It's a gorgeous phone. The screen is amazing, the size of the thing in comparison to my iPhone 7 plus is great. The hardware is shiny, no gaps, no fitment issues and is basically a far cry away from the Samsung of my former Android years. Stunningly well put together and probably the best looking and best designed smartphone of the year, if not of all time, in my humble opinion.
However, I do miss certain things.
It seems every app has something to say on my phone, well that is before I went to the notifications settings and turned off every single app apart from phone, all the emails, some social media and SMS messages. No I don't need a dictionary to use my SMS tone to notify me about some random rubbish. No I don't need the Edge Screen to notify me about adding something-or-other. No, the Play Store can't tell me about the exciting new what'sthisthingnow. OK< I don't know if the last two ever sent me notifications but i''ve had maybe half a dozen of the most bizarre notifications from apps that really have no right in sending you stuff. Clearly they are trying to say "Hey, look at me! I'm still here! Don't forget me!" and nothing more.
Whenever you install and run an app for the first time on iOS, developers are required to ask you whether you want notifications turned on or off right then and there. Brilliant. Saves me from being woken up at 3am by Super Mario Run whining that you haven't played it for a few days (not that i'm much of a gamer on either platform, except Sudoku maybe).
I'm surprised that more granular control over notifications isn't a thing on this platform. On the iPhone, you can choose if you want app badges and/or lockscreen notifications and either banners or popups. Also, sounds and vibration can be controlled on a per app basis. Here on Android, you can do most of that but it would be really nice to be able to turn off notifications utterly and completely except for app badges. Unless of course i'm missing some functionality after only five hours playing with the phone after five years away. I just get the feeling that although i'm turning off notifications, there's still some app, or system that's going to spam me with something in the not too distant future at the worst moment possible.
My view of notifications is that unless I require them, like email, phone, social media and SMS, pretty much every other notification can get bent.
App badges are hit or miss. The baked in email doesn't display them, neither does Gmail or Outlook at all. Necessitating me grabbing Nova Prime and TeslaUnread to get that functionality back as it's an absolute must for me.
bxactions still works although I wish there was a silent toggle, much like the mute switch on my iPhone, as an option. The best I can do is 'Do Not Disturb' which is sub-optimal.
Overall, what I can deduce is that the hardware is equal, even surpassing Apple but the software still has a way to go until it's as easy and fluid to use as my iPhone 7 Plus.
Overall though, I love the phone and can't wait to try the camera out at the Renaissance Faire in Irvine this weekend.