

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
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Everyone here is talking about how the nexus will be the first to get the new updates. That is great and I ma excited about it but I have a question. On other phones (Incredible, Evo, Eris) people claim to be able to turn sense off and just run stock android. If you could do that wouldn't the other phones I mentioned above get the updates just as fast, you would just have to maybe manually install them.
I have the eris and taking several extra months just to update sense is really annoying. I don't want to get into that again.
If i am wrong, so be it. But I feel that I have never been given a proper answer on this. I agree with others, sense is nice but not that nice to be constantly left behind everyone else. I can definitely live without it.
Thanks in advance for the answers.

Jared DiPane

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2010
The Sense is not the cause of your delays, that is most likely Verizon and Google not agreeing on the OS. As for the updates, you speak of them like they are owed to you and constantly flowing. Keep in mind, if you didn't know anything about 2.1 possibly coming to the HTC Eris, you probably wouldn't even be wishing for better. People tend to always think they need an update, when really, they don't. Granted, this is hype that is created by the blogging world, but still people need to identify the reality of the situation. As for turning sense off, in the new OS's its just a matter of killing the HTC Sense which they put as separate, unfortunately not like that in the Eris. As far as pulling the updates, yes, you will probably be able to manually update any and every update that becomes available, the issue is more so when will they become available...


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
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There is no way to turn off Sense - the name of HTC's software package that runs over stock Android. You can, however, turn off the homescreen component of the Sense software. That gives you a standard Android UI, but you still have other Sense applications running in the background taking up CPU and memory.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
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OK Jared, I will admit that it was my fault for buying the eris on 1.5 when I could have gotten the droid on 2.0. Ultimately, i don't think I am owed anything, we all choose what phone to buy and what OS to run/go with. We(eris owners) were told from day one that the eris would eventually get 2.0, that is why I choose it over the droid. I was told sense was the hold up. If that is wrong so be it, that is what I was told.
I think we can both agree that technology is all about progress moving forward. Updates should always be constant(like the apps are always being upgraded).
If I came off as whining about my phone, sorry that was not my intent. I, just like everyone else on here, wants their moneys worth. I am not due an upgrade so I will pay full price for my next phone. I simply want the best phone for my money that will last the longest(not be outdated in three months) If the nexus will get the updates first or faster than other phones then I feel that it will be worth the extra money.
I am still an intermediate, while you are the pro. Forgive my ignorance.

Jared DiPane

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2010
I am in no way shape or form a pro, besides a forum title that means nothing in the end. :)

I do agree with a lot of what you said, and I could understand wanting the best, and getting the fixes as needed for the device. The issue more times then not is with Verizon and not Google though. Verizon is one of the pickiest carriers for approving updates, it really is their way or the highway, sadly.

I think the 2.1 is what many have looked for, similar to the OS 5.0 for BlackBerry. It provided functionality many wanted, and yes people are eager to get it. But beyond 2.1, there may not be another big update for months, even a year, who knows what we will see next and when.

The Nexus may get updates faster since its going to be sold by Google, but I think Verizon will still control the updates, which would lead me in my best guess to believe that the updates will come as frequently as the others we have seen, but then again I cant see the need for many updates til the next big breakthrough anyways.