Recent content by Viventis

  1. V

    Anybody else still not have Lollipop on the Wifi-Only version?

    My Nexus 5 and Nexus 10 updated OTA more than a week ago. No luck with my 7.
  2. V

    T-Mobile Visual Voice Mail

    I just received notification that my side loaded VVM application was updated. Does that mean that T-Mobile now officially supports VVM on the N5?
  3. V

    Nexus 5: Lose Connection with T-Mobile service

    Re: Lose Connection with T-Mobile service I can understand the possibility of T-Mobile doing something to briefly cause my connection to drop. But, shouldn't the N5 automatically reconnect when the network is available? Does the Nexus 5 only search for a network when it powers on (or manually...
  4. V

    Nexus 5: Lose Connection with T-Mobile service

    Three times in the last week, my phone has shown no connection to the T-Mobile network. I am required to turn off the phone, then re-start it to get a signal again. Once was down town, where I get 5 bars. Any ideas?
  5. V

    Former Nexus 10 Owners who bought a new different tablet or bought a second one

    I have a Nexus 10 and recently bought an iPad Air. The differences I have noticed so far: Screen resolution on photos is comparable, but the iPad, because of its dimensions, allows the full screen to be used. This is important to me because I am an amateur photographer. The same difference...
  6. V

    Best Free Cloud Storage

    Thanks so much. It worked! You have to sign up with the app., not the internet site.
  7. V

    New Nexus 5 Questions - T-Mobile

    T-Mobile's Visual Voice Mail app runs fine on the Nexus 5. For some crazy reason you can't get it on the Play Store. Search for the .apk file and side load it. The one I found is named... com.tmobile.vvm.application-1.apk.
  8. V

    Slow WiFi after 4.4 upgrade on Nexus 10 (solved)

    I have mine ticked "on" and still get 33 Mbps download with 4.4.2.
  9. V

    Slow WiFi after 4.4 upgrade on Nexus 10 (solved)

    I am a fairly good test subject, since I just got my Nexus 10 yesterday and did very little to it but synced with my Google account and updated in two steps to 4.4.2. I get the exact download figures with all three location services settings (High Accuracy, Power Saving, and Device Only). The...
  10. V

    Nexus 5: "OK Google..Call Bob Schmedlap on mobile" "Sorry, no phone number listed."

    Re: Nexus 5: "OK Google..Call Bob Schmedlap on mobile" "Sorry, no phone number listed." The interesting thing is that it works for some contacts but not for others. The number of contacts with the problem increases over time. If it was changed by Google on purpose, I would think it would...
  11. V

    Battery case with built in SD slot for Nexus 5

    I use the Meeova microSD card reader with Nexus Media importer. Fantastic combination! The Meenova is so small it fits on my keychain (it actually comes with a keychain attachment with a quick release. It is about one square inch on the keychain. It plugs directly into the N5 without a cable...
  12. V

    Nexus 5: "OK Google..Call Bob Schmedlap on mobile" "Sorry, no phone number listed."

    Re: "OK Google..Call Bob Schmedlap on mobile" "Sorry, no phone number listed." I found a thread which shows that the Google voice calling app is doing this on many different models of phones. Most think it started after a recent update.
  13. V

    Nexus 5: "OK Google..Call Bob Schmedlap on mobile" "Sorry, no phone number listed."

    Re: "OK Google..Call Bob Schmedlap on mobile" "Sorry, no phone number listed." I still have this problem as do at least two others. Any help appreciated.
  14. V

    Visual Voicemail for Nexus 5 on T-Mobile

    Re: Visual Voicemail for Nexus 5 on T-Mo Correct. The .apk works. I am running T-Mobile VVM on my T-Mobile N5 (stock) right now.
  15. V

    What was your previous phone? Do you like the Nexus 5 more or less? Why?

    Re: What was your previous phone? Do you like the N5 more or less? Why? I came from the HTC One-S (the smaller one). I like the N5 better for everything but music. The beats audio built into the One-S is so much better. I kept the HTC. It is a fully functional remote control, internet and...