écran de verouillage bloqué autoradio chinois, comment faire un hard reset


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Oct 16, 2021
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Un appel à laide!!!
Alors voilà, mon écran de verrouillage est bloqué.
Comment je dois procéder pour faire un hard reset?
Le radio était déjà installé lorsque j'ai acheté le véhicule. Une jeep Wrangler 2007.
Je cherche désespérément une solution sur internet. Mais en vain, je n'ai toujours pas trouvé??
J'ai essayé plein de méthodes, mais je n'ai toujours pas trouvé la bonne.
J'ai essayé de débrancher la batterie, de retirer la fuse, de retirer l'autoradio au complet de sa location dans la voiture, J'ai aussi essayé plusieurs combinaisons avec le bouton reset.

Pouvez-vous m'aider svp ????

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Welcome to Android Central! From Google Translate: "Chinese car radio blocked lock screen, how to hard reset. A call for help !!! Hello, So there you go, my lock screen is blocked. How do I go about doing a hard reset? The radio was already installed when I bought the vehicle. A 2007 Jeep Wrangler. I'm desperately looking for a solution on the internet. But in vain I still have not found ?? I've tried lots of methods, but still haven't found the right one. I tried to disconnect the battery, remove the fuse, remove the entire car radio from its location in the car, I also tried several combinations with the reset button. Can you help me please ????"

Unfortunately, you'd probably need the screen lock PIN/password, which was presumably created by the previous owner. Are you able to contact that person?

Android devices have Factory Reset Protection, so even if you were able to do a factory reset, the device would likely ask you again for the PIN/password upon starting back up.


New member
Oct 16, 2021
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Je.connais le code, c'est moi-même qui la crée!
Mon problème est qu'il me demande de réessayer dans 86400 secondes. Ce qui représente 24h. Je ne peux laisser le contact ou encore faire tourner le moteur pour tout ce temps. Chaque fois que jéteind le contact, le compteur se remet a 86400 secondes. 😨
Je n'ai aucunement tenté plusieurs essais avant d'en venir là. 🤯

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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From Google Translate: "I know the code, I create it myself! My problem is that it asks me to try again in 86400 seconds. Which represents 24 hours. I cannot leave the ignition on or still run the engine for all this time. Each time the ignition is turned off, the counter resets to 86400 seconds. ������ I did not try several tests before coming to this. ������"

It sounds like the device isn't recognizing your PIN. Assuming you definitely remember the PIN you created, it's more likely a glitch in the radio's firmware. These no-name off-brand devices that are direct from China tend to be very low quality, and more prone to glitches. I'm not sure if there's anything else you can do at this point. How old is the radio? If it's pretty new, you could try contacting the seller and asking for a refund.

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