Apps for the new guy

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New member
Mar 3, 2010
Im about to get my droid either before the end of this week or next week and i was wondering whats some good apps for somebody who is new to this phone and android phones period?
barcode scanner, spare parts (to monitor battery usage), ChompSMS or Handcent (Improved messaging/SMS clients from Google's stock one included)..

what do you need out of the phone? There are thousands of apps, depends what you might need out of the phone.
I'm trying to get as much as i can out the phone i went from a iPhone 3g to a blackberry and now I'm getting a droid

thanks for the info guys
I've been using Locale, and a bunch of plugins. It does some neat things. I have it change the settings of my phone based off location, time, calendar events, where I was and where I'm at. Lots of neat things you can do with it.. even auto-twitter..
I've been using Locale, and a bunch of plugins. It does some neat things. I have it change the settings of my phone based off location, time, calendar events, where I was and where I'm at. Lots of neat things you can do with it.. even auto-twitter..

Not to change the subject, but I've been using Setting Profiles, and was thinking about switching to Locale, I was curious if Locale can change the profile when in the docking state (car dock & desk dock)
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