[ROM][KERNEL][09.28.11] GeeWiz 1.1.1 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated


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Sep 23, 2010
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GeeWiz 1.1.1 ROM/Kernel

If CyanogenMod is the Cadillac of ROMs, this is the gently used Yugo with a little dent in the side. My goal was to build a ROM that would be suitable for my non-technical and glitch-intolerant wife to use on her phone. Something solid and basic that modifies only what needed to be modified to clean up the bloated and Binged out device Samsung gave us, while keeping TouchWiz and all of it's enhanced stock applications (other than the wild color palette, they aren't that bad). An alternate and equally bad name I thought of was "WISH", for "What It Should Have (Been)".

I've also included an ED05-based kernel with the ROM. It follows the same principals as the ROM; has what it needs to be useful but keeps things pretty much stock. The kernel is actually an offshoot of what I've really been working on since April, and I hope to share that with you guys sometime soon. For now, those bits have been stripped out, this is just a moderately enhanced stock kernel.

ccampos784 ... taught me how to deodex properly, hooked me up with a GPS fix, let me use his update.zip as a template and for his advice/help through the final stages of this project. Also the author of the excellent PW-OTB Fusion Kernel, which I highly recommend
untermensch ... posted a fabulous tutorial on how to add options to the pop-up power button menu
ChainsDD ... what would we do without Superuser.apk ?
boombuler ... AppWidgetPicker
sbrissen ... Accurate Battery Meter modification graphics
supercurio ... Voodoo Sound
the nameless others that posted their experiences on the Internet for me to learn from

> I strongly recommend you flash your device back to stock ED05 before installing this ROM/Kernel. Neither component has been tested on a device that has been modified far from stock. If you need ED05, please refer to pentafive's post here: [ROM][ODIN][FACTORY][ED05] VzW full factory froyo restore with radio and kernel - xda-developers)

> Installing this ROM/Kernel will void your device's warranty, and I cannot be held responsible for any damages of any kind (including data loss) that are incurred either directly or indirectly by this ROM/Kernel. What you do to your device is your problem.



GeeWiz 1.1 ROM/Kernel (CWM-Flashable):
MD5: 96f1e0f23a0e89797a43febef675f578

GeeWiz 1.1 ROM/Kernel (ODIN) (factoryfs/zImage only):
MD5: 05f600f01d890687178d43f7069cd388

GeeWiz 1.1.1 ROM/Kernel PATCH (CWM-Flashable):
MD5: 2084028353006f0a1bf9661bdd555c3b


GeeWiz ROM 1.1.1
Base: SCH-I500 ED05
- Removed all bloatware (way too much to list individually)
- Daily Briefing included because Desk Cradle uses it
- busybox 1.18.4 (Denys Vlasenko/djp952)
- SuperUser/su-binary (ChainsDD)
- AppWidgetPicker 1.2.3 (boombuler)
- Adobe Flash Player
- Android AOSP SpareParts 2.2.2
- Google Books 1.4.4
- Google Maps 5.10.1
- Google Market 3.1.5
- Google Search
- Google Voice Search 2.1.4
- Gmail 2.3.5
- Samsung Keypad v2.3.4
- Samsung Nexus S LiveWallpaper pack
- YouTube 2.2.16
- [MOD] De-Binged Browser (djp952)
- [MOD] De-Binged Car Cradle (djp952)
- [MOD] De-Binged Desk Cradle (djp952)
- [MOD] Dialer voicemail button dials voicemail rather than launching VVM (djp952)
- [MOD] TouchWiz Launcher default application order matches preinstalled apps (djp952)
- [MOD] Add Reboot and Recovery to power button long-press menu (djp952)
- [MOD] Default TouchWiz wallpaper defaults to "Nexus" (djp952)
- [MOD] Disable full battery popup message and notifications (djp952)
- [MOD] Camera app power button functions as shutter button (djp952)
- [MOD] Accurate battery meter; graphics courtesy of sbriseen (sbrissen/djp952)
- [MOD] Google Maps, Magic Smoke Wallpaper and Dual Clock apps are not hidden in Task Manager (djp952)
- [MOD] Fix Samsung Keypad such that it won't force close when audio is enabled
- [MOD] Hide popular launchers from Task Manager (djp952)
- [UPDATE-ZIP] Custom MOUNTVOL tool that allows update to work with both RFS and EXT4 volumes (djp952)
- [UPDATE-ZIP] Dalvik-Cache automatically cleared after update of SYSTEM
- [UPDATE-ZIP] Auto-Rotate configuration file automatically deleted after update; prevents screen rotation lock

GeeWiz Kernel 1.0
Base: SCH-I500 ED05 linux-
- Compiled with 2010.09 armeabi toolchain
- Root shell enabled
- EXT4 file system support (does not provide you with a way to convert to EXT4, however)
- GT-I9000 (Rev 2) BCM4329 driver modified to include SoftAP support (djp952)
- WiFi Hotspot Monitoring completely removed
- Overwrite of RECOVERY partition during boot removed
- Custom animationchooser service to support both stock and custom boot animations (djp952)
- Default I/O scheduler set to DEADLINE
- Voodoo Sound v10 (supercurio)

(Complete version history below)


Animation Chooser Service
- The GeeWiz Kernel has a custom service called Animation Chooser that decides at boot time whether to show you the stock VZW animation or a custom boot animation
- If a custom boot animation is located in /system/media, that will override the stock VZW animation
- If neither a custom boot animation nor the stock VZW/Samsung animation is found, it will default to a basic "ANDROID" boot animation
- This service is currently unique to the GeeWiz Kernel, please feel free to ask me any questions you may have about it and how it works


Using other Kernels
- You should be able to use pretty much any TouchWiz enabled Kernel out here, Voodoo or not, with this ROM. My personal recommendation is to use a PW-OTB Fusion Kernel authored by ccampos784 if the mostly stock Kernel I provided is insufficient for your needs.
- I left the stock Verizon boot/shutdown animations in place in this ROM, so it should be noted that if you use a different Kernel you may experience an "ANDROID" animation overlaid on the Verizon animation during boot. Otherwise, I haven't had any notable or unexpected issues with combining this ROM with other Kernels.


Known Issues
- "Places" icon in TouchWiz is not in alphabetical order. I've tried to fix it and failed. Every other icon is in the right place, I don't know what the deal is with Places.
- android-wifi-tether has trouble "restarting" if you change something while it's tethering. Starting/Stopping/Starting/Stopping seems fine with all default settings. I have to look into this more, but I'm not sure there is anything I can do .. that happens with other people's ROMs and kernels too.



GeeWiz 1.0 Kernel Only CWM-Flashable:
MD5: 0c3f014239daea349355a304f1497391

GeeWiz 1.x Swype Add-on CWM-Flashable:
This update includes the Stock ED05 Swype keyboard which I removed
- Compatible with GeeWiz v0.1 Beta - v1.1.1
MD5: 452be90661c25b675dc21a3ec55ca131

GeeWiz 1.x Stock Battery Meter Add-on CWM-Flashable:
This modification replaces the accurate battery meter with the stock battery meter
- Compatible with GeeWiz v1.0 - v1.1.1
MD5: 905f4cd892aed33fb081bedbfea89b88

GeeWiz 1.x Silent Samsung Keypad CWM-Flashable:
This modification removes the keypress audio tone from the Samsung Keypad included with GeeWiz 1.x.
- Compatible with GeeWiz v1.0 - v1.1.1
MD5: 5c7fbf029762e2878968771835adc03c
Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Version History

GeeWiz 0.1 (Beta) - 08.09.2011
Base: SCH-I500 ED05
- Removed all bloatware (way too much to list individually)
- Daily Briefing included because Desk Cradle uses it
- busybox 1.18.4 (djp952)
- ChainsDD SuperUser/su-binary
- boombuler AppWidgetPicker 1.2.3
- Adobe Flash Player
- Android AOSP SpareParts 2.2.2
- Google Books 1.3.5
- Google Maps 5.8.0
- Google Market 2.3.6
- Google Search
- Google Voice Search 2.1.4
- Gmail 2.3.5
- Samsung Nexus S LiveWallpaper pack
- YouTube 2.2.14
- [MOD] De-Binged Browser (djp952)
- [MOD] De-Binged Car Cradle (djp952)
- [MOD] De-Binged Desk Cradle (djp952)
- [MOD] Dialer voicemail button dials voicemail rather than launching VVM (djp952)
- [MOD] TouchWiz Launcher default application order matches preinstalled apps (djp952)
- [MOD] Add Reboot and Recovery to power button long-press menu (djp952)
- [MOD] Default TouchWiz wallpaper defaults to "Nexus" (djp952)
- [MOD] Disable full battery popup message (but not the notification/tone/vibrate) (djp952)
- NOTE: CWM update.zip was pulled due a bad installation script

GeeWiz Kernel 0.1 - 08.09.2011
- Base: SCH-I500 ED05 linux-
- Compiled with 2010.09 armeabi toolchain
- Root enabled (secure=0)
- EXT4 file system support for all volumes except EFS
- GT-I9000 (Rev 2) BCM4329 driver modified to include SoftAP support
- WiFi Hotspot Monitoring completely removed
- Overwrite of RECOVERY partition during boot removed

0.1 CWM-Flashable update.zip: N/A - Defective
0.1 ODIN-Flashable factoryfs/zImage: N/A (Available on request)


GeeWiz 0.2 (Beta) - 08.10.2011
- Corrected epic failure in CWM update.zip installation script
- Updated YouTube app to 2.2.16

0.2 CWM-Flashable update.zip: N/A (Available on request)
0.2 ODIN-Flashable factoryfs/zImage: (Available on request)


GeeWiz 0.3 (Beta) - 08.19.2011
- Updated Google Market (Vending) app to 3.0.27
- Updated Google Maps app to 5.9.0
- Fixed long-press of Search button to launch voice search (credit:ccampos784)
- New [experimental] update.zip that works with both RFS/EXT4 and automatically clears Dalvik cache during installation

0.3 CWM-Flashable update.zip: N/A (Available on request)
0.3 ODIN-Flashable factoryfs/zImage: N/A (Available on request)


GeeWiz 0.4 (Beta) - 08.20.2011
- Removed remaining full battery notification (vibrate/chime and status bar icon)
- Updated version of mounting tool in CWM update.zip; I had left a debugging output message in it by accident

GeeWiz Kernel 0.4 - 08.20.2011
- New custom 'animationchooser' service that is used to automatically disable VZW boot animation if a custom one exists in /system/media
- Disabled some extraneous logging and debugging features
- Updated file system drivers
- Switched default I/O scheduler to 'deadline' instead of 'cfq'

0.4 CWM-Flashable update.zip: http://www.mediafire.com/file/166cak1as38c3if/geewiz-0.4-08202011.zip
MD5: a3fe50a4b6d6a195d4b1230e9c1eb657

0.4 ODIN-Flashable factoryfs/zImage: http://www.mediafire.com/file/o12y4z1gwc7u9fg/geewiz-0.4-08202011.tar.md5
MD5: 1a43607217579f49ec56151078192425

GeeWiz 0.5 Update (Beta):
- [MOD] Custom boot animations stop at same earlier time as stock VZW animation (djp952)
- [MOD] Camera App: Power button functions as Shutter button (djp952)
- [MOD] Accurate Battery Meter. Graphics courtesy of sbrissen. Annoying blink under 10% courtesy of djp952 (sbrissen/djp952)
- UPDATE.ZIP: Screen auto-rotation config file removed on update to prevent issues (djp952)

0.5-update CWM-Flashable update.zip (* requires GeeWiz 0.4 ROM): http://www.mediafire.com/file/ad9l1rm3ekmwgms/geewiz-0.5-update-08242011.zip
MD5: 47c3149d30aea8bdfd68484797537e50


GeeWiz 1.0 - 08.26.2011
- [MOD] Removed flashing of battery meter under 10% (sbrissen/djp952)
- [MOD] Don't hide Google Maps, Magic Smoke Wallpaper or Dual Clock in Task Manager (djp952)
- Updated Adobe Flash Player APK to v10.3.186.6
- Added Samsung Keypad v2.3.4

GeeWiz Kernel 1.0 - 08.26.2011
- Custom animationchooser service will now show default "ANDROID" animation if neither stock nor custom animation is located
- Voodoo Sound v10 (supercurio)

1.0 ODIN-Flashable factoryfs/zImage - N/A - Defective

1.0 CWM-Flashable update.zip: http://www.mediafire.com/file/q6byychp318cv3s/geewiz-1.0-08262011.zip
MD5: edefbca858bfea67ac5e9e764e8495f5


GeeWiz 1.1 - 08.27.2011
- [MOD] Fix Gingerbread Samsung Keyboard force close; replaced playKeySound() function with one from old 2.2.1 version (djp952)
- ODIN - Rebuild ODIN factoryfs.rfs image by reverting all the way back to GeeWiz 0.1 and building it back up to 1.1

1.1 ODIN-Flashable (factoryfs/zImage): http://www.mediafire.com/file/o96d8gt0mit3noy/geewiz-1.1-08272011.tar.md5
MD5: 05f600f01d890687178d43f7069cd388

1.1 CWM-Flashable update.zip: http://www.mediafire.com/file/r73j6654yq76r83/geewiz-1.1-08272011.zip
MD5: 96f1e0f23a0e89797a43febef675f578


GeeWiz 1.1.1 PATCH - 09.28.2011
>> Requires GeeWiz 1.1
- Update Google Market to v3.1.5
- Update Google Maps to v5.10.1
- Update Adobe FlashPlayer to v10.3.186.7
- Update Google Books to v1.4.4
- [MOD] Exclude Froyo AOSP Launcher from Task Manager [com.android.launcher] (djp952)
- [MOD] Exclude LauncherPro from Task Manager [com.fede.launcher] (djp952)
- [MOD] Exclude ADW Launcher from Task Manager [org.adw.launcher] (djp952)
- [MOD] Exclude Launcher 7 from Task Manager [info.tikuwarez.launcher3] (djp952)
- [MOD] Exclude GO Launcher EX from Task Manager [com.gau.go.launcherex] (djp952)
- [MOD] Exclude MXHome Launcher from Task Manager [com.neomtel.mxhome] (djp952)
- [MOD] Exclude Regina Launcher from Task Manager [com.nemustech.regina] (djp952)
- [MOD] Exclude 91PandaHomePro Launcher from Task Manager [com.nd.android.pandahomepro] (djp952)

1.1.1 CWM-Flashable update.zip patch file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/fkjjjj0aiw6mv2h/geewiz-1.1.1-patch-09272011.zip
MD5: 2084028353006f0a1bf9661bdd555c3b
Last edited:


Active member
Nov 19, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

djp952, thanks for this ROM. Have been running since last Friday, the 12th, without any issues, just works. Picked it up from your post on xda developer site. I like staying some what close to stock but do not like all the Verizon bloat. I installed from the ED05 stock of pentafive and then to GeeWiz 0.2. Did Odin install in both cases. Had been running ED01 debloated before.
Now I have the lastest from Verizon/Samsung without the bloat. Have not had any missed calls yet but may be too early to tell.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Thanks for sharing your work here at Android Central djp952. Not all the members here have or want to get an XDA account, so this helps a lot. All developers of all levels, from those just getting their feet wet to the masters of their craft, are welcome to share their work here at AC. Welcome.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Awesome! I've been waiting for this to update my wife's phone. Thank you!


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Sep 23, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

No problem at all guys! I'm just happy to FINALLY be able to contribute a little something back to these communities that have helped me so much since diving into Android a little less than a year ago :) If it makes just one other person happy, it was all worth it.

So far, 0.2 is looking like a 1.0, and I truly appreciate *all* the feedback and PMs that I have gotten about it. Nothing truly negative so far other than requests for things I left out. Nobody has even balked at the stock inaccurate battery meter!


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Nov 19, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Just ran into one issue.. Not sure if just me or not. When I try to start the GPS I get a force close, at least I assume that is what the vibrating is about, and wind up having to remove the battery to get things going again. I anyone else have an issue with GPS? I did not try with the stock ED05 as I used that as the stepping stone to the GeeWiz.
Other then GPS things have been great. I don't use the GPS part very often and found this by thinking I should check it out in case I did want/need it.


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Feb 23, 2011
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

You can flash a voodoo kernel on it, and depending which one you use, you can then have voltage control.


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Sep 23, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Just ran into one issue.. Not sure if just me or not. When I try to start the GPS I get a force close, at least I assume that is what the vibrating is about, and wind up having to remove the battery to get things going again. I anyone else have an issue with GPS? I did not try with the stock ED05 as I used that as the stepping stone to the GeeWiz.
Other then GPS things have been great. I don't use the GPS part very often and found this by thinking I should check it out in case I did want/need it.

Haven't seen that one specifically, but if you can do a logcat for me, I'll do my best to determine what the problem is.

There is undoubtedly a MUCH easier way of doing this, but here's what I do (please chime in with the much easier way gang!):

- You'd need to turn on USB Debugging (Settings / Applications / Development / USB Debugging) first.
- Then use ADB to connect to the device ( "adb shell" ) from your computer.
- At the # prompt, type "logcat > /sdcard/logcat.txt"; it will appear to do nothing as the output is being redirected.
- Do whatever makes the phone upset, if it's a Force Close or other exception, it will be in the log, typically even if the phone itself becomes unstable afterwards.
- Wait a few (5-6) seconds, and CTRL+C the ADB session to stop the log
- Type "exit" to leave the ADB session
- Type "adb pull /sdcard/logcat.txt", this will pull that log from the SDCARD to your computer.
- Send me the log (I'll PM you my e-mail address)

My best guess would be that a Dalvik Cache wipe may be in order, but I'll do my best to have a look and see what I can do or put some feelers out to those smarter than myself!


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Nov 19, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Haven't seen that one specifically, but if you can do a logcat for me, I'll do my best to determine what the problem is.

There is undoubtedly a MUCH easier way of doing this, but here's what I do (please chime in with the much easier way gang!):

- You'd need to turn on USB Debugging (Settings / Applications / Development / USB Debugging) first.
- Then use ADB to connect to the device ( "adb shell" ) from your computer.
- At the # prompt, type "logcat > /sdcard/logcat.txt"; it will appear to do nothing as the output is being redirected.
- Do whatever makes the phone upset, if it's a Force Close or other exception, it will be in the log, typically even if the phone itself becomes unstable afterwards.
- Wait a few (5-6) seconds, and CTRL+C the ADB session to stop the log
- Type "exit" to leave the ADB session
- Type "adb pull /sdcard/logcat.txt", this will pull that log from the SDCARD to your computer.
- Send me the log (I'll PM you my e-mail address)

My best guess would be that a Dalvik Cache wipe may be in order, but I'll do my best to have a look and see what I can do or put some feelers out to those smarter than myself!

Well can't do the above. I also started getting force closes with blank screen when trying to shutdown. Decided to give the PowerWash ROM a try. So far that is working great for me.
Problem may have been able to get cleared up by a new install but figured I would give another ROM a try since I was having issues. Know it can also be hardware specific as well as has been seen on this site/forum. I do like staying close to stock and the PowerWash still does that for me.
Keep up the good work I am sure this will be a great ROM for folks.:)
Jan 11, 2011
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

...My goal was to build a ROM that would be suitable for my non-technical and glitch-intolerant wife to use on her phone. ...

Thanks for this! I'm in the same boat, my wife's Fassy has been glitchy since we got it. She has terrible luck with phones! :confused:

- The Full Battery notification/tone/vibrate activity is still there and I'm on the fence with removing it. My personal opinion is that the pop-up message was the truly annoying part and the notification is kinda useful. Maybe try to change the tone it uses when audio is enabled, that chirp is rather annoying. Feedback on this is requested.

Neither of us like any part of the full battery notification. The only time we are charging them is when we are asleep and just unplug when we wake up. We don't need to be woken up because our battery is fully charged! ;) :p

- I'm considering adding an accurate battery mod, but I left the stock inaccurate meter in place on purpose. I find I'm a much happier person when I know there's just "plenty of juice left" rather than "78%". Feedback on this is requested.

I like the accurate battery mod, but can live without it. I'm currently using a widget for percent charge on the battery.

We've been running this on both of our phones for about 5 days with almost no issues. The only problem we've seen is the video camera will sometimes fail, but that has happened with every ROM we have ever used. I guess we will have to live with that problem. :(

Thanks again for this ROM! It's nice to have something so close to our needs put together like this! :D


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Sep 23, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

... The only problem we've seen is the video camera will sometimes fail, but that has happened with every ROM we have ever used. I guess we will have to live with that problem. :(

You are quite welcome, and I really appreciate the feedback!! My wife has been on me for my phone vibrating at 3:00am when the battery is full, too ... I'm absolutely going to look into that, or at minimum make it some kind of add-on thing.

About the video camera ... by chance is your problem that it records for xx seconds and then just stops cold? Both mine and my wife's Fascinates did that with the SD card they came with. I had a nice class 10 card from my old phone that solved it for me, and my wife's was solved with a mere class 2 (I think, it may have been class 4) replacement from BestBuy. If your symptoms are smilar in that it just up and croaks for no reason and you have any microSDs lying about, it *could* be worth a quick test to see if it's the card.

<goes away>
<comes back>

I was able to record 3 minutes of my dog sleeping (lol) without a problem. I am however using something a bit newer than what I released so far (of course), but I don't think those changes would possibly affect the video or sdcard. I'll check how my wife's 100% stock ED05 phone is doing with video tomorrow as well.

Short version: my best guess is that you have the same crap SD card(s) we got and if you can try a different one the problem may resolve itself. I will of course keep an eye out for similar problems and if there's something I have the skillset to do, I will try!


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Sep 23, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Well can't do the above. I also started getting force closes with blank screen when trying to shutdown. Decided to give the PowerWash ROM a try. So far that is working great for me.
Problem may have been able to get cleared up by a new install but figured I would give another ROM a try since I was having issues. Know it can also be hardware specific as well as has been seen on this site/forum. I do like staying close to stock and the PowerWash still does that for me.
Keep up the good work I am sure this will be a great ROM for folks.:)

Awesome! PowerWashed is a great ROM. I'm just happy you found something that works for you :D, but I'm also more than a little relieved ... I wasn't sure I would be able to figure out or repair whatever went wrong ;) [Hey, at least I'm honest, right?]


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Hey, had a quick question for you, DJP. Is there a reason you nixed Swype? It's not a big deal, as all you have to do is reinstall a stock backup with tibu, but I was curious.


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Sep 23, 2010
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Hey, had a quick question for you, DJP. Is there a reason you nixed Swype? It's not a big deal, as all you have to do is reinstall a stock backup with tibu, but I was curious.

Personal preference. Not really anything more to it than that :p
Jan 11, 2011
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

About the video camera ... by chance is your problem that it records for xx seconds and then just stops cold? ...

Yes! That's exactly what happens! We do have the original SD cards. I haven't had the need to buy larger or similar sized SD cards, so we stuck with the originals. All of the other ones I have are 1GB or smaller and were freebies, so I'm guessing are not the best quality. I'll definitely look at buying a replacement and trying that out.



Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011
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Re: [ROM][KERNEL][08.10.2011] GeeWiz 0.2 ED05 TouchWiz Debloated

Personal preference. Not really anything more to it than that

Ok, just curious! Thanks!

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