3 day review.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2012
So I've had my OP3 for 3 days now (well 2.5).

I'll break down into mini sections.

Love it. I haven't found any problems with it at all. The gestures are great, love the music controls when screen off.
The speed and app management are awesome too.

Build Quality.
Honestly, I wasn't expecting the device to feel, well, this premium. Considering the price tag I was dubious before getting it, thought would feel nice but not this nice.
I had it without a case for the first day and it wasn't as slippery as I expected, I have now put it in a case just as a precaution.
The screen protector, is a fingerprint magnet, but a quick clean and it's not even noticeable. They put one on there for a reason and I'm not taking it off.
Screen itself is incredible, best 1080p panel I've used.

Battery life
So far have had average of 4.5 hours SOT, that's with medium to heavy use, streaming music and podcasts, occasional hour of gaming (not high intensity but still quite graphic intense), photos, browsing, Twitter, Facebook, location services, Bluetooth, mixed WiFi and data connection.
If youre a light user, you could get 2 days out of it. The doze management is better than stock imo. I lost 1% overnight and still had a couple of notifications.
Dash charge - wow. Can't say anything that hasn't already been said. You can see the % going up a couple of times a minute. Incredible.

Works well. In perfect light seems to be an outstanding camera.
In the dark you do get noise, but, the flash and shutter are very quick and work well together to get good shots, even of my kids.

Size is fine, I've got smallish hands, and I've gotten used to it already. I've gone from 5" to 5.5" and it's barely noticeable.
Sound quality of speaker is fine. Is a downward facing speaker. It does what it suggests.
Call quality has been excellent. Use the phone for work also and never had an issue with sound quality incoming and no complaints from those on the other end.
FPS - the sensor has worked well. It's my first experience with a FPS and sometimes forget to use it. There has been a few misfires, might be user error but I was very thorough when setting it up. One element to watch.

Overall, amazing. I can't quite believe what you get for the price.

If youre still on the fence, jump off and get one. You won't regret it.
I think you have nicely summed up what a great device this is. I'm glad to see that you are enjoying it so much
I have to concur with mabr82.

I've only been using mine for 24 hours, but I have to say the build quality is excellent. Everything about this phone says FLAGSHIP. The automatic brightness is sooo much better than what I had before. I actually trust it now, while on the S5 I constantly micromanaged the brightness all day. The speed is super snappy and I have not seen an incident of lag even once despite loading all my programs and getting logged in to everything. I too noticed the battery barely moved after 4 hours of constantly fiddling and loading things and testing things out. I love everything about this phone.

Really, after having sooooooooo many complaints about my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S5, I cannot find a single complaint about the OnePlus 3 except this -- there just aren't enough cases for it. I'll post in the cases thread.
Moto g 2015 (was a temporary device bought in May)
Previously Nexus 5
Have also, on and off used HTC M9 & iPhone 6
I also am enjoying the Oneplus 3. I've had mine for a week now and so far only experienced 1 hiccup. For some reason couldn't get it to connect to my wifi at home one day. Rebooted and all set. However, again, this only happened once in the week and has been fine since. Beyond that, performance has been great. Battery life also great. I am averaging about a day and a half between charges with about 3 hrs SOT. Still trying to get used to when to charge it. I came from an LG G3 where I had to charge every night, now I just let it get down to between 5 - 10% and then charge. Typically between meetings at work. I echo what was mentioned, if you are on the fence, don't and just get it. Definitely a great phone. I waited too long and got stuck in the 4 week delay. I haven't checked recently but if it's available, definitely order right away. I don't think you will be disappointed.
Just another thing I've noticed about this phone -- the absence of heat.

My AT&T Samsung Galaxy S5 was always hot, sometimes uncomfortably so. The CPU was always busy running bloatware and unwanted background tasks. I could feel the heat through the case. I don't even have a case on my OnePlus 3 yet and I haven't felt it get hot once. Considering Samsung's heat problems, the fact that the OnePlus 3 can do any task without breaking a sweat should be a serious consideration.
Just another thing I've noticed about this phone -- the absence of heat.

My AT&T Samsung Galaxy S5 was always hot, sometimes uncomfortably so. The CPU was always busy running bloatware and unwanted background tasks. I could feel the heat through the case. I don't even have a case on my OnePlus 3 yet and I haven't felt it get hot once. Considering Samsung's heat problems, the fact that the OnePlus 3 can do any task without breaking a sweat should be a serious consideration.

Yeah, living in the UK I'm actually thinking of switching back to something with a snapdragon 810...

Winter is coming, and the Oneplus 3 just doesn't keep my hands warm the same :p
Had it for about a week now. Great device. Only complaints are the screen resolution (I def notice after coming from Note 7), camera quality in low light, and I realllllllllly wish the home button would vibrate better when pushed (like the iPhone). The vibration motor is horrendous. Otherwise its as close to perfect as it gets
If I wasn't an addict and had a tighter budget the OnePlus 3 is my PICK FOR THE PHONE OF THE YEAR.

Clearly I love I mean I bought it for the third time. I sell to upgrade just for the sake of it.
Currently I'm debating whether to purchase the Pixel or the upcoming OnePlus3T. The former seems harder and harder to justify it's price aside from what appears to be a great camera and receiving OS updates. The latter seems like more bang for your buck!

I was actually surprised when I held the OP3 at an unlocked phones store in my mall. It felt great in the hands and not at all like a 5.5 inch phone. I also held the HTC 10 that was right next to it and although I love HTC (Currently have an M7 almost 4 yr old phone) I want a lighter phone in my pocket and the build quality for the OP3 felt like an HTC product.

Can someone confirm if software updates have made the OP3 camera a bit better? All google reviews show how the video camera suffers even with OIS built in. As for pictures, they may not be the best but I'm not much of a social media picture posting person!
Same here, the Pixel price is just crazy, understand the reasoning behind it, but that's just too much for me.

Definitely the 3T price-wise is so attractive, $40 variance is not that much, the 3 will probably sell at a slower pace because of the processor and smaller battery. Unless they drop the price to about $360 or 350, just cannot see much people going for it because of $40.
Can someone confirm if software updates have made the OP3 camera a bit better? All google reviews show how the video camera suffers even with OIS built in. As for pictures, they may not be the best but I'm not much of a social media picture posting person!

This was at a ground breaking ceremony this week past Sunday. I'd say the camera is great. It is fast and takes good pics.

Currently I'm debating whether to purchase the Pixel or the upcoming OnePlus3T. The former seems harder and harder to justify it's price aside from what appears to be a great camera and receiving OS updates. The latter seems like more bang for your buck!

I was actually surprised when I held the OP3 at an unlocked phones store in my mall. It felt great in the hands and not at all like a 5.5 inch phone. I also held the HTC 10 that was right next to it and although I love HTC (Currently have an M7 almost 4 yr old phone) I want a lighter phone in my pocket and the build quality for the OP3 felt like an HTC product.

Can someone confirm if software updates have made the OP3 camera a bit better? All google reviews show how the video camera suffers even with OIS built in. As for pictures, they may not be the best but I'm not much of a social media picture posting person!

Pixel owner here, get the op3. Pixel very overrated and super over priced.
I'm not due for an upgrade, but I constantly find myself thinking about what phone I would get if my current phone was paid off. I'm also on Verizon and would have to fully pay off my phone, buy unlocked and switch to either att or T-Mobile if I were to use the OP3T. I am looking at this and the Axon 7. I was at this spot last year when I was saying that I was done paying device payments. Then I upgraded and am stuck till August 2017. I haven't been impressed with any of the flagships enough to get one, even if I was getting a black Friday deal on one. Audio quality and camera quality are the two most important things to me. Followed up by customization, which the OP3T is king over the Axon 7 or any other flagship.
I'm not due for an upgrade, but I constantly find myself thinking about what phone I would get if my current phone was paid off. I'm also on Verizon and would have to fully pay off my phone, buy unlocked and switch to either att or T-Mobile if I were to use the OP3T. I am looking at this and the Axon 7. I was at this spot last year when I was saying that I was done paying device payments. Then I upgraded and am stuck till August 2017. I haven't been impressed with any of the flagships enough to get one, even if I was getting a black Friday deal on one. Audio quality and camera quality are the two most important things to me. Followed up by customization, which the OP3T is king over the Axon 7 or any other flagship.

Of the "midrange" phones, I like the look of the OP3T in terms of both hardware and software over all the other midrange phones. I do like the Honor 8's hardware, but the software bothers me. My OP3T could possibly be here on Black Friday, so I'm excited to give it a shot. I'm not sure the top of the line phones are worth it anymore with all the good midrange options at this point. And it lets me not be tied down to carriers. Once we get my wife's S7 edge paid off, I'm going to try to talk her into a midrange phone so we can get away from the carrier shackles.