Sign This Petition: Dear Samsung, please make 64GB/32GB Samsung Galaxy Note 2!


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Dec 30, 2011
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Dear Samsung, please make 64GB/32GB Samsung Galaxy Note 2! - Signatures - Dear Samsung, please make 64GB/32GB models of the Galaxy Note II

We've already reached 100 signatures in less than 24 hours. And we're starting to breach through some communication lines to Samsung. Communicate to Samsung that you are waiting on a 32GB or a 64GB model, or you already purchased a 16GB model, but you would have been much happier to purchase a higher capacity model, if it were available at the time.

Apps are getting larger every day (some requiring almost 2GB), restrictions in Android 4.1 disable moving of apps to external storage, and the system takes a third of the 16GB storage for the OS. That leaves users 10GB on a 16GB device, which is not adequate for the needs for a phone that has the best of everything except the storage capacity that people prefer or absolutely require.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is really selling too well for Samsung to notice that a lot of the customers don't like having no options higher than 16GB. It would be an absolute tragedy if Samsung repeats what they are doing with their future devices because they think they are doing it right by only giving users 16GB models. Please take a minute to sign, and share the petition.

In order for petitions to work, we must work multiplication, not addition. So don't just sign it Try to get at least 2 people to sign it. Share this video if it will help convince people that they should take a minute to sign. So if you support this cause, take a minute to sign it and take a minute to share it. Thank you.
Sign This Petition: Dear Samsung, please make 64GB/32GB models of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 - YouTube


Well-known member
May 19, 2011
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Meh, just please keep making phones with a microSD slot. There are too many great phones without an SD slot and just not enough memory. Cloud services don't work for everyone.


Nov 29, 2010
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you can move the app data and you can swap your SD card and Internal memory if you want so that the phone thinks your sd card is your main memory


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2011
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The internal storage (18MB/sec write, 44MB/sec read) is twice as fast than a class 10 micro SD (~10MB/sec write 20MB/sec read). I don't know about you but I'd rather not have to swap my internal storage with a external storage that is half the speed. Also rooting and replacing the kernel may be easy to you and most people in the forums, but you can't say that for the general public which are probably the majority.

And I wonder what's gonna happen when you do a firmware update that replaces that kernel. Most likely you will need to hold out for a rom that has that kernel prepackaged into a rom so it doesn't create a big mess in your internal and external storage, so you are limited from doing an official update. Let's hope everyone that did the swap remembers to do this.

But how many of these compromises do you want to go through. Why not get to the heart of the problem for people who haven't bought the note 2 yet? I got lucky with my Note 2, but I certainly don't want my options limited in the future because people don't think options are not necessary.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
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I honestly don't see What the big deal is with ppl complaining about not being able to save apps to the micro sd card.... do u really need more than 10gb worth of apps on ur phone... what's the point of having like 100apps if in reality u won't use them... I understand the major gamers that have HD games... I mean if That's the case just get a damn ps3 or Xbox.... this is a phone not a hd Game system... plus it's the carrier that didn't offer those variants not Samsung....

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
May 19, 2011
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I really would like to see 32GB become standard but unfortunately google is pushing the other way to pimp their cloud services. Also sales data shows that the smaller memory phones sell more because people can't see anything past the price.


Dec 5, 2012
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16GB is definitely too small for me. Probably a good percentage of people need less than 16GB (which is why it is the only one offered) but it seems like this device is tailored to users that want to do everything on a phone. Only problem is that only 16GB is available. Waiting for 32GB or 64GB to come out.

Different people have different requirements and I am sure that a 32GB / 64GB model would attract a lot of buyers.


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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16GB with expandable memory for the user's media and people are still complaining.


Can't please everyone.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
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Have any petitions ever made a difference with any of these phone companies. Waste of effort.

From my Galaxy Note 2 via Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
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I honestly don't see What the big deal is with ppl complaining about not being able to save apps to the micro sd card.... do u really need more than 10gb worth of apps on ur phone... what's the point of having like 100apps if in reality u won't use them... I understand the major gamers that have HD games... I mean if That's the case just get a damn ps3 or Xbox.... this is a phone not a hd Game system... plus it's the carrier that didn't offer those variants not Samsung....

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Android Central Forums

QFT. 10GB of pure app data is plenty. If you are looking to store media and gaming, send it off to the SD Card. 20MB/sec is plenty for media and mobile gaming.

Besides, even on most HD games that require hefty installs, that game data gets sent to the SD Card, not the main internal storage. Just the app gets kept there.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
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Um it was SAMSUNG that said EVEN in US press releases that THEY would provide us a 32/64GB models. We as their customers want them to fulfill what they said. From what I was told it is actually Jelly Bean that makes it so you can install apps to your SD Card now. The move is likely there to push their cloud storage tech. I want to be able to put my music collection or a good amount on there because I'm not guaranteed good signal for radio streaming nor wifi. I also want to be able to put as many apps and games as I want to within the storage limits THEY said they'd provide. You also don't actually get the advertised amount, you get less after it being formatted, which I believe is around 10-11GBs. That sucks. HD games take up room, so do videos in case you are on an airplane and want to take advantage of that nice big screen. I don't get how people complain about customer complaints when they are valid based on company promises that are not met.


Nov 29, 2010
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On the samsung site I found nothing like you said so please provide a link.

At the unpacked event, they said it would come in a bunch of different size options, but it didn't say which options were for which market.

They also add this at the end of the press release:

All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation.

Sent from the nexus of the Android world, the SGS3.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
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Have any petitions ever made a difference with any of these phone companies. Waste of effort.

From my Galaxy Note 2 via Tapatalk

^ This.

This didn't work with unlocking the GS3 bootloader and this will be the same thing. This also wouldn't work for many other reasons, mainly financial and production reasons. If they go back to make a whole new device basically just for expanded memory they would have to replace an internal component, yes its small but you have to account for the labor, overhead and production costs of not just 1 device but 2 seperate or even 3 if you want to do a 16, 32 and 64.

A petition to unlock a bootloader sure, that is a simple fix where they just send out an OTA if they please but something like this will never work. And someone mentioned it before, the 16gb will be fine for MOST people. I want to highlight the most part. No company on the planet will be able to please 100% of their users. Therefore, you have to please the majority of their users which the 16gb will considering you can pop in a MicroSD card. I have a 64gb microSD card that I got on sale for $40 and couldn't be happier.

The only reason why Apple comes out with 16,32 and 64 varients are simply because they don't have an sd card slot (and because they want to kill your wallet). Be happy that Samsung gave you the option to add an sdcard. Could be worse, could be like the DNA or an iPhone where you get the internal memory and thats it.

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