[Closed] Win a Galaxy Note 5!!!

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Jun 19, 2011
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I have seen a lot of user 'reviews' when they haven't actually handle the phone that without removable battery/SD card this phone has already failed. I beg to differ... I follow tech news and this phone has a lot to offer.

My first and only Samsung device is the Galaxy S3 which on its last leg. I heard a lot of great things about the Note line and this phone will be night and day compare to what I currently use. Features:

  • S-pen/air command - which again has been upgraded with better hand writing recognition and its off screen mode
  • Skinnier bezel and curve back which which makes this more comfortable in the hand
  • I'm all excited for samsung pay as a means to make NFC/Magnetic terminal payments is a huge plus
  • A fingerprint reader that actually works well compared to previous Gens
  • New and snappier processor and huge RAM boost. Cleaner UI
  • Fast wireless charging too!
  • Its the next big thing...

With all the thing that the Note5 has to offer it miles apart from it predecessor and 'Galaxies' away from what i current use. Either way it will be a huge upgrade and if I have the opportunity, will cherish it. Thank you
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Jun 7, 2010
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Last year, or was it two years ago, I won something. That something was a frigging Amazon Fire phone, which we all know was literally the worst smartphone every built. I ended up gifting it to a family member that I don't talk to much (my sister because when I do talk to her shes usually drunk so I avoid her). It was the most anticlimactic online win I have ever had (and only so there is such a bitter taste in my mouth!) Perhaps winning a Note 5 would take that frown and turn it upside down!
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