Basic Calendar app?


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2013
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Hi, I use Cyanogenmod on a Mot X and was annoyed to find that their Calendar app needs online access. DUH.

Can anyone please recommend a calendar app that stores the data on the phone. I spend most of my time away from towers or wifi. My old $29 Lumia 520, did it all fine, so am bit shocked with Cyano. I do NOT want to go back to the 520. :D !!


Retired Moderator
May 23, 2010
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Hi, I use Cyanogenmod on a Mot X and was annoyed to find that their Calendar app needs online access. DUH.

Can anyone please recommend a calendar app that stores the data on the phone. I spend most of my time away from towers or wifi. My old $29 Lumia 520, did it all fine, so am bit shocked with Cyano. I do NOT want to go back to the 520. :D !!

Welcome to the forums!

Google offers a straight forward calendar application. It's available for free in the Play Store. There are others available and work just as good if not better.