Any plans on making a NY Mets, and/or Boston Bruins? Thanks
Then after seeing some of this develop I decided to remove the White and let the wallpaper show through.
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Any plans on making a NY Mets, and/or Boston Bruins? Thanks
Awesome Rangers wallpaper! Thanks!
How bout a dallas cowboys one?
Fatboy, you have made some awesome flame wallpapers, have used more than a few myself. but that last one you just did(cowboys) is god awful. i hope it didnt hurt your system making something with the cowboys logo on it....lmao.. just joking all.
How about one with grey/silver flames with the Raiders skull in the middle.... you know what they say "real men wear black!!!!"
Would it be possible for you to do another Pittsburgh Pirates wallpaper with it being like a grey or black background with the yellow "P" logo? Thanks in advanced.
These are pretty awesome!
How about a Texas Longhorn with some burnt orange flames?
Yeah...that would be cool...
Thanks in advance!!
I assume by the request you were asking for a black version of the Longhorns since you wanted the burnt orange flames... so here is what I came up with.
That is really awesome man. Thank you!
Looking at it on my phone, I think a white Longhorn might look better, though. I really don't want to trouble you, and I'm sorry I didn't specify in my first request. Anytime you get a chance would be fine. Thank you again!
How bout an UGA wallpaper? Just the G or the bulldog logo would be awesome.
Fatboy97, you are correct it is some work getting these just right. as you know im trying to learn how to do these. i was playing around with the raiders one you did for me. i cant seem to get the top part of mine(raiders lettering) to be a solid black. and where it is black around the lettering i want it with the flame look. any tips? here is what i have done.