Anybody going to wait it out? I am......


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May 5, 2011
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I would snag it now if I could... My contract is up early next year, by then the bugs will be addressed and there will be a ton of roms & mods to try out! Can't wait to move into the N4 section of the AC forums!!! :p


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2011
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I'm not sure if I want to cancel my pending order or not. On one hand, I really want this phone to replace my G2x. On the other, I kind of want the production of this device to smooth out. Regardless, this IS going to be my next phone. I was going to buy the Galaxy Nexus, but then the Nexus 4 was announced for the same price so now it doesn't make any sense to get the GNex.

If I could get an unlocked Windows Phone 8 out of contract for the same price, though, I'd be on it in a second.


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Nov 13, 2012
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Nope, can't wait. I can't even wait for the restock... how can I possibly wait 2 months.
Feeling like a kid wanting their Beyblade back then.


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Nov 3, 2012
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Who said anything about 2 months? As bad as Google messed up, they are still a money hungry company. They will have more before the Christmas rush.


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Nov 6, 2012
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I'm waiting it out. But I'm probably going to go pick up an N7 to hold me over, and just return it when the N4 comes.

Just an update. I picked up the N7 at Futureshop last night and haven't put it down since. This is my first Android experience/device, coming from a BB9900 and an iPod Touch. All I can say is wow. You can literally do anything on this thing, I've found so many useful apps and ways to use this tablet. I highly recommend anyone waiting for the N4 to pick up the N7 if you haven't used an Android device before. (because of holiday returns, I have until January 5th to return it, so essentially I'm renting the tablet, I have no intent to keep it, although how amazing it is, is making me rethink that)

Can't wait for the N4 :)


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Nov 1, 2012
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I finally broke down and picked one up off craigslist for $450. But it kept whispering to me in my sleep.....

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
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Well, My Thunderbolt just on me, and I have no phone to take it's place. I think I'm still going to wait it out because I want an unlocked phone. I'm tired of Verizon.


Nov 17, 2012
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I can wait! The killer for me though is that I went without a phone in the hopes of snagging this phone. I figure with the iPhone5 rush and popularity, and the tons of Galaxy SIII's I'm seeing in people's hands as I pass them on the streets, I figure the public at large are all already sated with their phone of choice and that the Nexus4 will be an easy snag.

However, the 9AM PST sell time screwed me. There was no way I was calling out sick from work to get my hands on the phone in this economy, and I don't have any means of hopping on the web to get the phone during my shift.. Not that it would matter, if the huge troubles people ran into were of any indication.

If it takes longer than December, or if I miss the rush of the second batch, its likely I'll start shopping at T-Mobile stores since my phone is kind of my life-line for me-- work, and play. Right now T-Mobile stores I've called are selling the phone at $549 plus NYC taxes (8.875%) .. That's *way* too much for me right now. I just hope Google anticipates the upcoming rush-- both in quantity of phones and the purchasing process.


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Nov 9, 2012
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I'm waiting it out. I'm not canceling my order and my money is pending on my bank count. I guess those of us that want a Nexus 4 badly really don't have a choice but to wait. I have my Nexus 7 that's filling the void for now. Hopefully 3 weeks will fly by :)

Same here. I don't need the N4 per se, but my Exhibit 2 can't keep up with what I need it to do, so I do need something. Waiting for the N4 sucks, but what other realistic option is there? I'm not giving up my $30/mo service, so it's either pay >$200 for a used GNex, pay >$500 for another high-end phone or wait on my $300 N4. Waiting is the only option that makes sense for a lot of us who already use prepaid.

ETA: I'm going to speculate that once the initial blitz of orders from people like us is worked out, Google won't have any trouble keeping this phone in stock. The US is by far the largest market, and the majority of Americans who can afford smartphones aren't good enough at math to realize it's cheaper to buy it outright vs. having a carrier subsidize it. The N4 will likely end up being the best-selling Nexus phone ever, but I doubt it'll come anywhere near even the S3 in sales numbers, let alone any iteration of the iPhone. When I mention that I ordered the N4, the most common reaction is "why would anyone pay $300 for a phone when you can get an iPhone 4 for $99?" (well, because then you pay another $1000 in higher phone bills over the course of 2 years...)


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
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No choice but to wait it out if you want this phone. I just checked one out in person at a local T-Mobile store, and was very impressed by the look, feel and smoothness of it. The T-Mo rep said the store was getting a few in "very soon" but couldn't say when. He explained if you buy through T-Mo you can get a discount on the phone or the plan. I didn't have time to do the math, but it seems I'm better off buying from Google and either sticking with AT&T or going the pre-paid route through T-Mo. I just don't understand the "gotta have it RIGHT NOW" mindset that prompts some people to pay hundreds more just because they don't want to wait a couple weeks.

Andrew Martonik

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Aug 12, 2011
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He explained if you buy through T-Mo you can get a discount on the phone or the plan. I didn't have time to do the math, but it seems I'm better off buying from Google and either sticking with AT&T or going the pre-paid route through T-Mo. I just don't understand the "gotta have it RIGHT NOW" mindset that prompts some people to pay hundreds more just because they don't want to wait a couple weeks.

You either way $200 and sign a 2-year for a Classic Plan, buy it for $250 and sign a 2-year Value Plan + $15 installments for 20 months, or buy it outright for $499.

So yes, you save by going directly to Google and waiting for it to be back in stock. If you can wait, do that.


Sep 21, 2011
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you will be disappointed!! I used BB for 3 years(work). was happy the first year and not so much the next two years.
bought Android and never turning back.

I've had my bold 9900 for a year and love it. Before that I had a crappy 8350i. This summer I bought a motorola Milestone (droid in the us I think) and I hated every last bit of it. Keyboard sucked, it was slow, not enough memory etc. I wanted an S3 but I find it too big. The N4 seems like a good compromise but I will wait. I'm in no hurry at all.