Apple User's Guide to Android

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Plus Apple's music is not your music. It has DCIM. If you try to move it to a new phone, you may or may not be allowed to because it is not your music.

I think that's "DRM" (Digital Rights Management). Also, iTunes has recently removed all DRM. That's why most of the songs went from $.99 to $1.29. I know this because I came from iPhone and had to "upgrade" all my older DRM music to iTunes Plus (their way of getting another 30 cents out of you for songs you already paid for) to be able to use it on my Inspire.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending iTunes/Apple. Just want everyone to have the facts.
miss my silence switch

I need to be able to reach in my pocket and turn off the sound. There are times when you just can't take the phone out and futz with it. I loved that I could flip a switch on the iphone in my pocket and feel the confirmatory vibration. THERE HAS GOT to be an app that allows me to do that with one of the hard buttons on the galaxy...but I can't find it. They are all widgets or apps that I have to unlock the phone for. PLEASE someone develop this or tell me where there is one.

One other pet peeve. The "home" button is not a real button and it isn't lit up... so I can't see it or feel it. I miss that!
Re: miss my silence switch

I need to be able to reach in my pocket and turn off the sound...
Five options:
1. Slide the lockscreen notification to open the app and unlock the phone
2. Hold down the Volumn down button
3. Put SilentMode OnOff toggle on the lockscreen with Executive Assistant or WidgetLocker Lockscreen
4. Use Light Flow to automatically turn off sounds during times you can't have sounds.
5. Use Tasker to automatically turn off sounds at certain times or when you are at a location such as work or school.
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Re: miss my silence switch

Five options:
1. Slide the lockscreen notification to open the app and unlock the phone
not sure how to do this in my pocket
2. Hold down the Volumn down button
have to unlock phone first
3. Put SilentMode OnOff toggle on the lockscreen with Executive Assistant or WidgetLocker Lockscreen
I like widget locker but again, can't do in my pocket... and it doesn't have built in security.. I have to then do the regular lock screen
4. Use Light Flow to automatically turn off sounds during times you can't have sounds.
looked at this.. not sure how it helps me...
5. Use Tasker to automatically turn off sounds at certain times or when you are at a location such as work or school.

This is a possibility... will try this

Thanks.. I love the skyrocket... this is just one important feature that I wish it had.
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Thanks for the great tips. I just switched from iphone to Android and will never look back.

Btw the visual vm previous posters refer to on the iphone is different than on Android phone. Android is real visual.
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I have been a confirmed mac user for many years. I just had my iphone pinched and decided it was time to get out of prison! I got an unlocked samsung galaxy s2 and I'm swimming in information and a brand new language. I need a lot of help. Particulary syncing my android with my macbookpro: music, photos, contacts calendar. Some I can do through my google acct but not all.
Re: What is the Right Size Phone?

I just purchased the HTC Rezound from Verizon and I will admit I am impressed (not that it takes much). Just wanted to say thanks for the article, just when I needed a few 'tweak' tips you were here for me!!! Right On
I've been looking through the forums but can't find any help on my issue, how can I put movies in my iTunes onto my galaxy s2 skyrocket, I've only had this phone a day and it is awesome, thanks to anyone who can help me!
Hi I hope someone can help me my husbund has a Motorola Droid and I have a I phone cant update for a year,the problem is that my husbund bought me a kindlefire and I like to play some games on facebook but when I try to install them it says I dont have know device how can my husund put his android information on my kindle so I can get to the market please help:cool:
I've been looking through the forums but can't find any help on my issue, how can I put movies in my iTunes onto my galaxy s2 skyrocket, I've only had this phone a day and it is awesome, thanks to anyone who can help me!

Unfortunately iTunes movies have drm. Look at tune4mac though. It's on windows & Mac I believe.
Really glad that I came across this on this forum just digging around, very well written!! 1 week ago today I jumped ship from a iPhone 3GS to a HOX!! I love this thing, just when I think I'm good on knowledge for awhile, I find more stuff that these phones can do!! Also thank you everyone on here for being so helpful!!

Sent from my HTC One X using Android Central Forums
So glad this thread is here. I'm thinking of not getting the new iphone in favor of the Galaxy S III. I'm sold on the features 100%. My real question comes down to using an Android phone with an Apple computer. What's it like using an Android phone with a Macbook? And how does all of that work?

Thanks in advance for any tips and suggestions.
Thank you for this---just discovered after using Samsung Infuse 4G for a year! My biggest problem, as a Mac user, is inability to upgrade firmware. I still have stock, 2.2.1, 1997UCKH1, and am stymied. ATT store cannot help. Samsung does not seem to offer a workaround. Do you know one? I was just trying to download new app, Google Field Trip to my phone and received error message that the app was not compatible with my device; Same for Watch/ESPN. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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