AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note7 Ordering Information

So I've ordered mine on the AT&T site on the 3rd. I'm getting the Silver one.

They haven't charged me yet for the taxes either.
Im looking at this order page 3 times a day lol. I cannot wait anymore.
Order says it'll be shipped by the 08/17-08/18.

My Husband on the other hand pre ordered the black note 7 through Best Buy . We just will see who gets it first ... I'm hoping I do lol.

Looks like there is Movement tho in the Tmobile thread, people are getting their order numbers.
Nothing going on with Verizon either. Although for the S7 Edge I never got my shipping information until the Sunday before release which would be tomorrow in this case
First phone I am buying via a non carrier. Getting mine from target. I don't like the at&t offers, they are terrible. So gonna give target a try. If I fail, then I will try Sam's club, and finally an at&t store.
I didn't want the watch and neither the tablet... (both are in my opinion not good enough) if they would of given me a choice of the samsung gear s2 Classic, I would of been on board. What boggles my mind is that they want you to open another line for this tablet... it's so not worth it. TRY to get it through target or sams club... you get Actually something back.

And I'm to chickensh*t to cancel my order now with At&t and go over to target or sams club lol
Here is my most recent status from AT&T

Order date: 08/10/2016 at 8:29:50 p.m. ET
Order status:
Preparing to ship
We're getting your order ready to ship. Expect your items to ship during the dates we gave you.
Thank you for placing your order with us.
Estimated ship dates:
August 17, 2016 - August 18, 2016
Samsung Galaxy Note7
Samsung Galaxy Note7
So I've ordered mine on the AT&T site on the 3rd. I'm getting the Silver one.

They haven't charged me yet for the taxes either.
Im looking at this order page 3 times a day lol. I cannot wait anymore.
Order says it'll be shipped by the 08/17-08/18.

My Husband on the other hand pre ordered the black note 7 through Best Buy . We just will see who gets it first ... I'm hoping I do lol.

Looks like there is Movement tho in the Tmobile thread, people are getting their order numbers.

Are you sure they haven't charged you with taxes for the phone yet? Pretty sure AT&T charges you automatically for the taxes right when you order the phone.

Posted via the Android Central App
I ordered on the website as well and have not been charged with taxes. I have alerts from my bank for any charges so I'll know as soon as they take their money. Hopefully we join our Tmo brethren with shipping info soon!

Posted via the Android Central App
Order date: 08/05/2016 at 6:10:11 p.m. ET
Order status: Preparing to ship

We're getting your order ready to ship. Expect your items to ship during the dates we gave you.
Thank you for placing your order with us.
Estimated ship dates: August 17, 2016 - August 18, 2016
Bobxxz : nope no charges from at&t yet. But Best Buy on the other hand charged my hubby already lol ..he ordered it through them.

I think we will see the latest on Monday that they will start charging us. Dang it can't it already be happening?
That's weird then. When I ordered the note 7 it instantly charged me $61 for the taxes automatically.

Posted via the Android Central App
Yeah it is. But our bank is sometimes slow (USAA) and on my Installment plan it still says pending.... I just checked it uder Bills & payments .
First phone I am buying via a non carrier. Getting mine from target. I don't like the at&t offers, they are terrible. So gonna give target a try. If I fail, then I will try Sam's club, and finally an at&t store.
Did they (Target) offer insurance?
I was told I wouldn't be charged for taxes until the phone shipped. Well, I was charged today! It's going to be soon! My account still says preparing to ship though.
I ordered on the 7th. Nothing but preparing to ship. Probably not getting mine early.

Posted via the Android Central App
I think we will get them the same time the TMO people get theirs. AT&T's site just doesn't give particularly helpful status updates.
For anybody who has preordered with AT&T in the past, what carrier and option do they ship with? UPS 2-day?
I was told by a rep that all preorders are shipped with FedEx Express 1-3 days. I know it's stupid to be mad that T-Mobile customers get theirs early and we don't but it still bothers me. However, it it ships Wednesday the 17th and we don't get it until Monday 8/22, I'll be irate.
You think You're irate...get this...If USPS is sending your device you probably won't get it on the Day you asked for it to be delivered. I ordered a replacement S pen for my Note 5 and it was supposed to be delivered TODAY by USPS because I picked One day shipping. It Never showed up. USPS better not screw you potential Note 7 users as well!

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