Battery Life: Moto X 2014 vs. Nexus 6


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2014
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Hello, Moto people

Coming into the launch of the Nexus 6, I was sure that it was going to be my next phone. After playing with a test model, I was even more sure; stock Lollipop out of the box and the promise of updates for the next 2-3 years (Android M-O, perhaps?), and the dual front-facing speakers, which sound awesome, were selling points to me. The screen, although gigantic, seems like I could get used to it in time, especially with more real estate for the keyboard. Then there's the big battery. It's the price, however, that concerns me.

Here's my question for those of you that have the Moto X 2014: Can you give me reasons to justify possibly going for the Moto X, instead? For fun, I played around with Moto Maker, and the phone I designed came to $475 for a 32 GB variant, which is not bad at all. I love the idea of Moto Voice, Moto Actions, Moto Assist and Moto Display (which btw, seems to work MUCH better than Ambient Display on the Nexus 6). These features are so useful, in my opinion. The ability to have your own custom launch phrase is great; you don't have to worry about saying "OK, Google" in passing and having the phone wake up.

Just so you know, I'm coming from an international variant S3, and I can't stomach TouchWiz and its useless (to me) features; 95% of which I don't use. Battery life is of major importance to me. Although I'm not a gamer, nor am I a photographer, I do text often and have phone conversations periodically throughout the day. I also listen to music and browse YouTube and the web. As such, how would the Moto X 2014 hold up in terms of battery life and standby time, given my usage? Should I consider getting it, over the Nexus 6? Thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.


PS: Here is a look at the storage on my S3. Of the 4.5 GB being used, 3+ GB is music.


Cant Miss

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Jan 15, 2013
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I listen to an hour or two of podcasts, quite a few texts, and a good couple of hours on the web, in email, and on various forums each day. With 2 to 3 hours screen on time, I always have plenty battery to spare at the end of the day.

I don't spend enough time on calls to really tell you how much battery they eat. But for the most part I am in a marginal signal area, so I'd have even better battery life if I spent most of my day somewhere that had good signal.

All things considered, I can't think of a phone that actually exists that I would rather own.