Battery issues


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2015
Okay, my wife has had her honor for a few days and she works in the medical field. Service in buildings are great and she came home from work with a little over 20% battery left on her Honor 8. She used it for maybe 35 minutes today at lunch and right after work but what in the world is causing this?

Are there any tips you recommend to help with the battery life? The phone was on the lower screen resolution when this happened so im not sure what to do now. Thanks guys!
Check her power plan. What is it set to? Does she have any apps whitelisted?
she has it set to the performance, but still....80% from sitting in her pocket for 8 hours? She disabled apps running in the background because facebook and google maps was running in the background.
That's strange. Oh! I just thought of something.
Go to settings->smart assistance and check if touch-disable mode is on. If it's off, that can be the issue.
This is waaaaay off from what I'm experiencing. Just checking my stats from today, I've been off the charger for 11 hours, with 2 hrs 4 minutes SOT, at 65% left. Yesterday I had much more SOT (4-5) but about 12 hours off the charger with 25% left.

The battery monitor should tell you what's using most of your power. You can also try GSam battery monitor, I've used it for years to find bad apps.
I would try to use wakelock Detector to see if someone app is keeping the phone awake
My battery life has been amazing. Getting average of 5.5 Hours SOT and lasting early morning to nearly bed time. using Smart battery settings and no auto brightness. Set it at just under 50% brightness. Coming from Samsung where I always had to bend over backwards and turn everything off to get good battery life I'm impressed. I optimize a few times a day but that's it. Able to run actual apps like Facebook etc that are power hungry where I always used through browser on my Note 5 because they sucked battery.
My battery life has been amazing. Getting average of 5.5 Hours SOT and lasting early morning to nearly bed time. using Smart battery settings and no auto brightness. Set it at just under 50% brightness. Coming from Samsung where I always had to bend over backwards and turn everything off to get good battery life I'm impressed. I optimize a few times a day but that's it. Able to run actual apps like Facebook etc that are power hungry where I always used through browser on my Note 5 because they sucked battery.

On the note 5, Samsung sometimes won't kick apps that have used too much resources out of memory.on the note 7, Samsung does do your experience might be better if you had a note 7 vs a note 5
If its a brand new device maybe it was still syncing everything, being in poor reception would cause it to drain pretty awfully. I usually don't use a device until I have fully updated and synced all my apps/contacts/etc, if I also transfer my sms this can take hours.
If its a brand new device maybe it was still syncing everything, being in poor reception would cause it to drain pretty awfully. I usually don't use a device until I have fully updated and synced all my apps/contacts/etc, if I also transfer my sms this can take hours.

Op said service was great.
Thanks guys. We did s little tweaking on the phone and turned off a few things. When she got off today she had 80% left which is much better than 20-25% the day before.

We turned off Bluetooth, wifi, and turned off the searching for printer.
Thanks guys. We did s little tweaking on the phone and turned off a few things. When she got off today she had 80% left which is much better than 20-25% the day before.

We turned off Bluetooth, wifi, and turned off the searching for printer.

It could be the printer, but check that touch-disable mode. I have WiFi on all the time without any issues. Hopefully you will find something that works for her.
@Jcblack - glad you were able to get things fixed up. I haven't experienced any issues like what you were having... so strange.

@libra89 - such great support from you in this thread! Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge!!
+1 to what James said . Libra89 has been very helpful,not only in this thread but in the honor 8 forum!
There is a advanced settings->battery manager->protected apps. Here if you enable the apps they will continue to run even if you jump to another app.
There is a advanced settings->battery manager->protected apps. Here if you enable the apps they will continue to run even if you jump to another app.

Or you can enable the minimum needed,so as to optimize battery life
I'm at 84% right now and 42 minutes SOT. Mostly Tapatalk and Chrome usage. A bit of Instagram, Flipboard, Camera and Play Newsstand.
After a few more days with the honor 8, SOT is great with videos or web browsing. But battery drops quite quickly when using Bluetooth (maybe this is normal, but I've never really noticed)

Currently, I've been unplugged for 6 hours, 1 hour 45 minutes SOT (almost exclusively web browsing) and 1 hour with Pandora playing over Bluetooth, with 75% battery remaining. Most of that drained while Pandora was on.

I'd like to test how many hours of SOT I can manage with just web browsing... But I don't have enough time to do that :)
After a few more days with the honor 8, SOT is great with videos or web browsing. But battery drops quite quickly when using Bluetooth (maybe this is normal, but I've never really noticed)

Currently, I've been unplugged for 6 hours, 1 hour 45 minutes SOT (almost exclusively web browsing) and 1 hour with Pandora playing over Bluetooth, with 75% battery remaining. Most of that drained while Pandora was on.

I'd like to test how many hours of SOT I can manage with just web browsing... But I don't have enough time to do that :)

Fitbit app has been causing some drain, there is some issues syncing my alta to my device. I suspect this is an issue with the fitbit and the app continually retrying connect to the device though, I do not think it is a fault of the phone.
Fitbit app has been causing some drain, there is some issues syncing my alta to my device. I suspect this is an issue with the fitbit and the app continually retrying connect to the device though, I do not think it is a fault of the phone.

Probably the device, or just the nature of the Bluetooth system. I never really noticed quick drain like this on my other phones, but I always had them plugged in in my car. Who knows.

Random update on today's battery life: with 1 hr of Bluetooth streaming, 20 minutes of YouTube streaming, and 5 hours 15 minutes SOT. I'm at 32% battery, with 11 hours 48 minutes off the charger.

Gsam says my highest SOT was 7 hours 14 minutes. That may be true, but that wasnt over the course of a whole day. Rather a 4-5 hour set-up-binge followed by some web browsing. No calling or video or camera.

So that's what I'm seeing with this battery. My max SOT from my moto x was just over 3 hours. And avg over the course of two years was under 2 hours. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy with the Honor 8's battery (even if it could have been even bigger) .

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