Since a while, my M8 is giving me some problems. Mostly, when the battery gets below around 75%, it turns off when taking a photo. That's odd, but apart from that, it was sort of livable.
Since a week or so however, the battery drain has been going from 'faster than it used to be' to just insanely fast. I don't mean the usual 'my battery is already at 50% by lunch time!' kind of fast, I mean, around 1% per one or two minutes when the phone is not being used and the screen brightness is at it's lowest.
After searching online, I found some advice on battery calibration, which would also be achieved by doing a factory reset. I backed everything up, did a factory reset.......and the problem did not change a bit. Within minutes the battery was down to 90%, after restarting it was already at 86% and then turned off a couple seconds later before I could even do anything.
My phone has never been rooted and quite honestly I'm not planning to do that kind of stuff, so that's mostly off the table if that would even be an option. Which other options, besides another factory reset which I seriously doubt would help, do I have? My main solution in mind is looking for another phone, which after two years might not be the worst thing ever anyway, but still.
Since a while, my M8 is giving me some problems. Mostly, when the battery gets below around 75%, it turns off when taking a photo. That's odd, but apart from that, it was sort of livable.
Since a week or so however, the battery drain has been going from 'faster than it used to be' to just insanely fast. I don't mean the usual 'my battery is already at 50% by lunch time!' kind of fast, I mean, around 1% per one or two minutes when the phone is not being used and the screen brightness is at it's lowest.
After searching online, I found some advice on battery calibration, which would also be achieved by doing a factory reset. I backed everything up, did a factory reset.......and the problem did not change a bit. Within minutes the battery was down to 90%, after restarting it was already at 86% and then turned off a couple seconds later before I could even do anything.
My phone has never been rooted and quite honestly I'm not planning to do that kind of stuff, so that's mostly off the table if that would even be an option. Which other options, besides another factory reset which I seriously doubt would help, do I have? My main solution in mind is looking for another phone, which after two years might not be the worst thing ever anyway, but still.