

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
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I would like to know if we need antivirus for our Droids. A friend of mine has something he got off the market. I know that a virus is possible because I got one from a photo on my blackberry. I am pretty cautious but I would like to know what others are doing.


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Nov 11, 2009
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Don't know if you have to have an antivirus with the Droid. I have been using Lookout and like it. It has a Data Backup, antivirus, and a setting for lost phones


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Nov 9, 2009
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antivirus are generally safe, but more often than not they are performance eaters. Downloads are slightly more controlled as well as it blocks downloads for filetypes it doesnt recognize or doesn't have a program installed that recognizes it. While it's always a possibility of occuring, it's also less likely since we're not running windows, which is more prevalent to vulnerabilities since it gets soo much usage and the pile of people you can exploit is far greater.

All that said, if you find an app that doesn't slow your phone down, doesnt hurt. I'd just read up on some reviews if you can find them to see if they really are doing anything or not.
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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2009
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I dont think its something you should need to rush out and get.. for right now i think you'll be safe. I've seen it but i wouldnt download it.


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Dec 17, 2009
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I've been using lookout for a few weeks now, and I never even notice it. When you download an app, you can see in the notification bar that it is "scanning" the application, after that it goes away and doesn't interfere. It backs up your contacts and pictures, which is handy, and can track your phone. And I haven't seen any slow down in the weeks that I've had it installed.


Just follow standard precautions when using your phone (or any device for that matter) on the internet.

*Don't go to untrustworthy web-sites

*File pirating (P2P) will probably get you're device infected

*Don't click on links in spam or pop-ups

*Don't download files from untrustworthy sources

Is the same rules you follow with your computer. 99% of the nasties that can attack a computer get there by the user granting it some sort of permission to get on the system in the first place


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Nov 4, 2009
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I'd be interested in an antivirus program if it registers as antivirus. I can log on to my company's network, but only from a computer that has antivirus software. My friend can do it from his winmo phone so maybe it will work on the droid.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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sorry to be off topic here...

Does anyone know if lookout can remotely turn on GPS?

Also, is "lookout" in market as "mobile security" by a company called "lookout"? I searched for "lookout" and there is no app with that name.


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Jan 14, 2010
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I also looked at the Android Market and could only see mobile security by lookout so that must be it. Good thing it is free.

Also, for activating GPS remotely, it doesn't look like it uses GPS but another way to locate because it is accessible via the internet. It does allow you to wipe your personal data and sound an alarm, which would be hilarious because the thief would be embarrassed to have the phone going off without him knowing. lol

Here is their website:


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2009
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mobile security does use GPS. how it works, is when you want to see your phone's location from the internet. Mobile security sends your phone a encrypted sms that turns on the gps function.


Active member
Jan 14, 2010
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mobile security does use GPS. how it works, is when you want to see your phone's location from the internet. Mobile security sends your phone a encrypted sms that turns on the gps function.

Okay. Their website just didn't say that so I wasn't sure. Thanks for enlightening us, corydunbar :D


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
I use lookout and have never even noticed it.. I don't even know what it has backed up or when it does it.. I do know that I will hunt any person down that steals my phone and make them wish they had not though!


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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mobile security does use GPS. how it works, is when you want to see your phone's location from the internet. Mobile security sends your phone a encrypted sms that turns on the gps function.

Where are you getting this information from? I just downloaded the app and when I was setting it up, under the section for "missing device" it prompted me to turn on GPS tracking, I selected this, and I was directed to the GPS setting screen and asked to select "use GPS satellites" -- well, I don't want to have GPS running full time. I want to leave it off and use for the 5 minutes a week when I need it. The chances of my phone being lost or stolen WHILE GPS satellites are ON is slim to none.

So, if this app is able to remotely enable GPS that would be awesome. But, I don't see where you're getting this information about encrypted SMS to enable GPS, please explain.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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mobile security does use GPS. how it works, is when you want to see your phone's location from the internet. Mobile security sends your phone a encrypted sms that turns on the gps function.

To the OP, sorry to hijack...

well... maybe I'm just using this wrong... I'm just going to say it, ummm... you're wrong. I just went to the web site and "found" my phone. It showed it on a map. It gave the location WITHIN 2550 METERS!!! That's like a MILE AND A HALF!! So, basically useless. Please tell me I'm wrong and using this app and the tracking tool incorrectly.

This app DOES NOT remotely enable GPS. It uses cell tower signals and is not accurate to the point of tracking down a lost phone. There is NO SMS sent (unless I'm not seeing some sort of setting). Even worse, once it locates the phone a nifty message pops up ON THE PHONE saying "found you" so the thief can be fully aware that he's being tracked and make sure that if the GPS was turned off, it would be a swell idea to go ahead and turn it off.

Really great logic there from the developer to go ahead and send an email to an email enabled phone saying it's being tracked, thereby completely eliminating any chance at all of actually tracking it to a thief.

However, the appplication back-up process is good. The contact back up is silly, gmail does that for you. Astro will back up apps, but only on the SD card. Lose the phone and you lose the SD card - so, good idea to use this and Astro.

Virus scan is nice and I like that I can set it to run weekly or daily. I think this app wil be running nonstop in the background and I don't know if it's a battery drainer yet. Be sure to put this app on your ignore list if you're still one the few running a task killer.

Tyler Durden

Well-known member
May 14, 2010
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To the OP, sorry to hijack...

well... maybe I'm just using this wrong... I'm just going to say it, ummm... you're wrong. I just went to the web site and "found" my phone. It showed it on a map. It gave the location WITHIN 2550 METERS!!! That's like a MILE AND A HALF!! So, basically useless. Please tell me I'm wrong and using this app and the tracking tool incorrectly.

This app DOES NOT remotely enable GPS. It uses cell tower signals and is not accurate to the point of tracking down a lost phone. There is NO SMS sent (unless I'm not seeing some sort of setting). Even worse, once it locates the phone a nifty message pops up ON THE PHONE saying "found you" so the thief can be fully aware that he's being tracked and make sure that if the GPS was turned off, it would be a swell idea to go ahead and turn it off.

Really great logic there from the developer to go ahead and send an email to an email enabled phone saying it's being tracked, thereby completely eliminating any chance at all of actually tracking it to a thief.

However, the appplication back-up process is good. The contact back up is silly, gmail does that for you. Astro will back up apps, but only on the SD card. Lose the phone and you lose the SD card - so, good idea to use this and Astro.

Virus scan is nice and I like that I can set it to run weekly or daily. I think this app wil be running nonstop in the background and I don't know if it's a battery drainer yet. Be sure to put this app on your ignore list if you're still one the few running a task killer.

I guess your complaints were fixed in one of the updates to Lookout....

I just went onto and located my phone, they located it EXACTLY where it is, in my house.
the phone gave no indication that it was being tracked (aside from the GPS icon that came on in the notification bar), and no messages popped up on the phone.
the only complaint I have is that I saw no way to lock or wipe my phone if it was stolen..... the only option I saw was to make my phone "scream".

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