8 things I learned at Best Buy & Verizon today

Sorry if this is a little OT but since you mentioned this ... if I activate the phone myself - do I get charged the activation fee? I'm a current under-contract customer if that makes any difference.

Activation fees are only for new lines, not new phones. If you go in-store, they MIGHT try and charge you like $20, but if you do it yourself it's completely free.
Unless you threw a *****-fit, it wouldn't. The ad is from the previous week, and on an item that was not in stock. In order for best buy to price match, it has to be a current ad, on an item that is in stock.

I didn't even consider this point. It clearly does say right on the flyer that the prices and sales are effective through a certain date. So yeah, there's no argument whatsoever.

Although, like you said, it can't hurt to ask! I'll just be telling them it's $250 or nothing at all; that's $250 more than if I walk out empty handed. I can't go over $250 under any circumstance without dipping into funds set aside for other things, which isn't happening.
I didn't even consider this point. It clearly does say right on the flyer that the prices and sales are effective through a certain date. So yeah, there's no argument whatsoever.

Although, like you said, it can't hurt to ask! I'll just be telling them it's $250 or nothing at all; that's $250 more than if I walk out empty handed. I can't go over $250 under any circumstance without dipping into funds set aside for other things, which isn't happening.

Yeah it wouldn't hurt to ask. Because of this mishap, they might be more flexible in order to save face.
. You can actually activate it yourself on my verizon then just do *228.

You can actually do "either" a *22899 or *22866 for a blackberry OR a smart phone and you won't have to press 1 or 2 or any other prompts.

Just learned that the other day...:)

I just forgot if it was 66 or 99 on the end.
LOL at Best Buy continuing to devote ad space to something like this. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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The Best Buy print ad and online ad clearly says "After Savings" under the $249 price. I have no idea what those savings are, but it implies that the phone is originally more than $249. It gives a code next to "after savings" maybe someone with the ad can check the code to see what savings they are referring to.
When it comes to the Sales Tax thing, that really depends on the state you live in. Some states actually do require you to pay the tax on the full original price of the item before discounts, others require you pay tax only on what you paid for. New York requires you to pay tax before discounts are applied.
There's a Best Buy ad that shows the TB at $249. I'm bringing that in for them to price match. I saved the actual paper.


my best buy already has the spot out for the TB, and the tag says 249. they have a DI in its place until they get the TB dummy phone.
I have to say, I've had this Dinc for 3 days now, and I'm actually getting kind of attached to it :)

You have no idea how much better this phone is than the craptastic LG Dare I've been saddled with the past two years.

I'm honestly wondering if I should even bother with the TBolt. If it comes out within my 14-day window, I'll definitely check it out, but if it doesn't, I may just hold onto the Dinc for a year and not look back.

I know the TBolt will be faster, but the Dinc doesn't feel the slightest bit slow, even when streaming YouTube videos over 3G. The form factor is pretty nice except for the camera bump on the back, and it's pleasantly light and pocketable. One thing I would need to do if I don't trade up for the TBolt is buy an SD card. The Dinc comes with a pathetic 2 GB SD card. The battery life is also pretty bad, though I don't think the TBolt will be much better.
Sadly, they wont let you price match from a prior week... believe me, it wont happen.

Maybe under normal circumstances that wouldn't honor a price from a previously week, but the problem is they were selling pre-sales for the Thunderbolt this week. The ad correction did not mention that the price was wrong, only that they do not have it in stock. For anyone who did the pre-order, best buy would have to honor the price as they took money from you for a phone that was listed as 249.99 at the time. If they won't honor it, insist on your money back (not in the form of a gift card, but cash or credit back on your credit card) and file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau for false advertising.
Yeah this is stupid. They don't charge it for the iPhone, so they shouldn't charge it for their Android customers.

Visual Voicemail on the iphone has nothing to do with Verizon. Visual Voicemail is included in all iphones, not just Verizon iphones.
I don't throw those. Not my style. We'll see. Don't know about SKUs or in stock. All I know is I got this ad in the mail and am now here to buy.

I won't lose anything either. I'll just buy from VZW w my NE2. Best Buy is just closer. They can take $250 or $0. Makes no difference to me.

Couldn't they simply say that sale has expired!!! Should of have bought it when it was on sale, ha ha.
Best Buy price matches almost anything if you bring proof. Not to mention that ad isn't in circulation yet, so there's no reason to take it as law..

And even when it is in circulation, look what happened this past Sunday!

Edit: They better effing price match this, or I'm not buying any phone and saving my upgrade. Ugh. Finally decide to invest my time and they potentially raise the price >.<

Yeah, almost anything they will price match. They wouldn't price match the Atrix, so I returned my Inspire to them and went to ATT and bought it and I was buying these phones off contract.
Probably keeping the Dinc

Looks like I'm keeping the Dinc unless the TBolt magically appears by Tuesday. Even then, I'm probably just going to stick with the one-year contract on the Dinc. Most of the time, I'm on wireless anyway. When I have used it on 3G, it's been more than adequate.

My biggest disappointment with the phone is the lack of some popular iPhone apps that simply aren't available for Android (you have to root the phone to take a screen capture? No Scrabble?). The browser options are also pretty lackluster. Dolphin is the best one I've tried so far, but it still has some annoying flaws (and it's ugly). I'm looking forward to Firefox for Mobile one day being good, but right now, it's virtually unusable. I do love HTC Sense, though.

So, I could easily wait a year to spend big $$ for the latest/greatest phone. By then, I should be able to get something with Gingerbread or Honeycomb, more apps will be available, LTE will be more widespread and more solid, etc.
I didnt even have to do all that to get them to price match Sprint when I got my evo. I went in and told her Sprint is selling it for $549 off contract price. She called, confirmed and rung it up for me at $549 without any issues. If you're in Atlanta use the Best Buy in Smyrna on Cobb Pkwy. I can promise you wont have any issues in that area. Also theyre on point with the pre-orders too. When the evo's came in she called me the moment the popped open the box and told me I could come get it if I wanted to. Mind you it was 6:45 AM lol but I went ahead and got it right then.
Here is a brain picker. Feel free to correct any inaccuracies.

Notice that Best Buy has been the only one "leaking" release dates. 2-14, 2-24, 2-28, 3-4 etc. Verizon never gave a release date during these times. Best Buy has been taking "pre orders" all the while telling us these supposed release dates. So now that you/I have made our pre orders, Best Buy is going to get at least $50/$100 (single/double pre orders) bucks from us. Even if we decide not to buy the phone, we will end up using their gift cards at one of their brick and mortar stores. When a release date comes and goes, they "leak" another release date, a few more of us make pre orders...guaranteeing at least another $50 sale. Well now...

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