Troll Checking In


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Dec 21, 2011
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Lurker here. I've read quite a few posts already where individuals reporting problems with the GNex have been labeled trolls, and I'm now ready to carry the banner. I've been using an OG Droid since the day it was released before picking up the GNex. Had originally planned on picking up a Bionic back in July, but we all know how that worked out. Passed on it after the release fiasco and decided to wait for the GNex. Survived its own release fiasco, and picked it up at my local store on release day with much anticipation. To say, I was extremely excited for this phone would be an understatement. Less than one week later, I'm sorry to say this phone has been a major letdown. In the over two years, that I used the OG, I never once had a dropped call. Never. I can't even count the number of dropped calls I've had with this phone. Yesterday I was talking to my gf and another disconnect. I call her back, begin to apologize and am interrupted by her laughing before I even finish. She had hung up on me as a prank. This phone has left quite an impression after 5 days. Not only does it drop calls, it randomly drops data connection in areas with excellent signal. I've already missed two calls (that I'm aware of) while sitting at home because the phone "had no signal". Not to mention, the countless times it will lose signal while I'm using the data connection and can't get it back without going in and out of airplane mode. I am also plagued with horrible battery life. If I go to bed on a full charge without the phone plugged in, I'm lucky if it's still kicking after 6-7 hours in standby.

Yes, I know. Cool story bro, and I must've gotten a dud.

Andrew Ruffolo

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Jan 5, 2010
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i think it has to do with something wrong in the software on some devices. I haven't had any phone issues, just data. I unlocked the bootloader and manually loaded 4.0.2 and so far, my 3G data seems consistant. I haven't checked 4G yet, but I plan to do that tomorrow. If it works, awesome, easy fix. If it doesn't, oh well, I'll wait for google to fix it (this is a nexus, it'll be quick). I do think the data and battery life issues are related.

and yes, cool story bro, why couldn't you have just posted this in one of the other threads? was this necessary to be its own thread (much less posted at all)?


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Oct 7, 2011
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Keep in mind that this phone does have a few bugs in it. Part of being a Nexus owner is being an Android beta tester. Nexus owners get new software stuff first. Then immediately the problems are spewing all over the forums (such as this one). So then they get fixed. We will get the bug fixes for this version and the next version long before anybody else is even closes to tasting ICS.

Signal improvements and battery improvements are both coming soon. That being said, 6-7 hours is a bit extreme. What background processes are you running and what are you doing with your phone mainly?


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Oct 7, 2011
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i think it has to do with something wrong in the software on some devices. I haven't had any phone issues, just data. I unlocked the bootloader and manually loaded 4.0.2 and so far, my 3G data seems consistant. I haven't checked 4G yet, but I plan to do that tomorrow. If it works, awesome, easy fix. If it doesn't, oh well, I'll wait for google to fix it (this is a nexus, it'll be quick). I do think the data and battery life issues are related.

and yes, cool story bro, why couldn't you have just posted this in one of the other threads? was this necessary to be its own thread (much less posted at all)?

Get rid of the Tim Tebow picture to be taken seriously. Haha just kidding. :p

But seriously...Get rid of the Tim Tebow picture. :p

Andrew Ruffolo

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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Get rid of the Tim Tebow picture to be taken seriously. Haha just kidding. :p

But seriously...Get rid of the Tim Tebow picture. :p

Nah, I'm a UF graduate and got to see him play for 4 years. Considering Charlie Weiss plans on ruining Gator Football like he did to Notre Dame Football, this is the best its going to get for me for a while.


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Dec 21, 2011
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When I pull up the battery stats it's always Cell Standby way up top by itself 60% or so followed by Android OS at a little less than half that.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2011
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Nah, I'm a UF graduate and got to see him play for 4 years. Considering Charlie Weiss plans on ruining Gator Football like he did to Notre Dame Football, this is the best its going to get for me for a while.

If you are a UF grad, then I guess you are in the clear haha. That's an acceptable reason to be a Tim Tebow fan.

Andrew Ruffolo

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Jan 5, 2010
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When I pull up the battery stats it's always Cell Standby way up top by itself 60% or so followed by Android OS at a little less than half that.

That sounds very similar to the issues I've had with 2 of my android phones. The Hero had this problem and the Epic 4G had this problem as well. I think both were eventually fixed (developers had fixed them before and I used those ROMs). For me Cell Standby isn't high up on the list. Whats your Time Without Signal? (tap on the cell standby)


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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That sounds very similar to the issues I've had with 2 of my android phones. The Hero had this problem and the Epic 4G had this problem as well. I think both were eventually fixed (developers had fixed them before and I used those ROMs). For me Cell Standby isn't high up on the list. Whats your Time Without Signal? (tap on the cell standby)

Nexus is a 800 troll, but your pic is priceless!


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Dec 21, 2011
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Time without signal is 81%, but that's misleading since I don't get a signal at work (RF shielding in walls) and that's where I last unplugged it.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2011
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Time without signal is 81%, but that's misleading since I don't get a signal at work (RF shielding in walls) and that's where I last unplugged it.

If you're rooted, I would advise flashing a new Rom or reverting to stock and back again. Otherwise, you might want to try a factory reset. Those numbers you're listing are extremely high and seem to be a software problem.

If that doesn't fix it, you may have a hardware-bugged phone. Cell phone standby should be closer to 10% instead of 60%.


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Jul 9, 2011
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There's already a new radio out (available on XDA and linked on some other forums).. yet to see any changes but I've not had any problems with my radios at all so far.

Point is, the phone will have some bugs but its going to be getting bug fixes IMMENSELY fast, plus the dev community is pumping stuff out like its armageddon.. there's already so much available for this phone to customize and fix little bugs, etc...

Andrew Ruffolo

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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Time without signal is 81%, but that's misleading since I don't get a signal at work (RF shielding in walls) and that's where I last unplugged it.

1) Are you willing to try an experiment for me?
2) Do you know how to unlock the bootloader?
3) Are familiar with terminal/command prompt?
4) Do you have the SDK installed on your computer?


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Dec 21, 2011
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I havent rooted yet, but it is on my todo list. Yes i am willing to try things and wasnt in hiding. Was on the road for 30min to head to the gf's place. Two more dropped calls on the interstate and a severed text to speech to add to my tab. Tried loading this thread as soon as i got here. Made it as far as the forum home page before losing data and having to enter airplane mode.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
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Lurker here. I've read quite a few posts already where individuals reporting problems with the GNex have been labeled trolls, and I'm now ready to carry the banner. I've been using an OG Droid since the day it was released before picking up the GNex. Had originally planned on picking up a Bionic back in July, but we all know how that worked out. Passed on it after the release fiasco and decided to wait for the GNex. Survived its own release fiasco, and picked it up at my local store on release day with much anticipation. To say, I was extremely excited for this phone would be an understatement. Less than one week later, I'm sorry to say this phone has been a major letdown. In the over two years, that I used the OG, I never once had a dropped call. Never. I can't even count the number of dropped calls I've had with this phone. Yesterday I was talking to my gf and another disconnect. I call her back, begin to apologize and am interrupted by her laughing before I even finish. She had hung up on me as a prank. This phone has left quite an impression after 5 days. Not only does it drop calls, it randomly drops data connection in areas with excellent signal. I've already missed two calls (that I'm aware of) while sitting at home because the phone "had no signal". Not to mention, the countless times it will lose signal while I'm using the data connection and can't get it back without going in and out of airplane mode. I am also plagued with horrible battery life. If I go to bed on a full charge without the phone plugged in, I'm lucky if it's still kicking after 6-7 hours in standby.

Yes, I know. Cool story bro, and I must've gotten a dud.

You are not a troll. I have not had any dropped calls but I did see data completely drop for a few mins, twice yesterday and once today while I was showing it to my friend. Most of the time it is decent connection but when it just goes from 3 bars to no bars and 4g symbol disappears is a concern. My friend has the phone and he said the same thing at work today and said it has happened to him a few times too.

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