Anyone using Handcent for SMS/MMS?


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May 17, 2010
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I used Handcent on my OG EVO and decided to move it over to my LTE. I just noticed that none of my contacts' pictures or even my own are showing up on the main screen, only silhouettes. Is anyone else having this issue?

Also, do you have to have the paid MyHandcent account to transfer over settings? I would use Titanium Backup, but I haven't rooted the LTE yet.

EDIT: Digging around I found the issue. Apparently if you have the contacts linked with Facebook and Google, it won't display the pictures. I remove either Facebook or Google and the pictures return. Sounds like a bug on the Handcent app where it can't handle more than 1 link. :\
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Sep 17, 2010
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After having the Evo View for a few months and not being able to use Handcent, I'm ecstatic to be able to use it again.

...Of course, after they finish porting my number over (which was supposed to be done last night.)


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Jun 8, 2010
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I did some digging on this issue this morning as I couldn't get contact pictures to work for Go SMS or Handcent. I really want to use the default messaging app but I miss the notification popup and contact specific ringtones. Anyway the issue has to do with Facebook blocking 3rd party apps from using it's photos.

I found two fixes but both require root and I only tried one solution.

One solution is an app that used to be in the market but got pulled. The app is called Photo Unlocker. Google "com.noshufou.photounlocker". It was a free app on the market. Worked fine for me after I rooted.

I did find another solution on XDA that had people running .sh scripts. This also required root I believe. You can find that solution here, Fix For Broken Facebook Contact Pics In Google Voice ICS Leak Here. - xda-developers. I was going to try it but the app solution worked so well I didn't feel like taking the time.

Hope that helps.
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May 16, 2010
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Call me crazy but I actually think the stock messaging app on this phone is more than sufficient.

3rd party apps have pop-up notifications and unique vibrate patterns. Also you can change the look of the 3rd party apps.

I did some digging on this issue this morning as I couldn't get contact pictures to work for Go SMS or Handcent. I really want to use the default messaging app but I miss the notification popup and contact specific ringtones. Anyway the issue has to do with Facebook blocking 3rd party apps from using it's photos.

I found two fixes but both require root and I only tried one solution.

One solution is an app that used to be in the market but got pulled. The app is called Photo Unlocker. Google "com.noshufou.photounlocker". It was a free app on the market. Worked fine for me after I rooted.

I did find another solution on XDA that had people running .sh scripts. This also required root I believe. You can find that solution here, Fix For Broken Facebook Contact Pics In Google Voice ICS Leak Here. - xda-developers. I was going to try it but the app solution worked so well I didn't feel like taking the time.

Hope that helps.

There's another solution I read about using an app, SyncMyPix. It actually fetches all of your Facebook profile photos and syncs them with your Google profile. Has anybody used this app yet?


Resident Linux Fiend
Apr 4, 2011
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Used handcent until I could no longer find it on the market, switched to chomp.

Same difference, had that issue on my photon, thanks for the suggestions

Sent using my MoPho-King photon


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Jun 8, 2010
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There's another solution I read about using an app, SyncMyPix. It actually fetches all of your Facebook profile photos and syncs them with your Google profile. Has anybody used this app yet?

I used it back in the early days of Cyanogen on my OG EVO when it wasn't able to sync FB pictures automatically and it didn't work very well. Contact pictures tended to get mixed up. Maybe it's better now.


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May 17, 2010
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Thanks to the suggestions. I will have to try that app if I root it this weekend.

So I'm having another issue with Handcent. When I get a text, the icon pops up in the notification bar, but unlike my OG EVO it does not show the text message. Any ideas? I toggled privacy mode on and off and it didn't make a difference.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


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Apr 24, 2012
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I have the same issues with the message not showing in the notification bar.

To correct the picture issue I found that SyncMyPix didn't work, and I'm not rooted so the other options are out but what does work and is a pain to do is manually assigning contact pictures to everyone.


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Oct 9, 2011
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I've used notify light along with the stock messaging app and that worked great on my photon whenever Handsent was glitching on me. ( missing contact pics at random, multiple repeat texts) haven't tried it yet on my Ltevo.

Sent from my wicked EVO ONE using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2011
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ive always used handcent, but to get around the problem with no pics loading, i just turned the pics off. i dont care if theyre there or not. i just like the customization of handcent.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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Handcent is the best SMS app bar none. It works exacly the same for me as it did on the original Evo. It gets the images of the people from my contacts which in turn gets them from my Google Contacts so no problems.

<Insert FB Rant>
I frekin HATE FB and am sick and tired of this trend to attach every damn thing to it!
More and more web sites are now using your FB to log onto their site. STOP THE MADNESS!!!! Just let me keep my damn account as it is! I stopped using sites that do this.
</End Rant>
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Apr 26, 2010
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Chomp is basically the same thing.... But to each their own

Sent using my MoPho-King photon

I have not tried that one. I may have to. I am always open minded to use new apps. I am never married to only one. I like to fool around. i:Di
I do love the metal skin on top of handcent though. It looks cool!

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