Anyone here switch from a Pre?

Sassy Lass

Dec 8, 2009
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I switched last week, for the following reasons:
1. My Pre would turn itself on, even when it was powered off. This happened to me twice on airplanes. I had fully powered off. Even at night, when I would turn it off, it would be on by the morning.
2. It was fully charged and would not turn on until removing the battery. Of course this happened while I was driving at night in a rainstorm.
3. I do not feel that Palm tested their updates before forcing them on everyone. You could elect to not do the update, but the next time you turned your phone off, it would automatically update. The first update caused many Pre users to be unable to use their phone.
4. It took 5 months to enable a different notification for an email versus text.
5. There were supposed to be a ton of aps, I think they gave up when the phone did not do as well as it should.
6. When you would slide keyboard shut, it would sometimes turn the phone off.
7. There were many homebrew aps that were available, but I felt like they were doing the job that Palm programmers should have done prior to release. I am not interested in taking 25 steps to overwrite a phone that I paid a couple of hundred for.

It did have some great features that I miss, but I couldn't depend on it.
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Dec 14, 2009
I just recently switched to a Moment, and I gotta say...I love the Android OS. Even being stuck with Cupcake for awhile, it's solid, firm, and stable, but still open to do what you want with it. I def miss the sleekness of WebOS and its "deck of cards" system (nothing will be as simple or intuitive IMHO), but switching to a more stable and solid phone, OS and hardware, is such a nice change.

-I hated the "oreo effect". The Slider was too finicky for me; hardware was a major downside.
-There were a LOT of bugs still in the system that needed to be worked out. I would have to re-add my email account info on a biweekly basis just GET my emails.
-My Palm Profile would hardly ever backup my contacts, apps, or anything (thanks god for Gmail backup. lol)
-The browser, while quick, left a lot to be desired.
-The App store was a ridiculous joke. I only ever used homebrew and patches (which shouldn't have been needed in the first place)

I will say though...I do miss the themeing you could do through the homebrew community. I'm a poor newlywed who was a recent victim of "job cutbacks", so I can't afford the themeing here on Android (yet!). Other than that, I have no complaints with this OS or the hardware. The Moment is a solid, fast, reliable device, which, in my world, is very much so needed. lol



Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
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Now im looking at both sides from both phones... Ive plaid with android phones but i think Im going to get one... I have a pre now and im going to keep my pre.. But im going to try android as well

Now as far as android im not sure which one I want... I like the samsung moment because it has a faster processor... better screen and the biggest thing for me is that is has a keyboard...

Only thing really making me want a hero is pinch to zoom in the browser... Sucks it doesnt have that.. I like that on my pre and Iphone... Also I like the sense UI... I mean It just looks way better then the standard google ui...

As far as the pre... I love the customization aspect of it I mean no other phone can be done like this.. Ex:





And of corse I love the mutitasking... It is unmatched by any OS... I also like the gestures.. I also think it has the most potential of any OS..

Now the bad things about the pre:

#1All the bugs.. There are alot of bugs that need to be worked out.. its somewhat like a beta phone.. #2 No gpu as of now.. #3 SDK is horrible so that means we cant get alot of apps like shazaam etc which are apps I want... We dont even have api's to access the mic. #4 app selection due to the sdk.


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Dec 13, 2009
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I made the switch primarily because my company uses Google for email. The Pre just did not play well with the google corportate email and calendar account. The Moment is a slam dunk on that. Also, just the sheer number of apps available for Andriod vs Web OS was another selling point for me. Lastly, I love the keyboard and screen on the Moment. As far as the Pre goes, which I still have, the GPS / Nav is better on the Pre. Also, I too, miss the cards and gestures. I've had the Moment for about a week now and I still find myself trying swipe apps off the screen. All in all though, very happy with the move to the Moment for my primary phone. Can't wait for 2.01 to come available.


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Dec 18, 2009
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I have the Pre for my personal phone, and the moment for my work phone. I must say I like them both, but both have weakness' as well. I am hoping Palm continues to improve the phone with their updates, and it certainly is nice to have the homebrew community working to offer improvements as well. (My wife just got a PRE as well.) I guess we are lucky, we have not had any issues with our phones.
The moment is nice, and certainly the app market place kicks the palm app store's butt (right now), but I prefer the palm UI. I am looking forward to the update to 2.1 to see what changes come with that. I am new to android, so I guess I am still learning it's strengths and weakness'.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
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I have the Pre for my personal phone, and the moment for my work phone. I must say I like them both, but both have weakness' as well. I am hoping Palm continues to improve the phone with their updates, and it certainly is nice to have the homebrew community working to offer improvements as well. (My wife just got a PRE as well.) I guess we are lucky, we have not had any issues with our phones.
The moment is nice, and certainly the app market place kicks the palm app store's butt (right now), but I prefer the palm UI. I am looking forward to the update to 2.1 to see what changes come with that. I am new to android, so I guess I am still learning it's strengths and weakness'.

x2 I am in the same boat as u are... I think palms UI kicks androids butt... But I love the marketplace and how stable the phone is... I havent really found any bugs... I think I may switch to the hero though just because I like the Sense UI alot as well as the custom htc widgets.. it would be nice if they would put some of that in the market place..


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Dec 19, 2009
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I switched to the Moment from the Pre because I went through 5 Pre's that all had faulty hardware. First had a portion of the screen that was never working. 2nd literally slid apart in my hands fresh out of the box. 3rd wouldn't show the colors correctly. 4th the bluetooth quit working completely and the 5th one the bluetooth worked sporadically as well as cracks coming from the USB port door and going across the screen.

Every Samsung phone that I've had in the past has been well built and reliable. That was my main reason for choosing this over the HTC Hero (that, and I've had bad luck in the past with HTC phones). So far, it's working great. Excellent on battery life, easy to use, etc. WebOS and their cards was very simple and easy, but I really like the Moment so far.


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Dec 21, 2009
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I switched yesterday. I went thru 3 Pre's in 6 months. The first one broke after 1 week. The second one starting cracking around the charging port after 3 months & the last one, the gesture area stopped working thus rendering the whole touchscreen unusable. I love the idea of WebOS, but the phone is WITHOUT A DOUBT poorly manufactured with little to no quality control from the factories!


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
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Well I went back to my pre... The moment was ok but there were alot of things i missed.. Facebook integration, and synergy.. Also I didnt care for the layout of the moments keyboard and it sucks there was no pinch to zoom.. I havent had any of the build quality issues that you guys speak of and ive had mine since launch day.. Maybe im lucky lol.. Ill probably try android again but I think ill be getting the hero.. man I do miss that app store though..


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2009
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I have a Palm Pre and just recently switched to the Moment. Wow, this screen and speed of the phone is amazing compared to the Pre. Also, the buidl quality is WAY better. Myself as well have gone through THREE Pres and for very serious issues. Build control is horrific on my Pre. I lucked out to an early upgrade due to my account and I jumped all over it. I, like everyone else envy the sleekness of the Hero, but no AMOLED screen (most are just plain OMLED, if they even have that) and a max resolution of 65K vs 24 million on the moment cinched the deal.

Im having a lot of fun with all of the apps. I feel like a grown up again using this phone. Oh, and I can actually shoot videos & pictures out of the box & upload straight to Facebook. So much for that bull**** Synergy!


Jan 6, 2010
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I switched yesterday. after my second phone in 3 weeks I just didn't want to deal with anymore hardware issues. I do think the webos is pretty slick and a little more intuitive. So far I like the moment It feels much more substantial in my hand than the pre ever did.


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Apr 23, 2010
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I switched too from a pre after the 2nd one starting do the same thing 2 days after I got it. I needed something that I didn't have to check every sec to see if the volume stayed turned up so I could actually here it ring. I too had pretty much the same issues as the other above and just got tired of not being dependable. So here I am with a moment and loving it big time.


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Nov 26, 2009
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I switched from the wacky, but interesting Pr? to the Moment last December. Best move I made. No oreo keyboard effect, no more to many cards open errors, no more lock ups, no more constant up dating to fix one thing, and have the update cobb something else up.

The Google Market is way better than the Palm version.

I got a gloss black snap on case, now the Moment looks like a Pr?, only bigger and the keyboard slides out the side.

I loves me Android Hero and Moment. They just plain work......


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2010
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I switched from the wacky, but interesting Pr? to the Moment last December. Best move I made. No oreo keyboard effect, no more to many cards open errors, no more lock ups, no more constant up dating to fix one thing, and have the update cobb something else up.

Why do early adopters whine and moan when they buy a next gen phone? There were some issue that have not been fixed.

If you did not want to be in the cutting edge, dont buy first gen phones.


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Mar 9, 2010
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Why do early adopters whine and moan when they buy a next gen phone? There were some issue that have not been fixed.

If you did not want to be in the cutting edge, dont buy first gen phones. I disagree. I stayed with the pre from launch day to just a few weeks ago. Having the first gen always involves quirks that usually are resolved within a year. Well...owning the pre (and liking it), I can say they did NOT fix all the problems they had. Still...even with the update 1.4 the phone still lacked. I'm talking fro ma non rooted standpoint. Of course you could go into preware and pimp out the phone, but you shouldn't have to do that. The phone was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slow. I'm sorry, but thats unacceptable. I shouldn't have to put the 800mhz patch on my phone just to speed it up. Opening the calendar takes 3-5 seconds. Thats nuts in my book. Not counting how long it takes just to add something.

Yes the phone is cool and new, but the updates were only minor fixes to the huge list of things that needed to be done. The hardware was a bigger problem. Great great great looking device, but plastic everything on it just wasn't good enough. I'm happy with my moment, and I will be even happier when 2.1 is released. Soon after that though I will be riding the Evo wave. I hope palm has something up their sleeve for this summer. But I saw something saying the palm pre plus is coming to sprint, and if thats the case.....well, thats just sad if thats it for the summer.


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Apr 29, 2010
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I am on a trial with the Moment, from the Pre, and I am having some growing pains with Android. I never had a single issue with the Pre, build wise or physically (Oreo and what not). I did install the processor hack, and it moves really well now. Little things trip me up on the Moment, like the menus and stuff, but I'm still learning. Pre has far superior mail/messaging integration, at least from a n00b Android user perspective, but I really want to give it a fair shake.

Any advice on tips or tricks from former Pre users on ways to cut down the learning curve?



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Dec 8, 2009
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I just switched from a Pre to a Moment. I am trying to get used to Android but it will take some time to get used to it. So far I can see Android doesn't handle calendars as well as the Pre.


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Dec 2, 2009
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In all honesty, after being a Palm user for years nobody UNDERSTANDS calendars and how they are really supposed to work like Palm does. It is sad but Palm had Calendar programs better than everyone else years ago.


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Apr 29, 2010
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So, maybe someone can help. On the Moment, is there a way to configure the device to show you something, anything, if you miss a call or message and the screen goes back to sleep? I can't find any setting to act as a notification that there is a missed event (no flashing LED or anything).

Any my buddy has a Droid and has the pinch and expand feature with this thumb, I can't seem to activate that. Is that not on the Moment?


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