Are you going to miss the notification LED?


Jan 28, 2011
Guess they went with the always on display instead. I really liked it. I'm pretty sure it is NOT on the S8 or S8+, it is not shown anywhere. For those who have the demo phone on AC can confirm. Very disappointed...
Guess they went with the always on display instead. I really liked it. I'm pretty sure it is NOT on the S8 or S8+, it is not shown anywhere. For those who have the demo phone on AC can confirm. Very disappointed...

There is a notification led on both s8's
I saw a few different forum threads stating that there is an LED notification on the Samsung 8 line. Don't worry!
I saw a few different forum threads stating that there is an LED notification on the Samsung 8 line. Don't worry!

Let's hope they don't disable it in the USA version. They do that sometimes, just like they do with FM radio and other small features.
Hope the Led notification works as I don't like the always on display on my S7
Aod is fine for me. I don't rely on the BN notification led
Let's hope they don't disable it in the USA version. They do that sometimes, just like they do with FM radio and other small features.

Why would Samsung disable a notification LED based on market region? That doesn't make sense. I've never understood why they block the FM radio, but they definitely do that one.
The demo models at Best Buy have the led notification. I even double checked it in settings when I went earlier. I am in Louisiana.
Sometimes although the led is present they make it difficult for developers to access it for different color notifications. LightFlow did not work as well on Note 7 as Note 3. Had to use a legacy version.
Let's hope they don't disable it in the USA version. They do that sometimes, just like they do with FM radio and other small features.

I wonder if they sometimes disable it for Canadian versions as well? I have yet to frequent a Rogers or Bell store so I am unsure of this as of yet.

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