Recent content by 7plymaple

  1. 7plymaple

    A54 Will not Make use of WIFI

    It worked! I thought for sure it couldn't be the router since all other devices worked. But it was the router! I spent this morning backing everything up to do the reset lol. Thank you!
  2. 7plymaple

    A54 Will not Make use of WIFI

    Hi, So in the last two months or so my A54 has decided not to use wifi. Every other device (my old phone, tablets laptops) in the house connects and works fine. Just the A54 will not use wifi. It will not play a video or even load pages. When I turn off WIFI and use mobil data it's fine. Works...
  3. 7plymaple

    Breifing/Flipboard app not on apps list in Settings! What else is hidden?

    SpookDroid thanks for the help. On my phone I have to go to system>apps then hit the menue icon in the top right corner then system apps and its in there. And that takes care of my other concern about not being able to find the system apps.
  4. 7plymaple

    Breifing/Flipboard app not on apps list in Settings! What else is hidden?

    Soon after getting my A5 I start seeing notifications with the flipboard symbol on them. So I go to settings to disable the app and its not there! Maybe I've been naive all these years using android. Or maybe its something on newer versions of the OS I've never encountered. But I thought all the...
  5. 7plymaple

    Just Got an A5 and it wont Connect via Bluetooth to Anything

    So no luck with safe mode or turning off wifi. But it looks like the devices are at fault not my phone. Tried pairing with my old phone and it worked fine. Tried pairing it to a speaker and it also worked. Tried pairing my old phone to the keyboard and it wouldnt work! So by coincidence seems...
  6. 7plymaple

    Just Got an A5 and it wont Connect via Bluetooth to Anything

    Okay I will try that after work. Thanks!
  7. 7plymaple

    Just Got an A5 and it wont Connect via Bluetooth to Anything

    Hi thanks for the reply. Yes with my keyboard I hold down the pair button and click pair on my phone. Then the phone shows the message saying what numbers I should type into the keyboard to confirm the pair. And every time I put in a couple numbers the phone immediately says could not pair. make...
  8. 7plymaple

    Just Got an A5 and it wont Connect via Bluetooth to Anything

    Hi everyone. I just bought an SM-A520W Aalaxy A5 and so far love it. But cant get it to connect with any bluetooth devices. Keep getting the "Can't connect to logitech keyboard. Make sure device is ready to pair" Same thing with my car as well. Never had this problem before and have been using...
  9. 7plymaple

    Roms from Androidfilehost

    Thanks LeoRex. I will give it a go then!
  10. 7plymaple

    Roms from Androidfilehost

    Hi all. Just getting back into android play. Wanted to try cyanogenmod 14 . I know cyanogenmod is down so I searched and found it on androidfilehost dot com. Just wondering if that's a trusted place? If not any suggestions are much appreciated! Thanks.
  11. 7plymaple

    Can't reinstall software update apps! Rooted Tab S

    I'll give it a try. Thanks!
  12. 7plymaple entire phone just went into negative display!

    Go to settings, accessibility, vision, and uncheck "negative colors". Hope that helps!
  13. 7plymaple

    Can't reinstall software update apps! Rooted Tab S

    So I recently rooted my galaxy tab s that I've owned for a couple years now. And I did something dumb. I got Titanium backup on there, and wanted to shut down the constant notification for the marshmellow update (still on lollipop). So I uninstalled two apps callled "software update 4.21.150224"...
  14. 7plymaple

    Email app does not load images...

    We did and it was set to download. But the download would get stuck every time. Last night she deleted the account then re added it and that worked. Thanks for the reply!
  15. 7plymaple

    Email app does not load images...

    Hi, So my wife and I both have the z3 and she is having a problem where she cannot load any images attatched in emails she receives. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.