Where has all my storage gone?


AC Question

My phone has, in theory, 8GB of space. I have a grand total of 5 downloaded apps - Whatsapp, Spotify, Audible and two radio apps. All my photos etc. are stored on a micro SD card. I periodically move all my whatsapp media to the microSD card to free up space but I still get the 'internal storage low' message.

Checking out storage I get the following:
Available space: 418 MB
System memory: 3.21 GB
Used space: 1.86GB
Miscellaneous files: 2.53 GB

System memory I seem to be able to do nothing about, but if I actually open 'miscellaneous files', I get the following:

Audible: 130 MB
.face: 12.00 KB
Playlists: 12.00 KB

Which definitely doesn't add up to 2.5 GB. I can also delete .face and playlists and do so regularly with no apparent harm. I'm just confused about where all my space is going!

Any help much appreciated.