My Samsung Music Player is not working properly, anyone able to help?


AC Question

Help with Samsung Music Player?

One day, I decided to restart my phone because I usually restart once a week to keep things smoothly. However, this time, something happened. After that, everything just messed up. I put on my music and it lagged for a second, and started to play the song. After the song was over, it lagged for a few seconds and just closed the music application. When I opened up the application again, it started to play again but I couldn't hear any sound from my earphones (it's not the earphones, I tried it another set, but it still did it). It continued to play, but I can't hear it. So I restarted my phone a couple of times to hear my music again. Also, after awhile after it goes smoothly again, it decides to mess up again, but instead, when I play a song, it says does not recognize the MP3 file and does it to each song. How do I fix this problem? It's been going on for three days now. It's annoying to restart every time. Don't suggest me to factory reset my phone or to clear cache the music app. I already did but it's still doing this. Help is appreciated.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2011
Re: Help with Samsung Music Player?

Which music app do you use? I use Google Play Music. I do not use the other Music App. Have you tried to download another music player from Playstore?

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New member
Oct 11, 2014
Re: Help with Samsung Music Player?

I use the blue Music App on the Galaxy. Yes, I tried Google Play Music and also another music player. It still did the same problem. It did not lag though, it just skipped the song because it did not recognize the MP3 file. Its not the SD card btw if you're thinking. Had to create an account to reply, lol.

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