Are your N7's still Buttery Smooth?


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Jan 19, 2011
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I don know if it started after the recent updates or if it could be because my screen started lifting, but my nexus 7 has been pretty choppy lately. Choppy zooming in and out on articles, scrolling threw articles and apps like notes, etc. Finger scrolling is also a pita because when I drag my finger across the screen it seems to react less than desired. My iPhone 4S and the wife's kindle Fire (1st gen) both are way easier to flick around. Has anyone else experienced similar issues lately?

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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How often do you do a complete power off and power on cycle? I find that Android devices tend to get kind of sluggish over time if you don't do a shutdown/restart, just like PCs.
Nov 20, 2012
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It was buttery smooth on 4.1, when I first upgraded to 4.2 it was unbearably laggy so I did a factory reset which has made it quicker but still nowhere near what it was on 4.1. It's really disappointed me to be honest. I gave up installing custom roms after moving to Nexus devices (I just can't be bothered anymore) but 4.2 has made me consider going back to it.


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Dec 9, 2012
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I got the device just a few weeks ago and immediately upgraded to 4.2, so I don't have any point of comparison. However, I find that the tablet is incredibly smooth and I am very happy with it.


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Aug 8, 2012
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If I download any more applications, my device gets noticeably slow. I have about three gigabytes free.

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Sep 9, 2010
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If I include audio performance, the N7 is not even close to "buttery smooth". Even with local music files just playing through the speaker, there are random audio dropouts. When I use Pandora (super fast connection) it skips way more. When I use BT, both local music and Pandora have far more dropouts. If I USE the N7 for something while music is playing, the dropouts are numerous to the point of music isn't fun to listen to. On my Note 2, I can stream Pandora thru BT all day long, use all the internet apps as much as I like and there isn't ANY dropouts. My N7 has been reset several times...

For this reason, I give my N7 an overall "C" grade. If it weren't for the audio issues, screen ghosting, and periodic slowdowns that I've mentioned before, it would be great. oh, and the lack of color saturation is another issue for me...


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Oct 6, 2010
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Had it shortly after release. Always been smooth, but I don't task to hard on it.

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Sep 9, 2010
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everything is relative. Because I have a Note 2, the deficiencies of the N7 have become far more apparent (not that the issues I mentioned earlier went unnoticed prior to my Note 2 purchase).


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Jan 19, 2011
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I reset mine once every day(it gets shut off after reading at night). Interesting you mentioned how much room is on the device. Ill have to check mine when I get it back from Asus. I believe that I should still have a TON of room though since I don't have anything on it except apps.


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Jul 22, 2012
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Nope. From a fresh reboot it lags when opening apps, selecting anything, which includes using the keyboard, has a delay. Minimizing apps lags and it stutters when scrolling through the desktop. Bluetooth is horrible in 4.2 with bad audio stuttering and has a delay in YouTube. Can't do anything while downloading, streaming or anything that taxes the hard drive because the Nexus slows to a halt. This is my first and my last Android device so I'm just waiting for a retina display ipad mini to be announced.

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Nov 18, 2012
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I have kept mine running 4.1.2 until I hear the problems are resolved. As far as lag and Android in general goes, based on Y experience with my last Froyo tablet of you get bellow X amount of of free memory the device will lag. X depends on the device. My wife's kindle fire got lagging real bad. I showed her how to remove the billion apps she had on it that she wasn't using and it runs great now. In your case that doesn't appear to be the issue.

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Dec 18, 2012
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Nope. From a fresh reboot it lags when opening apps, selecting anything, which includes using the keyboard, has a delay. Minimizing apps lags and it stutters when scrolling through the desktop. Bluetooth is horrible in 4.2 with bad audio stuttering and has a delay in YouTube. Can't do anything while downloading, streaming or anything that taxes the hard drive because the Nexus slows to a halt. This is my first and my last Android device so I'm just waiting for a retina display ipad mini to be announced.

Sent from a tablet, using an app that I purchased from an app store that appends this signature below my post to make me look superior in social status to everyone else.

Return it, you've got a defective unit, most likely something wrong with flash memory.


Active member
Dec 18, 2012
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I don know if it started after the recent updates or if it could be because my screen started lifting, but my nexus 7 has been pretty choppy lately. Choppy zooming in and out on articles, scrolling threw articles and apps like notes, etc. Finger scrolling is also a pita because when I drag my finger across the screen it seems to react less than desired. My iPhone 4S and the wife's kindle Fire (1st gen) both are way easier to flick around. Has anyone else experienced similar issues lately?

Download watchdog and make sure you don't have an app that is misbehaving.


Jul 20, 2012
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I have noticed that my nexus was very smooth on 4.1(when you could not rotate to landscape) when I went to 4.2 the lags started to come. I suffered through it for a while then I started experimenting and I turned off auto rotate and my lags have stopped. I hope that helps.

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Aug 9, 2012
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Mine still runs buttery smooth. Yes, there are occasional lags, but nothing that's detrimental to the performance. I've read that it tends to lag and freeze when you get below the 3 GB available storage threshold, and if that's true, I'd say that's a software issue that DEFINITELY needs to be remedied in a future patch or OS upgrade. Also, if true, that would explain why mine still runs smoothly as I still have a lot of avaiable storage because I don't keep music and video files saved to the device itself (I either use the MP3s storaged on my Bionic or I stream my Google Music library on the N7).


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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If I include audio performance, the N7 is not even close to "buttery smooth". Even with local music files just playing through the speaker, there are random audio dropouts. When I use Pandora (super fast connection) it skips way more. When I use BT, both local music and Pandora have far more dropouts. If I USE the N7 for something while music is playing, the dropouts are numerous to the point of music isn't fun to listen to. On my Note 2, I can stream Pandora thru BT all day long, use all the internet apps as much as I like and there isn't ANY dropouts. My N7 has been reset several times...

For this reason, I give my N7 an overall "C" grade. If it weren't for the audio issues, screen ghosting, and periodic slowdowns that I've mentioned before, it would be great. oh, and the lack of color saturation is another issue for me...

4.2 screwed up Bluetooth + Wi-Fi streaming. I've noticed skipping with Netflix and Pandora. Podcasts skip until buffering has finished.

It's been more than a month since the update came out. I would have thought this would be fixed by now. :-[

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2011
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Today I went to two stores and played with the Nexus they had. Both tablets were updated with the latest software but they were noticeably different in performance. The 1st one was nice, with the smallest flick of my finger it glided through screens, and was generally pretty smooth. The 2nd Nexus though was like mine and I had to drag my finger a good ways for screen transitions. Also a couple times I would swipe and the screen wouldn't move just like mine does.

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