Why all the anger?


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Jan 6, 2011
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Okay more and more people are starting to get ridiculous regarding this whole release date situation. Or maybe it's just that the people who are impatient are getting louder (or in a forum case simply expressing their frustration more succinctly).

My question is why? A lot of the people that are expressing their anger and frustrations are the people who have great phones and should be able to wait without any issues. Of all people it should be people like me who become impatient. I mean I have a first gen Storm.

I know people have said this before, but Verizon has not set a release date. There are only rumors. Don't blame Verizon for rumors even if they come from Verizon employees. Verizon employees do not speak for the corporation if they have not been authorized to do so.

Aside from the above 2 reasons not to get upset or impatient, why would people decide to go to a non-LTE phone to "stick it" to Verizon (again when they have done nothing wrong)? To me that gives more power to the other carriers. It says "Hey you can give me anything that is new and shiny, it doesn't necessarily need to have the best network or the best specs, as long as you get it out before the other carriers."

Now I don't want to get into a carrier war either because it really is true that some places all of the carriers are pretty equal, but I still don't understand the concept of picking a non-LTE phone just because the Thunderbolt isn't out yet, and that mainly goes for the people who may still be under contract with Verizon. If you aren't clearly you can do whatever you want, but if so, why would you want to pay the ETF?

Anyway, I think everyone just needs to calm down. It'll come. If you feel like you can't wait, then fine, but you don't need to express your frustration towards Verizon because they have done nothing wrong.

martin erwin

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May 18, 2010
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I've been wondering the same thing myself. This is a phone, not the cure for cancer.
If there's anyone to be upset at here, it's Best Buy, not Verizon. VZW has not given a release date. BB gave a false one and took people's money in advance for it.

All that said, it's just a phone.


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Jul 14, 2010
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While I agree there's no need to get upset (yet), the fact that you still have a Storm puts you a bit outside the realm of "early adopter Android enthusiast", which is the base demographic on these forums. Welcome to our crazy world.


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Jan 12, 2011
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Anyway, I think everyone just needs to calm down. It'll come. If you feel like you can't wait, then fine, but you don't need to express your frustration towards Verizon because they have done nothing wrong.

I love how you dismiss everything anyone has said as ungrounded anger, but then state that VZW has done nothing wrong, as if it's a fact. If what you have to say is any move provable, then by all means, prove away. If not, then you're no different than the complainers on here, just complaining about a different topic.

And BTW, a VZW insider that knows the release date confirmed it's the 24th. So anyone complaining that VZW still has not announced it has a legitimate arguement.


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Jan 6, 2011
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While I agree there's no need to get upset (yet), the fact that you still have a Storm puts you a bit outside the realm of "early adopter Android enthusiast", which is the base demographic on these forums. Welcome to our crazy world.

The only reason I have the original Storm is because I usually keep my phones for 2 years. And in a way, I'm glad I did. I'm all about technology. I mean I'm in computers, I used to work for Best Buy, and I built and ran HD TV trucks that get the sports you watch to your TV.

The reason I still have a first gen Storm is because I was keeping an eye on CES. I was eligible to upgrade in October, but I knew LTE was coming so I decided to wait.


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Jan 6, 2011
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I love how you dismiss everything anyone has said as ungrounded anger, but then state that VZW has done nothing wrong, as if it's a fact. If what you have to say is any move provable, then by all means, prove away. If not, then you're no different than the complainers on here, just complaining about a different topic.

Um... you expect me to prove a negative? Someone needs to show where Verizon has done anything wrong in regards to this "launch". Until Verizon officially releases a launch date, there is no "launch".


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Feb 16, 2011
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I don't know, but let them get angry. I got to play with an HTC Inspire at Best Buy on Tuesday -- the HTC rep was there and I got to talk with him for a few. He said he didn't know any information on the release of the T-Bolt yet, but said it was essentially the same OS / Sense / HW as the Inspire, which he had. I didn't really know what I was doing, but he let me play with the Inspire for a few minutes.

It friggin' rocks. Bye bye Storm 2 for me. The more people who are angry and claim they won't buy a T-Bolt, great. That means I'll just have to wade through less people to get mine.


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Jan 12, 2011
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Um... you expect me to prove a negative? Someone needs to show where Verizon has done anything wrong in regards to this "launch". Until Verizon officially releases a launch date, there is no "launch".

Best Buy didn't make up the 14th as a release date for the fun of it. Verizon sales managers went to ThunderBolt Release Events at hotels two weeks ago and were told by management with certainty that it was the 14th. VZW may not be "wrong" with spreading misinformation and not retracting it properly, but it certainly isn't handling it "right".


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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And BTW, a VZW insider that knows the release date confirmed it's the 24th. So anyone complaining that VZW still has not announced it has a legitimate arguement.

Insider info is just that...info. Not proof or fact.

Show me where Verizon or HTC (again, the carrier and maker of the device) have said anything about a release date.

You can complain to BB all you want, they botched things.
Complain to Amazon and even wirefly....but the number 1 and number 2 have not said a word other than coming soon.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
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The only reason I have the original Storm is because I usually keep my phones for 2 years. And in a way, I'm glad I did. I'm all about technology. I mean I'm in computers, I used to work for Best Buy, and I built and ran HD TV trucks that get the sports you watch to your TV.

The reason I still have a first gen Storm is because I was keeping an eye on CES. I was eligible to upgrade in October, but I knew LTE was coming so I decided to wait.

I don't begrudge you at all, I'm just pointing out that many people here have already owned multiple Android phones so our perspective is a bit different. We've waited for releases before, but this one has been especially strange.


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
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I had two VZW employees tell me the 24th, so I put my Incredible up on eBay. Now as of the 25th, I will be without a phone.

According to some of the logic of this thread, when I asked those CORPORATE STORE PERSONNEL the release date, I should have followed up by asking for an affidavit? DEMANDING an email or a press release? Please enlighten me
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
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ive not had a phone in 6 months. get over it, it will come when it comes.

turn your phone off for a whole day live like me.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
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I don't begrudge you at all, I'm just pointing out that many people here have already owned multiple Android phones so our perspective is a bit different. We've waited for releases before, but this one has been especially strange.

Well but this is a different situation. It's easy for the other carriers to come out with all of these Android phones because they don't have to deal with the LTE aspect of it.

This is where I think people need to realize that this isn't just another Android phone release. This is why I feel bad for those that got a Verizon iPhone 4 and it's the reason I waited for the current Android phones that are coming instead of upgrading in October or going for the iPhone.

Verizon is the only company in a HUGE transition period. There will be some waiting and growing pains, but in the long run it will be worth it. AT&T will go through this eventually as well if they ever get to implementing LTE. Verizon is going through it now, so why not just wait it out now and not put yourself through it again by jumping to AT&T or Sprint (who is now thinking about going to LTE) who will both go through it later?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
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I had two VZW employees tell me the 24th, so I put my Incredible up on eBay. Now as of the 25th, I will be without a phone.

According to some of the logic of this thread, when I asked those CORPORATE STORE PERSONNEL the release date, I should have followed up by asking for an affidavit? DEMANDING an email or a press release? Please enlighten me

The only people I've had tell me any info at all regarding a release have all said that there is no official release date, however they are trying to get it out by...

For anyone who has told you a date and said it was a solid date without any caveat were strictly careless and not speaking for Verizon as a corporation. Insider info is not supposed to even be told to the public, let alone told as fact without any caveats.


Mar 31, 2010
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im angry because of the promo videos and ads without a release date..its as simple as that
Why? There's nothing to be mad about if they didn't miss a date they never released in the first place. Verizon has NEVER given a solid date, just generic time periods.

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