Phone Modem Tethering Software Available For The AndroidOS?


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Dec 18, 2010
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Is there any phone modem tethering software available for the AndroidOS? The WebOS has FreeTether for tethering, but I don't know what the AndroidOS has; if they have tethering software at all.


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Dec 18, 2010
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Thanks you guys for the help! I don't own a Android phone just yet. I might be switching if Sprint doesn't get a new WebOS device very soon. So I am just trying to find apps that will match what apps that I have on my Palm Pre. How well does Open Garden and PDAnet work? With FreeTether all I have to do is install the software, turn it on and then the USB, WiFi or Bluetooth tethering is activated. Does Open Garden and PDAnet have WiFi capabilities? I mainly want to tether my iPod Touch and laptop PC to my phone's WiFi connection using the tethering software. Do these software app allow for that? If not, do you know of any that will allow for me to connect a device to my phone using WiFi?


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Dec 18, 2010
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Yep, they allow for WiFi tethering. And they couldn't get much simpler to use. Click it to turn on WiFi hotspot and you're off and running.

Thanks again for your help! One last question. Will this app run on one of Sprint's 4G phones, like the EVO? If I do upgrade, I want to upgrade to a 4G phone. On the discription for the app, it lists that you can share your 3G network connection, but it doesn't mention anything about 4G.


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Dec 18, 2010
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What happen to Open Garden? Its no longer in the app marketplace. If its gone for good, does anyone have any suggestions on what app works in a similar way to Open Garden?


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Dec 18, 2010
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Thanks for the link! I see it there, but when I downloaded the app, I was told that my OS doesn't have everything that is needed to run the app. That basically means my phone isn't Rooted and the app needs to run on Rooted phones right? I keep running into software that needs Rooted devices to work. Is there any other tethering software that should work on Non-Rooted devices? What about apps that setup a WiFi connection between my phone and another device, or is that feature only supported on Rooted devices?

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