Any news on honeycomb?


Jul 17, 2011
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HC sucked on every other tablet I tried. Will not download it. No way. I hope those who want it, enjoy it. I would recommend getting a tab from BB and trying it out before committing to it on the Flyer. Should only take a day or two, then take it back...

Sent from one of my gadgets


Feb 14, 2011
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Which release is this? Can you give us a link?

Here's the source for mine: [Guide][Flyer]Honeycomb S-OFF, Easy Install, Recovery and Root. [Offical HC release] - xda-developers

There is a lot of development going on over at xda-developers - just check out the Flyer forum. For the record, I disagree with HalizDad - on the HTC Flyer Wifi only model, my HC install is as stable, and snapier, than my GB install was. ALSO, I am a big believer in active digitizers, and the HC upgrade so improves the Scribe experience it is worth the upgrade


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Oct 10, 2011
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Halizdad has a point. Check-out HC tablet before updating your Flyer. You will not get new widgets or new HTC apps. You lose 2 pages.

I'm not downloading the HC update. Matter of fact, I have disable the HTC update notification. Read what the HTC view user are going thru.


Oct 10, 2011
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I have ICS on my phone that went directly from Android 2.34 to 4.02 so I know the trauma of over the air upgrade.

The fact is, I like GB, don't see anything wrong with it. There is a comfort in having everything work with HTC widgets and apps. They were tweaked for this 7 inch screen. The hardware buttons are a nice feature, thought went into the design. I also disabled update notification and will let others review it.

Every page I've located on this topic has such few comments that it is difficult to tell what the excitement is about. Other than pen navigation, what else is really compelling? I know about widget resizing etc, possible points other than 'smooth as butter' would be appreciated to know the personal value in the upgrade.


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Aug 4, 2010
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And so here we are......still waiting for an "Upgrade" that was promised the day we bought our tablets. The Flyer held so much promise....and to be sure, I use mine daily in my business and have not opened my Laptop in over a month.....and it's a NICE Laptop.

Honeycomb was never anything more than a knee jerk-bandaid reaction to the iPad by Google. It was a stop-gap "Tablet" OS that was never fully baked. Having said that, HTC has reportedly tweaked sense to run with it specifically for 7 inch screens. Since I make my living as an Artist/Designer, I was REALLY looking forward to the extra pen functionality....the main reason I bought the Flyer over the Xoom or Galaxy Tab in the first place.

I like the Flyer and I like HTC products in general....but they seem to have lost their way. Instead of pushing out Phone of the Month handsets, they should maybe focus more clearly on their once superior construction and quality again. As for HC and the Flyer.....I will upload it for the Pen Functions....but truly hope that now that the Flyer source codes and ICS source codes have been made public.....maybe? we'll see an ICS Rom in a month or two.......this has turned into a mess and a Disappointment....D


Oct 10, 2011
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HC is a blink on the screen, the ICS platform is what will take off now. HTC will focus their effort on bringing a ICS tablet to market in the next few months.


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Jun 7, 2010
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And so here we are......still waiting for an "Upgrade" that was promised the day we bought our tablets. The Flyer held so much promise....and to be sure, I use mine daily in my business and have not opened my Laptop in over a month.....and it's a NICE Laptop.

Honeycomb was never anything more than a knee jerk-bandaid reaction to the iPad by Google. It was a stop-gap "Tablet" OS that was never fully baked. Having said that, HTC has reportedly tweaked sense to run with it specifically for 7 inch screens. Since I make my living as an Artist/Designer, I was REALLY looking forward to the extra pen functionality....the main reason I bought the Flyer over the Xoom or Galaxy Tab in the first place.

I like the Flyer and I like HTC products in general....but they seem to have lost their way. Instead of pushing out Phone of the Month handsets, they should maybe focus more clearly on their once superior construction and quality again. As for HC and the Flyer.....I will upload it for the Pen Functions....but truly hope that now that the Flyer source codes and ICS source codes have been made public.....maybe? we'll see an ICS Rom in a month or two.......this has turned into a mess and a Disappointment....D

Out of curiosity, what additional pen functionality have you heard of that should be coming with Honeycomb? Based on reviews of the Jetstream and skimming the Jetstream user's manual, it seems that pen input is exactly the same as on the Flyer, except that you can use the pen to navigate the UI and have to tap an extra input to create a Scribble.


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Aug 4, 2010
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Out of curiosity, what additional pen functionality have you heard of that should be coming with Honeycomb? Based on reviews of the Jetstream and skimming the Jetstream user's manual, it seems that pen input is exactly the same as on the Flyer, except that you can use the pen to navigate the UI and have to tap an extra input to create a Scribble.

That's a Fair and Good question....what's all the HC fuss about anyway? First of depends on How you use your Tablet as to whether it will matter much to you. HC is really just a Tablet Tweak to GB that takes advantage of the extra real estate right? In fact....Developers have uncovered the fact that when you set your pixel density to anything over 160 ppi and reboot.....HC actually Reverts back to GB! So it's the exact same underlying code anyway. For most's more about the Browser and the New Widget controls and the Eye Candy-Surface stuff.

For me.....This is what matters....HC supports CSS 3D....this is a newer HTML 5 protocol which allows 3D models to be viewed correctly and is vital for sketching applications. It also allows 360 degree viewing/rotation for photos. Fruit Phones have had this for a while now. Then there is the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) upgrade that allows management of your Galleries and Picture Transfers in a more efficient way. Then there is the new Email app, support for multiple devices hooked up together and more powerful Wifi management.

But what really changes and affects the Flyer the HC support for Pen Input. HC unleashes the N-Trig Pen Digitizer (not stylus) to do Many new direct interaction with PDF's (not screen captures ala scribble) and of course navigation through the UI so that you are not constantly shifting from finger to pen and back. Apps like "Pen Supremacy" and "Handrite" come well as various Drawing Applications. Your finger is no match for the pen as far as accuracy and Evernote becomes even more useful. But just take a look at the video of Sketchbook Pro....which requires HC...for a Glimpse of what the Flyer is capable of with Pen input. There is also sensitivity for multiple levels of pressure in HC. Of course even better software (Adobe) is under development as well.....How can Google Sketchup possible not have an Android App yet? So many possibilities.......

SketchBook Pro Android Tablet - YouTube

Should I hop on one the Evo View deals....or wait for the Quattro....decisions....I remain attached to my trusty Flyer.....D


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Aug 4, 2010
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To further expand on how HTC Fumbled away the Flyer and Jetstream with lack of Support and Absurdly High need look no further than the Galaxy Note. The Note, despite being much newer, has already shipped over 1 Million units....without even reaching the USA yet. I'm not a huge fan of Samsung's mobile devices.....nor do I like the fact that it's headed to ATT first, but, you cannot argue with Samsung's engineering.

The need for a compact Tablet with full Pen Input is pretty clear to me. It also needs a solid front and back camera for Video Conferencing and Field Photos. The Construction Industry alone should push for this....with Engineers, Architects and Creative types also wanting this tool. RIM clearly missed the boat here too with the Playbook.

Samsung Galaxy Note review -- Engadget

Notice that despite the smaller size, Sammy managed to make a nifty storage spot for the Digitizer Pen (don't call it a stylus!) This was a definite Fumble for HTC. And speaking of the Digitizer Pen....notice how well it works well throughout the Software with N-Trig type input (same as the Flyer Pen). So is the Note running HC?.....Nope!....Samsung managed all this on Gingerbread?????

The Note has a nice 8mp Camera with flash on the back and a 2mp Camera on the front....are you paying attention HTC? With a Million Units shipped in just 2 months....there is clearly at the very least a strong Niche Market for this type of device. The Flyer.....woulda/coulda/shoulda.!?!?!?

Yeah....I'm bummed as the Flyer has reached EOL without ever being fully realized. Onward to NextGen "Quad" devices from here. Android 4.0 and Quad Processors should change everything again and 2012 should be another Busy year. Happy New Year....D :cool:


Jul 17, 2011
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I don't use the pen, and really use my tab for an ereader, first and foremost. I tried a g-tab, thrive, and a couple of others and simply despise honeycomb. Gingerbread works perfectly for me. If they launched Android 4.0, I'd download it.

Sent from my HTC_Flyer_P512_NA using Tapatalk


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Dec 29, 2009
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Honestly, I want HC ASAP because of all the ridiculous problems I have with my Flyer. I keep having to hard reset it, it's outrageous.

wolf howl

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Sep 10, 2011
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My wife and I both got tablets for Christmas and I got the flyer and she got an Acer iconia. Initially I was a little jealous but hers has had many issues and is unusable at times while the flyer has been rock solid for me. I'm not really a huge fan of HC on her tablet either. I can wait.


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Jun 25, 2011
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...But just take a look at the video of Sketchbook Pro....which requires HC...for a Glimpse of what the Flyer is capable of with Pen input. There is also sensitivity for multiple levels of pressure in HC. Of course even better software (Adobe) is under development as well.....

SketchBook Pro Android Tablet - YouTube

Should I hop on one the Evo View deals....or wait for the Quattro....decisions....I remain attached to my trusty Flyer.....D
This video does show the app, with a touch stylus, on a Motorola tablet. However it does nothing to show "what the flyer is capable of" and if/how it would work with the digitizer pen.

I am hoping for better use with the pen, than what's currently available with GB but not convinced HC is the right option.
I understand the apps are still quite limited on HC, and likely not to get much better as with ICS there is now only one distro to worry about whether considering tablets or phones.


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Aug 4, 2010
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This video does show the app, with a touch stylus, on a Motorola tablet. However it does nothing to show "what the flyer is capable of" and if/how it would work with the digitizer pen.

I am hoping for better use with the pen, than what's currently available with GB but not convinced HC is the right option.
I understand the apps are still quite limited on HC, and likely not to get much better as with ICS there is now only one distro to worry about whether considering tablets or phones.

I agree. I realized after I posted it that the video showed a basic Stylus and Finger using Sketchbook for Android.....which could have been done on ANY HC Tablet. Here I've included the Lenovo Thinkpad Video.....which shows an active Digitizer at work in Sketchbook Pro. I apologize for the confusion.

Drawing on an Android Tablet - YouTube

Having researched the Tablet/Pen subject even further this weekend, I looked at all the various possibilities. For Android, The Jetstream is the head of the class right now with Pen Support throughout the OS via HC allowing complete control by the pen. The next best Tab would be the Lenovo ones....they are less expensive....but only allow the Pen to work in their "notes mobile" and PDF viewer as well as third party apps like Sketchbook. Then there's the previously mentioned Galaxy Note (separate post).

My conclusion is that.... HC will be fun to play with....when it comes, but the Flyer and even the Jetstream are already underpowered to go much further in the direction I need. I will wait for and invest in the NextGen devices with Android 4.0 and Quad Core processors. In the meantime, my Flyer remains my trusty companion at work and on my nightstand....D
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Jun 7, 2010
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I thought the Lenovo ThinkPad also allowed pen navigation throughout the UI; I think I saw a pre-release video showing it. Did they scrap it?

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk


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Aug 4, 2010
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I thought the Lenovo ThinkPad also allowed pen navigation throughout the UI; I think I saw a pre-release video showing it. Did they scrap it?

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

Yup...second apology today. On GB "Idea Pads"'s the same as the Flyer. On Lenovo HC "Think Pads" there is full UI Navigation.... as you would expect. Appreciate the input....better to get it correct.

Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet pen demo - YouTube


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Jun 7, 2010
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One other thing the Galaxy Note has going for it, which I didn't realize before, is that its digitizer and pen are provided by Wacom, not N-Trig. Given the choice, I'll always choose Wacom over N-Trig based on first-hand experience as well as recommendations I've gotten from friends who work extensively with tablet PCs.


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Oct 10, 2011
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Your Flyer has to be constantly reset? are you rooted or running stock?

My stock Flyer has been hijacked by my fiance. She has no clue how Android works or the flyer. All she knows she can get on the internet, Pandora, YouTube and email all at the same time. And the Flyer doesn't act funny or need to be reset.

HC for the Flyer is cool. But, if your flyer is not broke? Don't try to fix it. GB works great on the flyer and solid.

Another thing for people that are concerned with app storage. Going from GB to HC, HC takes the app storage partition from GB and keep it. Where as a HC tablet out of the box let you use all of the 8gb or 16gb for app storage, music, video, etc.. as an example. The 16GB Flyer 3.6GB of app will remain 3.6gb when updated to HC. This applies to cellphones as well.


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Dec 29, 2009
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Your Flyer has to be constantly reset? are you rooted or running stock?

My stock Flyer has been hijacked by my fiance. She has no clue how Android works or the flyer. All she knows she can get on the internet, Pandora, YouTube and email all at the same time. And the Flyer doesn't act funny or need to be reset.

HC for the Flyer is cool. But, if your flyer is not broke? Don't try to fix it. GB works great on the flyer and solid.

Another thing for people that are concerned with app storage. Going from GB to HC, HC takes the app storage partition from GB and keep it. Where as a HC tablet out of the box let you use all of the 8gb or 16gb for app storage, music, video, etc.. as an example. The 16GB Flyer 3.6GB of app will remain 3.6gb when updated to HC. This applies to cellphones as well.

I am indeed on stock. Which is why this is especially surprising to me, you'd think just the stock ROM would not have such device crippling bugs.


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Jun 7, 2010
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I was constantly resetting my first (stock) Flyer for awhile as well... kept running into a wall where it refused to download any apps from the Market, which is kind of crippling for any Android product. Eventually took it back to Best Buy, which deemed it as a software defect and gave me a replacement. The replacement has spazzed out a few times as well, but not with as much regularity.

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