Recent content by Piquedram

  1. P

    [Closed] Win a (as in one) free smartphone from Android Central, Poweramp and Negri Electronics!

    Let's give this another go, Here's to hoping I'm the one! :D
  2. P

    Just saw my friends Nexus 10!! Its best looking & amazing

    4 days until I can hold mine...
  3. P

    [Closed] Android Central's Million Member Giveaway!

    here's to hoping i win something this time around! :D
  4. P

    [Closed] Win a free unlocked GSM Samsung Galaxy Nexus

    who would NOT want one of these? :D
  5. P

    [Closed] Acer A510 and ASUS Transformer Prime giveaway

    would love myself one of those awesome Tegra 3 tablets :)
  6. P

    [Closed] Win one of two ASUS Transformer Primes with keyboard dock!

    Sweeet givaway! Too bad i can't find the google+ post as well...
  7. P

    Thinking of selling my Gnex after 2 weeks of using it

    Just checked my gsm nexus, left it sitting for about 12 hours barely used it, (slept 8 of those hours) and it consumed 12% power. That is with all data turned off. 63% of this went to android os, 23 to phone idle, and 10 to standby. I believe that because it uses so little power on standby or...
  8. P

    Proud Brand New Galaxy Nexus Owners - Welcome!

    finally got mine today! :D first impressions (of about 1 hour of use) AWESOME phone!
  9. P

    Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Future) Owners Club

    aaaaaand i've been postponed again, I'll only have it by next monday, IF I'm lucky that is... apparantly samsung doesn't have enough galaxy nexus' to go around, the shops delivery got delayed...
  10. P

    What the heck Expansys?

    Clearly she has no clue how important this is to you...
  11. P

    Quadrant Wow

    Alternatively; it could be the wallpaper programming. I've done some small development for my own android phone as a test, and a live wallpaper can be quite the resource hog if not optimized. You should see it as this graphics rendering program running continuously if you want your nice and...
  12. P

    No USB MASS STORAGE Support!!? Only MTP PTP?

    Like you just said; it is already partitioned, so there is no advantage for the manufacturer NOT to support mass storage. However, I'm no psychic, so who knows, maybe they decide to do this the hard way. Slim chance of that though.
  13. P

    No USB MASS STORAGE Support!!? Only MTP PTP?

    Yes you will be able to use mass storage for your sd card, ics does not prohibit it. The whole reason to use mtp is to not have to partition internal storage space, but your sd is a seperate partition anyway.
  14. P

    Galaxy Nexus vs SGS2 with ICS

    The main question here is not if the sgs2 with ics will beat the nexus, of course it will. The main question is; are you willing to wait 3+ months for every update coming in the next 2 years, and do you want touchwiz on your phone?
  15. P

    So... the screen is 1280x800, right?

    I stand corrected, you are right. But then is the screen 720 or 800? Because the buttons have no effect on the wifdth dimension of the screen...