Android Family Plans


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Apr 4, 2010
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The idea of buying an Android phone on a family plan has been floating around the web since the G1 rumors started. I am currently on a VZW family plan with 1400 mins and unlimited messaging on 4 lines, but I am willing to switch carriers if it means that we can have Android handsets. I am looking for a family plan that fits my needs from any carrier that will allow all four lines to get Android handsets for under $200 (without the cost of the handsets). Can anyone help me?

Thank you in advance.

Double Tap

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Feb 16, 2010
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Can you say Sprint

Everything Data Family - with Any Mobile, AnytimeSM

Introducing Any Mobile, Anytime, forget about restrictive calling circles. Our Everything Data plans give you unlimited data, messages and calls to any mobile, anytime while on the Sprint Network. That’s access to over 250 million U.S. mobile phones nationwide. Our Everything Data Family plan offers families the best value in wireless. For just $42.50 per line, a family of 4 receives Any Mobile, AnytimeSM plus unlimited Nationwide messaging, Web surfing, and nights and weekends with nights starting at 7 p.m. >>Learn More
This plan includes

* Any Mobile, Anytime: Unlimited domestic calls from the Sprint network to and from ANY U.S. mobile phone regardless of carrier. Any network, any time.
* Unlimited data: Web surfing, email, BlackBerry Internet Services (BIS), GPS Navigation, Sprint TV and Radio, NASCAR Sprint Cup MobileSM
* Unlimited messaging: Text, pictures and video
* Talk: Night calling and weekends starting at 7 p.m., nationwide long distance and no roaming charges. Lines 1-2 included. Lines 3-5 are $19.99/mo./line.
* Unlimited Direct Connect: Direct Connect and Group Connect (for capable phones)
* > Learn more about what's included in this plan

Additional plan options:
Unlimited Nights & Weekends

Unlimited Nights & Weekends starting at 7pm! - $0.00
Nights and Weekends starting at 6PM - $10.00

Anytime Minutes Monthly Price Additional Anytime Minutes Lines
1500 $129.99 40?/min
3000 $169.99 25?/min
Last edited:


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2010
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I just switched to the Sprint plan myself. I don't have a lot of experience with it, as I am under a week with the current plan. But so far, while coverage isn't quite as good for me as it was with Verizon, it is still good enough for me not to regret switching. For the most part the Sprint plan has been just as good for phone usage as Verizon, with a lot of added benefits through the plan, without all the added cost. There is only the fact that for some odd reason, in my bedroom of all places I lose service through my Sprint phone sometimes. I don't know why there specifically, and why I didn't have that with Verizon. Its a weird issue, but I still don't regret due to all the other features I can now use on my phone. Plus I really text, and do other things a lot more than phone calls. So I would say Sprint is your best option to fit your needs.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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I had to drop Sprint... they kept hitting me with $150 data fees... even though I was on their "unlimited" data plan... it was cheaper to pay the disconnect fee then to pay the monthly bill.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2010
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Sprint - Define Region

Everything Data Family - with Any Mobile, AnytimeSM

Introducing Any Mobile, Anytime, forget about restrictive calling circles. Our Everything Data plans give you unlimited data, messages and calls to any mobile, anytime while on the Sprint Network. That?s access to over 250 million U.S. mobile phones nationwide. Our Everything Data Family plan offers families the best value in wireless. For just $42.50 per line, a family of 4 receives Any Mobile, AnytimeSM plus unlimited Nationwide messaging, Web surfing, and nights and weekends with nights starting at 7 p.m. >>Learn More
This plan includes

* Any Mobile, Anytime: Unlimited domestic calls from the Sprint network to and from ANY U.S. mobile phone regardless of carrier. Any network, any time.
* Unlimited data: Web surfing, email, BlackBerry Internet Services (BIS), GPS Navigation, Sprint TV and Radio, NASCAR Sprint Cup MobileSM
* Unlimited messaging: Text, pictures and video
* Talk: Night calling and weekends starting at 7 p.m., nationwide long distance and no roaming charges. Lines 1-2 included. Lines 3-5 are $19.99/mo./line.
* Unlimited Direct Connect: Direct Connect and Group Connect (for capable phones)
* > Learn more about what's included in this plan

Additional plan options:
Unlimited Nights & Weekends

Unlimited Nights & Weekends starting at 7pm! - $0.00
Nights and Weekends starting at 6PM - $10.00

Anytime Minutes Monthly Price Additional Anytime Minutes Lines
1500 $129.99 40?/min
3000 $169.99 25?/min

This plan pretty much says it all. . Sprint still embarasses Verizon/ATT(even post $69 unl talk) dollar for dollar, and when the Sprint haters at work say it's not that much cheaper, Show them the 1500 min plan with the basic two lines. How much is a 1400 min verizon one, with out any mobile anywhere etc? About 50 bucks more a month. Nuff said.