There's a storm brewing...

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Feb 12, 2011
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I think you guys are going to be really disappointed. I just don't think they are going to release it this week. I haven't seen any TB commericals. I know some have reported they have but I haven't.


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Nov 6, 2009
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I haven't seen any TB commericals. I know some have reported they have but I haven't.

Every time I looked at the TV this weekend there was one on. Mainly the helicopter one but it was played quite a few during the ACC tournament this weekend.


Feb 22, 2011
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I would except online sales a day or two in advance based on the Fran Shammo comments on 1 March about the iPhone launch:

"And I think right now so far we are very pleased with the results. I think the launch has gone flawlessly. I think we have learned some things from this launch. We've learned that we actually can teach our customers to go online. Over 60% of our sales have been online, which actually is very favorable to us from a cost structure perspective."


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Feb 12, 2011
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Every time I looked at the TV this weekend there was one on. Mainly the helicopter one but it was played quite a few during the ACC tournament this weekend.

Ok..well maybe that's why I didn't see it because I don't watch sports. Honestly I DVR everything and fast forward through the commercials but everytime I'd see a phone commercial I'd stop and make sure it wasn't a TB commerical and it wasn't. I'm glad you guys are seeing them though..that's a good sign.


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Jun 1, 2010
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you all have to remember the keyword is SOON!!! I like alot of other commenters hope for this week as well. Tired of messing with Sprint with there subpar coverage and my Evo is at an aging old dying rate. Bring on the T.B.?!!


Jan 4, 2011
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Sorry guys...
The Thunderbolt is going to be released on April 7th.

Why? Because my best buy return period ends on April 6th...

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.


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Feb 2, 2011
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Nobody panic....

This is where we* are at...we have the Panda coming out from the Lenten Bamboo shoots to give us some really big news...we have our Bennnnn saying that he is hearing that this is the status quo as well....I love NCX's analysis that we do not know yet if we are talking about pre-orders or the actual let's keep an eye on that. But this is all EXTREMELY good news because what we really have is some convergence of the same news. I can tell you that what Panda said I had also heard about a week ago (have not posted on such because...frankly I do not understant the tech issues related to it, I did try to connect it a little bit better by asking NCX)....again convergence of sources is a BIG deal in my book. And it is happening right here on this forum (which is why I say "we" because even though we sometimes bicker with each other I think that is pretty dam cool). So, while it is good to be skeptical because we have been following this thing minute by minute, let's not let this moment escape us. This phone is going to be dropping this week or possibly next.

Cory Streater

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Sep 21, 2009
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Engadet just made a post that the release date is the 17th.

I haven't been following Engadget as much as I used to but they usually are pretty good about posting. They don't usually post anything unless it is 100% so I really think it will be the 17th.

If you read the sources, Engadget credited at the bottom of the article, you will see that their story is just news from Friday being repeated.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2011
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Nobody panic....

This is where we* are at...we have the Panda coming out from the Lenten Bamboo shoots to give us some really big news...we have our Bennnnn saying that he is hearing that this is the status quo as well....I love NCX's analysis that we do not know yet if we are talking about pre-orders or the actual let's keep an eye on that. But this is all EXTREMELY good news because what we really have is some convergence of the same news. I can tell you that what Panda said I had also heard about a week ago (have not posted on such because...frankly I do not understant the tech issues related to it, I did try to connect it a little bit better by asking NCX)....again convergence of sources is a BIG deal in my book. And it is happening right here on this forum (which is why I say "we" because even though we sometimes bicker with each other I think that is pretty dam cool). So, while it is good to be skeptical because we have been following this thing minute by minute, let's not let this moment escape us. This phone is going to be dropping this week or possibly next.

Not to curb your enthusiasm, amotter, but many of the same experts concurred that 2/24 was in fact the date, only to be proven wrong when issues arose.

Its SOUNDING like things are in a place where they can release phone from a technical perspective but we've heard that before. VZW has had some serious challenges with this technology so, I'm not convinced they get cold feet about pulling the trigger this week.

Who knows.. I hope I'm wrong... I want to get my hands on that phone.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2011
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well if we look at what we have so far we have:

imran (from htc's) tweet that the phone would come out the 17th
Bennnnn telling us we're on pace for the 17th
i can't find the link now, but there was a leaked best buy document that had the 17th as the launch date

i've been hearing the 21st and 24th tossed around on some websites but without any evidence at all. one suggested the tsunami would lead to a delay, one said to look at the patterns of releases (every two weeks).

so i'm not getting my hopes up for anything but I wouldn't be surprised at all to hear an announcement today or tomorrow. also wouldn't be surprised if the lack of leaks is because verizon finally got fed up with all the rumors being spread by their employees and cracked down somehow

the tsunami won't change anything as the phones aren't being made in Japan


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2011
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If you read the sources Engadget credited at the bottom of the article, you will see that their story is just news from Friday being repeated.

Agreed. I've noticed (and Panda discusses in his latest non-TB blog post) that Engadget is just a news aggregator site now. What was the last big news they broke? Nothing to see there, move along.
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