Bad warranty Experience


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2015
In a nutshell, a full battery charge easily got me through a full day. Now my battery drains pretty quickly, often requiring 2-3charges throughout the day.

Sent it in for warranty service and when I got it back, absolutely nothing was done to the phone. Ive contacted Motorola and they are slowly moving me through their tedious escalation process. I doubt they will put a new battery in after all is said and done.
In a nutshell, a full battery charge easily got me through a full day. Now my battery drains pretty quickly, often requiring 2-3charges throughout the day.

Sent it in for warranty service and when I got it back, absolutely nothing was done to the phone. Ive contacted Motorola and they are slowly moving me through their tedious escalation process. I doubt they will put a new battery in after all is said and done.
That stinks! My battery life has really degraded over time also. The least they can do is stick a new battery in there. My theory is that quick charging over time has really hurt the battery.
My battery life has become equally abysmal. I leave it plugged in now whenever I have access to a charger, regardless of whether it needs a charge.
I was thinking of sending my phone in for warranty service for the battery as well. I've done it once already and they replace the entire phone with a new customized one (cellular did not work). I don't want to send it in again if they don't do anything to it....I get about 1.5-2.5 hours of on-screen time when I used to get 4 hours; need to charge 3 times a day when I used to only charge in the evening. Not much else has changed...even tried eliminating all my apps. Battery has degraded....
Before you send it in do a restore to factory settings. I was having real issues with the battery draining and after a wipe and reinstall it was 1000 times better!
Before you send it in do a restore to factory settings. I was having real issues with the battery draining and after a wipe and reinstall it was 1000 times better!

Sorry about hijacking the thread, but I'm curious how painful the FR was. How much did you lose and have to recreate after the reset?

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