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      eschank replied to the thread Question Maybe not Bricked ?.
      Latest Update: I have a screen telling me: Kingo Superuser Have Root! Your phone has root, you can manage the rights. Ok, so I...
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      eschank replied to the thread Question Maybe not Bricked ?.
      Update: After re-starting, I managed to get Firefoxup and running,( using the google Icon on the back ) I also got another App started...
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      eschank replied to the thread Question Maybe not Bricked ?.
      Thanks SyCoReaper, yes it was a few years ago but I do not recall ever changing the Bootloader to TWRP, as I do not even know what that...
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      eschank replied to the thread Question Maybe not Bricked ?.
      Thanks Golfdriver97, I am looking at an old Youtube video about upgrading the Firmware of my device, would that be the "Stock" firmware...
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      eschank replied to the thread Question Maybe not Bricked ?.
      Hello Belodion and Thank You. I can get into the Settings and I see a Clear Cache, and factory reset buttons, but I am reluctant to...
    • E
      Hello Everyone, I have a Yotaphone-2 which I liked a lot. I believe it runs Marschmallow. I played about with it some years back ( tried...
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