Audio "Playback Time"


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2014
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Hey guys, I have a minor concern about Audio Playback for the Galaxy Note 4.

For some reason, it seems like playing Audio is just a HUGE battery drain for no reason. I feel it shouldn't be this way at all. According to the website the Note 4 should be getting "up to" 80 hours of Audio Playback. I understand that figure is a little unrealistic, but I am not even getting HALF of that. I'm barely even seeing a quarter.

Steps I've taken so far.
Updated to latest OS.
Did a clean install.
Cleared the cache partition.
Made sure there are no "running" apps besides music.
I even turned Airplane Mode on (which defeats the purpose of having the phone, but I'm just doing this for testing purposes)
Installed a new battery (3 cycles in)

So even after all of that the battery seems to be sipping away at a rate that's about 1% every 10-15 minutes which seems a little excessive for simple music playback and nothing else.

My iPod Touch 6 and iPhone 6 under these same conditions can easily run about 25-30+ minutes per 1% tick which ironically places them at 40 hours and 50 hours respectively; the same number quoted by Apple.The Note 4 ideally should be able to run roughly 50 minutes per tick, but it doesn't, at least not for me.

I actually enjoy the quality of music provided by the Note 4, but the way it sips battery just from playing music isn't attractive. I know, you can swap the battery (which I did), quick charge, etc. But these numbers are WAY off and am wondering if this is a universal thing.

Additional notes:
Stock music app.
Equalizer is on. (Didn't really see a difference with it off.)

Something I just noticed before posting: Music and "Media Server" seems to have high "Stay Awake" times. Now I'm no expert but I do know usually you'd want the lowest Stay Awake time possible. Does the CPU really need to be running at full blast to play Audio?

Sasha Kaplan

Well-known member
Dec 17, 2014
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Try different app to play your music.
Then you can compare the battery usage and maybe figure out what's wrong

Posted via the Android Central App


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2014
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I have tried that, not only are the other music players clunkier for my taste, they seem to sip a little bit more than stock. So at this point I've figured out the "problem."

In the attached as you can see during my sleep, I left music playing hence the super long "Stay Awake" time. Does anyone know why the phone can't go into a deep sleep? Being awake for so long has is having a negative impact on battery. I went to bed at 4 AM with 68%, woke up at 11 AM with 51% ;_;
17% in 7 hours during AIRPLANE Mode with no other apps running.

Is this a bug, or is this how Android intends to handle this process? If it's the latter, I guess I'll just stick to playing music only on my iPod / iPhone, though I do like the sound quality of the Note 4.


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