1st ever Android


Feb 3, 2017
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Long time BlackBerry user, made a detour into ios land when I broke my z10.

Lightning port was on its way out, battery was toast, and I was just plain tired of ios. No way I was going to waste $800-900 on another iPhone.

Wound up buying a oneplus 3t for $439, even if I hated the thing it was still half the price. Damn this phone is fast, everything just flies. Battery life is amazing, and the 30 minute charge is just icing on the cake.

Don't want to make this a full review, but I'm pretty damn pleased. Installed and subscribed to the BlackBerry Hub+, plus installed their keyboard (hated the stock Android one). Best of both worlds for me now
Last edited:


Mar 6, 2012
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Welcome to the forums, from one BlackBerry enthusiast to another! So glad you are liking your OnePlus 3T! It's truly the best deal out there - at least, in my opinion!

Quick question about the BlackBerry keyboard: I'm assuming you need to have the Hub+ app downloaded in order to use it?


Feb 3, 2017
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Welcome to the forums, from one BlackBerry enthusiast to another! So glad you are liking your OnePlus 3T! It's truly the best deal out there - at least, in my opinion!

Quick question about the BlackBerry keyboard: I'm assuming you need to have the Hub+ app downloaded in order to use it?

Thanks, joined the forums back in '08 waiting for the Storm. Was a wild ride for a long time.

Hub+ will not allow you to get the BlackBerry keyboard. https://cobalt232.github.io/blackberrymanager/ is where I found it.


Q&A Team
Mar 15, 2014
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Welcome to AndroidCentral h20work from a fellow Blackberry user.

Installed and subscribed to the BlackBerry Hub+, plus installed their keyboard (hated the stock Android one). Best of both worlds for me now

Good to see you still keeping a little of Blackberry in your life. While i always loved Apple iPhone hardware, i never felt the desire to use the software. I mean its great and all but Android just makes me smile more and i can customise things till I'm blue on the face haha :D

See you around the forums!


Jul 14, 2011
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Hi there! Welcome to the AC Forums and glad you love your device! :) If you do run into any trouble or just want to hang out and learn more, just shoot us a message! :)


Feb 3, 2017
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Thank you so much for that link! Did you mean that you joined the CrackBerry forums?! I'm still a member there! And I've always wanted the Storm lool.

Yeah, I joined when crackberry was still top dog. Storm was my first all glass phone, it was pretty awful though. Things got a lot better with the Storm 2 and then the 9850 torch. BlackBerry had some great ideas they just messed up the execution.

The virtual keyboard was one of my favorite things about bb10, now that I have it installed on my 3T I'm as happy as a pig in shiet :)

Two days in, and I couldn't be happier with the switch.

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome.


Mar 6, 2012
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Yeah, I joined when crackberry was still top dog. Storm was my first all glass phone, it was pretty awful though. Things got a lot better with the Storm 2 and then the 9850 torch. BlackBerry had some great ideas they just messed up the execution.

The virtual keyboard was one of my favorite things about bb10, now that I have it installed on my 3T I'm as happy as a pig in shiet :)

Two days in, and I couldn't be happier with the switch.

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome.

CrackBerry is awesome! I still frequent those forums from time to time.

Thanks for your device history! Yes, the Storm 2 sounded awesome! I've always wanted a Torch BlackBerry! :'(

So glad you are enjoying your 3T with your BB virtual keyboard! :)
Jan 10, 2017
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You are new to Androidcentral but not in this community. First of all I want to welcome you. I have a question for you. Did you enjoy your time with Windows phone? One plus 3 is a Chinese device but it has good customer review.

What do you think about HTC device? I am happy with HTC device and have been using for more than two years.


Feb 3, 2017
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You are new to Androidcentral but not in this community. First of all I want to welcome you. I have a question for you. Did you enjoy your time with Windows phone? One plus 3 is a Chinese device but it has good customer review.

What do you think about HTC device? I am happy with HTC device and have been using for more than two years.

I've never owned a windows phone but I did try to buy one the day my z10 broke. My carrier only had cheapy phones that didn't even have a camera flash. My next choice was a Sony experia whatever (too long ago to remember), but they were out of inventory. That's basically how I wound up with an iPhone, needed a phone immediately and that's all they had instock.

Very few changes from iPhone 6 to 7 as far as I was concerned, and none of them fixed what I didn't like about it. Quick search for "best android phone" led me to the pixel and the oneplus. From numerous reviews, the biggest differences were the pixel had a better camera and instant software updates. Not worth the price difference for me, so I chose the oneplus and could not be happier.

This is the first smartphone I've ever owned where I didn't need to look for workarounds just to do what I need. Sure I did install the BlackBerry keyboard and hub but that's just a personal preference, certainly not necessary to make the phone work.

Side note, saw a few mentions about fuzzy text and wobbly buttons. I can't imagine what they are talking about. Packaging, build quality, and design are just as good as anything apple has IMO.

Laura Knotek

Moderator Captain
Jan 8, 2011
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Hi and welcome to Android Central. I'm glad you like your new device and have joined us here. I remember you from CrackBerry.

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