AT&T HTC One X shipments indefinitely delayed


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Jan 21, 2011
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I've just finished reading this article. The patent system is really hurting us consumers and hindering innovation. :-\
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May 13, 2012
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Leave it Crapple to cry foul if someone else makes a smartphone. I'm glad to have gotten my one x exchanged before the store ran out of stock. :)
May 6, 2012
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But our lord and savior Jesus Jobs :'(

Glad I got my One X last week. I've had an iPhone, and it (and my just-retired Windows phone) just pales in comparison.

Idiotic lawsuits like this don't solve anything. It just makes life harder on the consumer and creates a lot of extraneous BS that absolutely doesn't need to be there.


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May 10, 2012
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Somebody needs to remake the classic 1984 Apple commercial, just all the drones are isheep tapping away at their iPhones and the runner throws a one X through a giant IPad.


Jan 28, 2011
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Thankfully I got my order in last week and it went out after they received a shipment over the weekend. Less than 12 hours until it's in my hands :)


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Jul 16, 2010
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Not only are these 2 little patent infringements minor squabbles... but Apple actually had 94% of the smartphone profits last year. Samsung with the other 5%. HTC is JUST now getting back into the game with an amazing phone (I know, I own it)... and Apple is like "NOPE, NO COMPETITION PLEASE."

I absolutely hate apple. Seriously. #(&%*# those guys.


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Jun 17, 2010
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Can anyone with an HTC One X check if HTC removed the option to select an action after clicking on a linked phone number?
See the following article for more info on how HTC thought they were going to avoid infringement of Apple's patent: HTC: Data-Tapping Feature Will Remain on Phones | News & Opinion |

I just went to a web page with a phone number, touched the phone number, and it took me immediately to the phone dial menu with that phone number pre-filled in, so no it did not provide me with an option to select an action, it just went to the default action.


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Sep 11, 2011
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Me too I hate apple , why don't Google/android sued apple for stealing the notification status bar and other stuff. I just don't get. :confused:

I hope it happens to apple when their new iPhone 5 come out! Having their fans get their new device until weeks after launch day.:D

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I Monarch

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Apr 18, 2011
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I updated my international One X with the update they pushed out last night. That didn't change the interactions. I emailed myself a phone number and was able to click-to-call it still.


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Jun 21, 2010
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Don't all phones launch the dialer with the # filled in when clicking on a phone # in an email or web page?


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Jun 17, 2010
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Don't all phones launch the dialer with the # filled in when clicking on a phone # in an email or web page?

I think the patent infringement was more specific than that. It had to do with the user touching a phone number (or e-mail etc) and being offered a list of actions from which to choose. HTC says that they've changed it to just perform a default action automatically, and they believe that resolves the patent infringement.

From the article nth79 cited:

"But to clarify, we were found to infringe the interface, not the functionality," an HTC spokeswoman said in an email. "So we will remove the bit that says 'Do you want to call this number? Save this number? SMS this number?' Each found data string will have a default action. A phone number will dial, an email will begin composing an email, et cetera."

I confirmed that at least on my AT&T HOX it is behaving as HTC said: if you tap a phone number on a web page it will just do a default action rather than offer you a list of choices, so it should not be considered in violation of Apple's patent.


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Jul 12, 2010
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If any of you guys are really paying attention, Apple probably has more lawsuits against them then any of the mobile companies. I don't agree with all this patent war stuff, but if they can be sued by everyone, why can they not sue? They had issues with their iPad and iPhone sales in other countries due to Samsung's lawsuit against them. So it's not like Apple is the only company doing it. They are all doing. I don't agree, but I cannot look at Apple as the villan just because it's a phone we want. They are doing the exact thing that others are doing. But each company has the right to protect what they believe is their intellectual property. Now whether it's actually theirs or not is a different story but obviously if a ruling is in favor of someone, then they could be right. I'm all for continued innovation, but when is it no longer innovation and just stealing? Like someone mentioned, Apple devices having the drop down notification is an example. If Apple was sued for this (if it actually was patented by someone), thats not hindering innovation, that's protecting what you one. These companies are in it to make money. If you owned a business and your competitors used your idea or something you create in the same capacity that you do, you'd be upset to. But because we're consumers here, we act as if the businesses should ignore it.

I wonder how much of the criticism has to do with us liking Android. For instance, if iPhone shipments were stopped because of a Samsung judgement, most people in here would applaud the courts and call Apple thieves and so forth. But because it's happening to an Android OEM, it's a point of criticism. Hmmmmmmmm.

Maybe the patent laws need to change. But that's a different conversation. Again, not that I agree with it, but I do understand.
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