Always Ready feature...


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Aug 3, 2013
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I'm actually super psyched about this. I think it's b/c i am one of those people if i can skip a step i want to do that. :D. And i love the idea of not having to grab my phone to check the weather, i usually think about checking the whether as i am looking at coats in the winter, or whatever outfit in the summer, so that is gonna be perfect. :D.

But i read somewhere in all my reading reviews, etc, that there are some things that the Always Ready feature cannot access, i am 100% sure i read it cannot be used to send texts via GN, also want to say it also cannot make phone calls, so (and i'm new to Google Now, so forgive me) i'm assuming that means regular physical contact needs to be made to access that feature.

Anyone know anything more about that? Why it is, ways around it. Gosh, there was some article that mentioned something, i just can't find it and i didn't understand what they were saying anyway so...

Also, can i assume it means it can read me a reminder on my calendar?

Man, this is gonna be so much fun for language. I'm always trying to learn spanish, so now when i'm eating breakfast or whatever, i can randomly ask it a spanish word for something. lol.

Man, if they had included an IR blaster with the phone, that means we would have been able to change our channel via Always Ready, huh. Cuz that would seriously be the bomb. lol. If they had done that, they'da sold twice as many. :D
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Nov 30, 2010
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I assume you are talking about the Touchless Controls where you can always talk to your phone to control it. As far as I have heard this can be used with any Google Now command.

This WOULD allow you to send texts and place phone calls.

I think that I have heard that there may be some restrictions on performing this ability if you have your phone security locked then you may have to unlock it before but I know it has been stated there are settings that may allow you to bypass it for the specific functions.

It has also been stated to be able to check your calendar events.


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Aug 3, 2013
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holy motorola. lol.

okay. thanks. one last q. And i'm not familiar with android (yet, woot) or google now,...

what do you think the chances are of finding a way to get this thing to read you your texts? i mean, you would have to get the software to open whatever notifications there were and have you choose one, and that's just to start.


i saw that cute little Nao robot tell this guy he had sms and then ask if he wanted for him to read it to him, and then he did, and i really want that to be part of my reality. lol. If i could avoid picking up the phone to receive texts i would be so happy.


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Aug 3, 2013
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There are dozens of apps that read your SMS to you, its not really a major deal.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using AC Forums mobile app

that i know, i'm wondering if i can get to it via always ready feature. Sorta like "hey google now, do i have any texts?" "yes" "read them to me". (Ah heck, the whole thing could be great "ok google Nao, do i have any notifications?", "yes, 2 voicemails and 3 texts". "Play voicemails" (the play vm is easy just "call voicemail"). I guess i should just find out how well AR/GN accesses and manipulates applications.

although are you saying it get a text and without my touching anything my phone asks me do i want to hear it and i say yes and it will read it to me and having nothing to do with always ready? cuz that would be awesome as well. that makes sense, the notification prolly turns on the voice feature asking if you want it to read. That's exactly what the nao did. Although i'd still want to get the msg if it were on notification and i not had the phone on me at the time.
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Aug 3, 2013
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Someone had a cool use for the Always Ready, use it to find your phone. :D. I am forever having my phone in my bedroom or living room or purse or pocket, not sure how many layers of clothes it can hear through, lol, hopefully at least a pants pocket, but ?Okay google now, set alarm for 1 minute?, that outta do the trick. ;D

Although i'm sure lots of people will make cool little apps just for little stuff like that. Like a ?find my phone? and it rings real loud.


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Feb 24, 2012
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The new Droids have this, but I don't know if the X has it. You just say, "Okay Google Now. Call my Droid" and your phone will start to ring.

Android device manager can call them now too, but not as easy or cool as just saying it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4


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Aug 3, 2013
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this is gonna be really trippy, i wonder how it will change how many times we look at a clock. i'm so interested to see what happens, if anything at all. For waiting times of short duration, it's often easier to glance at a clock then get your phone, turn it on and set it, but now it could be almost as easy as it is to memorize the time and then set the end time in our heads. And even though it might still be a full10 words instead of a just glance, we glance at a clock several times for each 10-30 minute wait. I do anyway. And it annoys me, (but that could be because i get a little anxious). But i do short time watching pretty often!...

paying attention to when you're laundry is done to go get it out of either cycle
thinking, okay, my show starts at 9 (although i have dvr for that)
cooking! leaving something on for 30 mins, gotta check the time it goes in and keep checking (of course you can do that with any phone, but it means of course, grabbing the phone, turning it on, etc etc)
females: dying your hair, 10 minute wait, i prolly check the time 3 times.
doing a skin peel (you leave an acid solution on for 5-7 minutes, and you have no idea how easy it is to forget, lol, ouch)

Will it end up being truly convenient enough that we change how often we check a clock?
If we use it so often and not check the clock during the time we're doing whatever we're doing in that time, will the feeling of how involved we are in that current task change?

it's just timers, but since it then becomes as simple as uttering 10 words i can imagine it might be used quite a bit.
or it could even end up being something not used that often at all. I'm so interested to see

(and i won't even get into how many times i've had to go to my computer and call my phone, or even just looking around to find it)

Dunno, could be nothing, but it could also totally become part of normal life.

whaddya think? i mean, it seems so little but unless i'm mistaken, it really is a true first.
(and i don't know about anyone else, but whenever i see people talk to their computers in movies about the future i just think it's so awesome. lol)


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Feb 24, 2012
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Just buy the LG Android powered Washer and Dryer and have it send you a notification when a cycle is complete. ;)


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Aug 3, 2013
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Wha?? Am I the only one who thinks this brings us right into the future and will change or daily lives? Lol. Either I am way off base or people aren?t seeing how evolutionary this is. Lol. I guess will find out in 30-60 days.

This morning I had to find my phone, it was under one piece of bedding after i shut it off for my alarm then threw back the covers, I actually found myself pissed off that I couldn?t just call out to it, lol. This is gonna be a long 30 days of living in the what is past.

Okay, I?ll be quite about it now and just be special snowflake. ;)
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Oct 22, 2009
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I'm with you paisley...I'm actually using Google Now more on my Razr since I realize what I can already do that I just didn't realize.