Some issues...


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2009
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I LOVE this phone, but have been seeing some random issues, and am wondering if I should be looking to get it replaced, or just deal with it.

1. I have had a lot of issues with the car dock / gps functionality. I don't see how they're related really..

Essentially, every now and then (typically on my way to work in the AM), the GPS will just "lock up". Maps wont launch, nor will any app that would utilize GPS. It's like the GPS on the phone is tied up doing something else, and wont let any apps access it.

This issue seems to work itself out after a while. I have found that battery pulls/reboots don't really help.

2. Gallery. The Gallery is downright awful. I looked around the forums and don't really see too many people reporting some of the issues I'm having. I have resorted to launching the Camera in order to view any photo's I have taken, and using a file manager to view any downloaded images.

Firstly, and I know others have this problem, the Gallery finds it necessary to include every image on my phone (including tons of album art). I'd really like to know how to eliminate my album art from the Gallery. Is it because my music is all located in sdcard/downloads/music? Perhaps moving them elsewhere would fix that?

Secondly, the Gallery RARELY, if ever, loads correctly. Usually it loads, shows the first 5 or so thumbnails, then either A) stops working, B) force closes. In the case of A), selecting one of the 5 thumbnails wont load the image, and after a while will usually cause a force close.

I believe the second issue is probably related to the first, having too many images to load might be choking it.

3. This morning I was unable to make an outgoing phone call. I'd navigate to contacts, select my contact, and tell it to dial, and the "activity dialer" would force close after a minute or so. I don't know about any of you, but I find it completely unacceptable to not be able to make a phone call at any time. I couldn't even imagine being stranded on the side of the road (bad snowstorm today in the Northeast) and having my phone say "Sorry! Force Close? or Wait?"

For what it's worth -- this particular issue has never happened before.

Having said all of that, I went ahead and manually updated my phone this morning, and all went well (as I reported over on that thread). I am hoping the update will resolve some of these issues. I have already verified that the Gallery is still fubar'd.


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Nov 25, 2009
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Okay, ALL of the issues you are having are extremely rare I would say for this phone. I have never experienced any of those problems.

I have never had GPS problems, so that's definitely odd what you are experiencing.

I happen to think the gallery is awesome. When you launch it, do you see all of the folders broken down by category? If you don't then something is wrong with your phone from the factory. If you can't even view folders and pics within them simply then you have a software or OS problem.

And problem 3.. that is just downright an OS problem.

You need to IMMEDIATELY TAKE your phone back to the Verizon store where you bought it and I hope you didn't get your phone on the release day because it's after the 30 days. But I would hope you have insurance because you need to get a new phone!

That's the only solution I can see. You have too many unreasonable problems that are rare so far for this phone. A new one is necessary as far as I'm concerned.

The Droid has run flawlessly for me since I got it so yours is definitely a rare lemon.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2009
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Okay, ALL of the issues you are having are extremely rare I would say for this phone. I have never experienced any of those problems.

I have never had GPS problems, so that's definitely odd what you are experiencing.

I happen to think the gallery is awesome. When you launch it, do you see all of the folders broken down by category? If you don't then something is wrong with your phone from the factory. If you can't even view folders and pics within them simply then you have a software or OS problem.

And problem 3.. that is just downright an OS problem.

You need to IMMEDIATELY TAKE your phone back to the Verizon store where you bought it and I hope you didn't get your phone on the release day because it's after the 30 days. But I would hope you have insurance because you need to get a new phone!

That's the only solution I can see. You have too many unreasonable problems that are rare so far for this phone. A new one is necessary as far as I'm concerned.

The Droid has run flawlessly for me since I got it so yours is definitely a rare lemon.

Crap. Definitely got mine the day it was released. BUT, I got it at Best Buy, and did jump for their insurance, so I'm hoping I wont have a problem getting a new one.

Donkey Hodie

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Nov 17, 2009
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I think part of your issue with Gallery is that it's importing your album art as photos. Try creating separate subfolders on your sd card. Create a folder sdcard/media with subfolders for Notifications, Alarms, Video, Music and Pictures. This should prevent it from thinking the album art in your Music folder are pictures.

Disclaimer: I organized my sdcard like this from the very beginning, before I imported any music or took pictures and I've never had the problem you had there I think this will fix your problem but I'm not certain because I've never had it. Worth a shot though.

Hope it helps.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2009
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I think part of your issue with Gallery is that it's importing your album art as photos. Try creating separate subfolders on your sd card. Create a folder sdcard/media with subfolders for Notifications, Alarms, Video, Music and Pictures. This should prevent it from thinking the album art in your Music folder are pictures.

Disclaimer: I organized my sdcard like this from the very beginning, before I imported any music or took pictures and I've never had the problem you had there I think this will fix your problem but I'm not certain because I've never had it. Worth a shot though.

Hope it helps.

Tried moving my music elsewhere, including exactly what you mentioned, and it still manages to find that dang album art. Either way, in an effort to "strike while the iron's hot" I called Verizon, and they are going to facilitate a replacement device (either by shipment, or by going into the store).

I remember someone posting quite some time ago that the new phone will essentially download and update everything to match the old one. Can anyone verify that?


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Oct 8, 2009
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Just a side note. Insurance or not. The phone has a 1 year warranty. An insurance claim isn't used for a faulty device under warranty but rather for damaged / lost / stolen etc. Just fyi.

Donkey Hodie

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
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I remember someone posting quite some time ago that the new phone will essentially download and update everything to match the old one. Can anyone verify that?

Yes, it'll download and update all of the apps you've installed from the market and your google settings. Other phone settings e.g., if you've set up yahoo mail, etc., won't be copied over. They can more than likely do that for you at the Verizon store.