Answer phone calls


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2014
I'm having a problem answering calls from contacts. The screen shows the 3 boxes but when I press the answer button, the screen goes blank and the phone keeps ringing. I end up having a call the contact back. What's going on? I have rechecked all the settings.
It may be worth clearing the cache under phone in settings, apps

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll do that. I also made a very small change in my Screening settings and I just tapped the ANSWER box on the last cell and it worked by answering the call.
I'm not sure what allowed the call to be answered. It could have been that my tap was interpretated as A LONG PRESS and therefore ignored the tap.
Anyway, I'll pay close attention to my future Keypesses.
You're sure the screen isn't just timing out, right? What's your screen timeout set to?

Also, when the screen blacks out, does it come back on if you press the Power button?
You're sure the screen isn't just timing out, right? What's your screen timeout set to?

Also, when the screen blacks out, does it come back on if you press the Power button?

It really doesn't time out, it's just nothing happens. I think the problem a
Was with the sensitivity of my Keypess. If I just tap the ANSWER box it works OK. I also just noticed that when other contacts call, the 3 boxes don't show up and a simple swipe up, answers are call.
The only difference between the two contacts is one is designated as a an EMERGENCY CONTACT. I removed the emergency. We'll see if that was the problem.
I'm still having the DECLINE =SCREEN - ANSWER boxes show on the screen when I get a call from just one of my contacts {my wife}. All other calls from contacts I can answer with the SWIPE UP. I've made all of the above changes. What else could I do to fix this.

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