone at night while you sleep (like me), you have the option to turn it off and use regular charging. Why Fast Charge your phone at night when you sleep just to leave it full for the majority of the night? How ever sometimes i do need to fast charge my phone. When i purchased my phone i also purchased the wireless fast charger from Samsung. It is able to fast charge when you have your phone set to fast charge and it is able to regular charge if you have your phones Fast Charging turned off. I am going to take advantage of these features Samsung has given us. Everyone has a different life style, use it the way that fits you best.


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Aug 14, 2013
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You understand I hope that you come off like a jerk in that post.

I didn't personally attack or ridicule anyone. I pointed out flaws in logic and provided supporting authoritative information. I can't prevent someone getting offended from being corrected.

For my part I'm going with personal experience and the experiences of other users that have used fast charging with no problems.

I am forced to assume you are an adherent to bloodletting as well? It has millennia of anecdotal evidence from "personal experience and the experiences of other users that have used bloodletting with no problems."

u can just go to a Samsung store and get the battery replaced right? do it after a year.

I would love to do that. But I'm in a major metropolitan area with no Samsung store. And how much would that cost?

Agreed, and its not just this post. Someones been hitting up a thesaurus for fun. haha

No thesaurus was used in any of my comments here. What was the point of this statement?

This guy cracks me up.. ok, so there has been no advancements in the batteries or hardware in the last 5-10years. The whole QC 1.0 and up, the whole fast charging and adaptive charge.. The 5w-15w charging pads..

Your examples are just chargers, not batteries themselves. We are still using Li-ion batteries with the same basic physics.

Fast charging is about convenience, a sop to those who complain that batteries aren't big enough. That doesn't mean it's without side effects.

This is far better worded than what I came up with.


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Jul 8, 2014
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Use Fast Charging if you need your phone as soon as possible.

Use normal charging (you can turn the option on/off in Settings) when you are charging overnight.


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Apr 17, 2012
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Use Fast Charging if you need your phone as soon as possible.

Use normal charging (you can turn the option on/off in Settings) when you are charging overnight.

I agree with this. I personally use it since I don't charge overnight. Usually in the morning or something.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2011
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Also to point out the fast charging is only done it looks like 1-50ish%. From more testing that I have done with ampere, with my QC 2.0 wall charger it will hit 1400-1500ma but when I checked at 60-70-80% it all shows 200-400ma

your right about the batteries themselves not changing much, but how its used and protected has. Nothing is perfect and some batteries will be junk after a few years no matter how good you take car of them. Its like picking out a car. you never know how long it will last.. I just dont want people to worry so much about it and should enjoy it. With fast charging only really happening to a certain percent and protections in place in the phone, in the software, in the charging stations. People shouldn't be scared to use it. If I'm in Arizona in 116 deg day with no ac i would not leave the device on and fast charge. haha

To me this is the same as the constant worrying about the SD cards. Many are pushing fast fast fast speed and certain cards as, "that's the one you need to get". Its fine if you have a certain need but they act like you cant do 4K recording and it will have issues when most good brands wont.

So I'm not here to bag on anyone. Just help people embrace the tech, become one with it. Besides we all know 95% of the people here will have a new phone within 2 years.. haha


Retired Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
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The advice I always land on is to try to keep it between 40% and 80% and if you have to make a choice between below 20% and going to 100%, go to 100%. Leaving it on the charger for extended periods isn't really wise, letting it die is worse - so because it takes longer to discharge from 100% to 40% than it does to charge from 20% to 80%, it's better to go up than let it keep draining.


Retired Moderator
Nov 21, 2012
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OK... the only phone that I had for an extended time that supported fast charging was the Nexus 6... I used it for about 13 months. I subscribe to the 'charge early, charge often' camp. Not because it is technically better for the LiPo cells (it is), but because I never know where life will take me and I don't want to be caught with dead phone.. because I know with absolute certainty that this would also be a situation where I would NEED my phone.

But.... back to the Nexus... After 13 months, with most of the charge cycles being done via the stock QC brick, the battery capacity has only degraded slightly, and certainly not enough to make any kind of appreciable difference to the life of a full charge. All batteries slowly lose their ability to hold a charge over time, it's a matter if you help it along or not. Other than thermally stressing the thing out all the time, like leaving it sitting on your dashboard all summer long, the two quickest ways to speed up that degradation is : a) constant deep cycle recharging - going 100 to when the phone goes dead and back to 100 over and over or b) extended stays on a charger when its fully charged. Both are bad for the cells, the former being worse, but sitting on a charger is still not quite "best practice". It's not "I killed my phone's battery in a week" bad, but if you have a tendency to leave your phone on the charger overnight, it won't last as long as if you took it off once it was done charging.

Besides, if your phone is fully charged, the brick isn't in fast charge 'mode' anyhow... phones usually dial it back around 80 or 90%, and then it dials things back even further the closer to 100% it gets, so whether or not FC is enabled doesn't change anything.


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Jun 15, 2015
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The issue is that the phone charges ridiculously slowly with fast charging disabled. Using the Samsung Fast Charger that came in the box with fast charging disabled in the settings means that I can go to sleep with the S7 charging and it still won't be fully charged when I wake up in the morning 6-7 hours later! It's super slooow.

Jason Stroud1

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May 20, 2013
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The issue is that the phone charges ridiculously slowly with fast charging disabled. Using the Samsung Fast Charger that came in the box with fast charging disabled in the settings means that I can go to sleep with the S7 charging and it still won't be fully charged when I wake up in the morning 6-7 hours later! It's super slooow.
I turned it off a didn't even notice a difference. So you have some type of problem


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Jul 31, 2016
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the s7 series has a controller which detects when the phone is at 100% after which it puts the battery on standby and uses the charger as a main power source so it wont overcharge and overheat 😁


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Jan 1, 2017
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the s7 series has a controller which detects when the phone is at 100% after which it puts the battery on standby and uses the charger as a main power source so it wont overcharge and overheat ??????

Which controller are you talking about?

I have a S7 with Nougat update. Two questions-
1. With all the settings menu revamped, where is the option located to turn off fast charging?
2. After turning off fast charging should I charge the phone with the fast charger that came with the phone or with an old charger by Samsung. I have an old SIII's charger don't know whether there will be any voltage input/output fluctuations or not.


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Jan 1, 2017
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the s7 series has a controller which detects when the phone is at 100% after which it puts the battery on standby and uses the charger as a main power source so it wont overcharge and overheat 😁

Which controller are you talking about?

I have a S7 with Nougat update. Two questions-
1. With all the settings menu revamped, where is the option located to turn off fast charging?
2. After turning off fast charging should I charge the phone with the fast charger that came with the phone or with an old charger by Samsung. I have an old SIII's charger don't know whether there will be any voltage input/output fluctuations or not.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2016
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Also to point out the fast charging is only done it looks like 1-50ish%. From more testing that I have done with ampere, with my QC 2.0 wall charger it will hit 1400-1500ma but when I checked at 60-70-80% it all shows 200-400ma.

your right about the batteries themselves not changing much, but how its used and protected has. Nothing is perfect and some batteries will be junk after a few years no matter how good you take car of them. Its like picking out a car. you never know how long it will last.. I just dont want people to worry so much about it and should enjoy it. With fast charging only really happening to a certain percent and protections in place in the phone, in the software, in the charging stations. People shouldn't be scared to use it. If I'm in Arizona in 116 deg day with no ac i would not leave the device on and fast charge. haha

To me this is the same as the constant worrying about the SD cards. Many are pushing fast fast fast speed and certain cards as, "that's the one you need to get". Its fine if you have a certain need but they act like you cant do 4K recording and it will have issues when most good brands wont.

So I'm not here to bag on anyone. Just help people embrace the tech, become one with it. Besides we all know 95% of the people here will have a new phone within 2 years.. haha

Well said !


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2013
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1) I don't have the Nougat update so I can't help there.
2) Assuming that fast charging is turned off, there isn't a reason to avoid using the charger that came with the phone. It will charge at a normal rate with the fast charging off.

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