AT&T G4 acting dead


New member
Mar 25, 2013
I have an AT&T G4. Was using it this morning, put it down, picked it back up and it's unresponsive.


* Phone is not rooted.
* The phone starts up with the LG G4 screen, but will not go further.
* On hard factory reset, it gives me the "Want to wipe all your data" confirmation screen, I select yes and it immediately goes to the LG G4 startup screen. In all of the demos of this I have seen, it should be taking me to an android bot image as the factory reset begins.
* It then proceeds to do a cycle between LG G4 startup screen for 5-10 seconds - black for 2 seconds - LG G4 startup screen for 5-10 seconds - black for 2 seconds - LG G4 startup screen for 5-10 seconds before going black and powering off.
* I pulled the battery, replaced it with a fully charged one so am confident that is not it.
* I connected to a USB port on OS X and I see the 99% charged screen on the phone after connecting.

I'm stuck at this point. Any ideas other than going back to the AT&T store where I expect them to be completely unhelpful? "Purchased" in June through Best Buy and the AT&T Next Plan.
Go online and chat with att support. They'll either find a service center near you, or will issue you an RMA. I replaced mine earlier this month for different reasons. Just be prepared, the buttons and camera on the replacement most likely won't be BB blue :/
The store won't help. You need an at&t device support Center to fix or replace if there is one near you. If not then just call and they'll replace it. This is true for any device under the one year warranty.
The same thing happened to me last night. I went to my local warranty/exchange center today and they ordered a new one to be sent to me. When I get it I send back the dead G4. Nothing I or they could do to revive it.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Seems like a common theme lately. Try going to a support center, they will place an order to ship it to you. If you ask they can even overnight it with no problem. I had the same problem like 2 or 3 weeks ago, I still don't understand what happened.

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