SWM Was working fine. Now im stucked.


Jan 22, 2011
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Sideload Wonder is AWESOME! The really best app you can get. Without it you get nothing!

But im about to cry, it was working fine for about 5 months ive use it normallly on my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate.

Yesterday I wanted to install an apk. And it is not working anymore. I tried with different apks and same problem. Also tried with my brothers same phone, and it still works. The probleis only with mine.

It stops at "Installing application" and never ends.

This is exactly what I get:

Android Central Sideload Wonder Machine v. 1.1
Make sure your phone is plugged in, and
USB debugging is enabled on your phone

List of devices attached
I89737df1ac5 device

You should see the serial number of your Android
phone above. If so, continue. If not, make sure
you have installed the USB driver for your phone,
and make sure that USB debugging is enabled.

Presione una tecla para continuar . . .
Installing application

Android Central Sideload Wonder Machine v. 1.1
Make sure your phone is plugged in, and
USB debugging is enabled on your phone

List of devices attached
I89737df1ac5 device

You should see the serial number of your Android
phone above. If so, continue. If not, make sure
you have installed the USB driver for your phone,
and make sure that USB debugging is enabled.

Presione una tecla para continuar . . .
Installing application

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