[APP] GhostPhone


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Aug 3, 2011
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GhostPhone is an application that allows you to manage calls and sms messages in a completely anonymous way. The calls sent/received and the sms messages sent/received are not recorded in the standard log of the phone. The application allows you to manage reserved contacts from a special phonebook, where you can make calls and send sms messages without leaving any trace. Sms messages received from a reserved contact in the GhostPhone phonebook are not logged in inbox, but are registered in the GhostPhone reserved list of messages. GhostPhone is not present among the applications that run from the Home screen of your phone, but you must start it by calling the special number 9991. As you can see for yourself the features of the Ghostphone phonebook are similar to the standard phonebook. Obviously, through the 'Settings' menu you can customize the number to call to access the GhostPhone. By using application settings you can also set a notification indicator in the statusbar of the phone for messages sent by private numbers, as well as eliminate the notifications of missed calls from reserved numbers. Forgot your PIN access code? Call 9999 to receive it on your email. Make your phone vanish into thin air! Try GhostPhone!

Full Version -> market.android.com/details?id=com.denper.gp
Trial Version -> market.android.com/details?id=com.denper.gptrial

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