Recent content by lakedude

  1. L

    Looking for Memo or Note feature??

    Now that I've got it all figured out getting new apps is a trivial process, super easy from the phone or the computer. Snagged a QR scanner, flashlight app and of course Simple Note. Checked out the Amazon link via the QR scanner which was cool. I've seen other people use these things but now...
  2. L

    Looking for Memo or Note feature??

    Okay, got it figured out. Thanks for all the help. WiFi was working but for some reason displayed an error when going to the default website. Simply trying another website "fixed" that issue. It took me forever to figure out Google Play. I was trying to access with my computer and with the...
  3. L

    Looking for Memo or Note feature??

    The phone does have WiFi and I did put in the code for the router but the browser still didn't work. It just complained about not having a data plan. How do I make it use WiFi?
  4. L

    Looking for Memo or Note feature??

    Ok I've got a Keep crx file. What now?
  5. L

    Looking for Memo or Note feature??

    Ahh, thanks. I can't seem to get it to work. Remember I don't have data on the phone. I'm trying to use my desktop to download the file but that does not seem to work.
  6. L

    Looking for Memo or Note feature??

    Hi I'm coming to the Motorola Admiral from a LG900G. The Admiral is my first "smart" phone using android. The LG900G had a "Memo" feature that was useful for storing little notes like usernames and passwords or Mom's birthday and favorite flower shop, is there something similar on the Moto? Do...