Apple plans to file suit against Motorola because of Xoom


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
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This is Apple being Apple. They are one of the most litigious companies in electronics. And this is a prime example of the BS they continually spew.

Apple didn't invent the tablet format. They made theirs thinner and lighter, but that's the direction all mobile technologies goes in.. smaller, faster, thinner, lighter, etc...

It is ironic. Apple is credited as being innovators and inventors, yet they have innovated and/or invented almost nothing. They didn't invent the PC, although they can argue they invented the actual term "PC". They didn't invent the MP3 player. They didn't invent the smart phone. They didn't invent the tablet.

The thing they offer is the support network behind their copied-from-someone-else devices.

What else will they copy and lay claim to as if they invented it?

If the devil were a company, he would be Apple.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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I sincerely hope that every single tablet manufacturer there would come together and file one giant lawsuit against Apple for being anti-competitive. Maybe then Apple will learn something.

I fail to see how Xoom looks like an iPad. 10.1 might look like an iPad, but Xoom is completely different. Everything about it is different, from ports to weight, form and button location.


Android Addict
Feb 25, 2011
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To me, this just shows that the XOOM (and Android tablets in general) are gaining momentum.

You guys are right. Apple is pathetic. They sue everybody, all the time. It would be interesting to see how much money they spend on legal services, and also how much of the courts time they tie up with this crap.

Pathetic. I don't own an Apple product now, and I will NEVER own one in the future. I've had their stuff in the past, but the company is so arrogant it really turns me off.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
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This is Apple being Apple.

What else will they copy and lay claim to as if they invented it?

If the devil were a company, he would be Apple.

Well, they stole the windows concept for the first Mac from Xerox, then sued MicroSoft for trying to make something that looked similar. I guess they been doing the same old stuff since the mid 80's.

But, that's how it goes with feeble old men who rule and run their corporate enterprises with a iron fist.

Still, you have to hand it to C. Montgomery Burns, er, I mean Steve Jobs - Damn! those two look and act so much alike I keep getting them confused.


Feb 19, 2010
No they are suing over the fact that the xoom looks just like the ipad. Both are rectangular have a screen.

They both have a battery too. ;) This all is just getting silly. Think about how much more they would make as a company if they didn't have all these legal fees.

sent by CyanogenMod X


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2010
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This just in! Apple patents the shape "rectangle".

I really hope all these lawsuits blow up in Apple's face. They are trying to eliminate the consumers freedom of choice by suing the pants off any competing device. As each day goes by and another lawsuit is announced I become more and more assured that I made the right choice of going with Android. I don't want to be associated with a company that's only way to compete is to eliminate its competition. Mark my words this is the beginning of a transfer of power from Apple to Android it may take a few years but with Androids momentum and a lot of people being turned away from Apple's products based on it politics. The way I look at it all this is good for Android in the long run.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2011
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This just in! Apple patents the shape "rectangle".

I really hope all these lawsuits blow up in Apple's face. They are trying to eliminate the consumers freedom of choice by suing the pants off any competing device. As each day goes by and another lawsuit is announced I become more and more assured that I made the right choice of going with Android. I don't want to be associated with a company that's only way to compete is to eliminate its competition. Mark my words this is the beginning of a transfer of power from Apple to Android it may take a few years but with Androids momentum and a lot of people being turned away from Apple's products based on it politics. The way I look at it all this is good for Android in the long run.
Android is superior in nearly every way. Why would I want a device that's locked down to the point that it feels like a child's toy.

Google is about to rule the world. Android + Google Plus + Choice of handset manufacturer + Google running blazing fast internet lines to customers = dominance.

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2011
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We all know that once iOS5 comes out, Apple is going to sue Google because the pull down notification bar is the same.

I think Google would have a case against them, maybe. They (Apple) did this not long after the Nexus One came out, they sued HTC. I don't know what came of that, maybe it's still in the courts. Copyright and patent stuff can get really deep and, there is a lot involved.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
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I think Google would have a case against them, maybe. They (Apple) did this not long after the Nexus One came out, they sued HTC. I don't know what came of that, maybe it's still in the courts. Copyright and patent stuff can get really deep and, there is a lot involved.

I hate to say it, but chances are we will never know the outcome. Apple usually isn't going for a court order, they want to bargain.

Apple must feel vulnerable in some way against Motorola, so they sue in order to improve their position to negotiate from. Apple sued my company. We counter sued. Even as an employee with connections, I never found out what went down. All I know is we do a thriving biz with them and nothing has changed on our side. ;-) What we may, or may not, have negotiated with them is in a sealed document. The rumor is the case was without merit and everyone just went home. But that's just a rumor circulating among employees... bias employees. What actually happened is a secret we just don't know.

This is the way of the corporate world. There is usually never a day of vindication.

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