Recent content by pvb2001

  1. P

    My WhiteStone Dome is here!!!

    I got mine on Monday along with my phone but just installed it tonight! I missed the levelling a bit but caught it in time. When removing the glue bottle i was careless and a drop spilled next to the power button. I had all ports covered with tape. Will let it sit overnight. All looks well for now.
  2. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    We got both Tmobile and the unlocked models. The Tmobile ones were sealed and the unlocked ones were not.
  3. P

    Ladies what cases do you have?

    Does the uag monarch add bulk to the phone??
  4. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    My gear 360 has also shipped!
  5. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    i have received the phone... my gear 360 is still on preorder :(
  6. P

    Whitestone Dome Note 8

    Thank you!!
  7. P

    Whitestone Dome Note 8

    Has anyone used it with the Spigen liquid crystal case successfully??
  8. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    Did you call Samsung??
  9. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    Mine shipped too. Delivery by Monday.
  10. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    I think you can call Samsung to get the link for previous Note 7 owners discount. The freebies are done though.
  11. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    My phone order is now confirmed.
  12. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    It still shows as preorder
  13. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    I now have a pending charge back on my card from Samsung. Hopefully will get the shipping confirmation soon!!
  14. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    I ordered 9/1 unlocked. No update as of yet.
  15. P

    Samsung (direct from them): Note 8 Pre-Order Thread

    Just got off the phone with Samsung after 2 hours hold! The rep said they will have some update by Friday. They have no information to share right now. If not for that $425!